
MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)

----------- Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OCs. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. ----------- Your friendly neighborhood loner gets an unexpected love tap from a very famous celebrity in the Otaku Circles. You guessed it—cue dramatic entrance—Truck-kun! Now, he finds himself face to face with a ROB emanating some serious Dumbledore vibes. Not the canon Dumbledore, mind you, but the "Rated M" Dumbledore from AO3. Swiftly filling his wish meter, our hero embarks on a journey, determined not to succumb to the perverse desires that tend to plague isekai tales. No bunny girl thighs for him! Instead, he's got his own book, navigating dreams and desires while staying true to his nice (and realistic) guy persona. Oh, and did he mention? The Great Sage from Tensura is the consciousness of his symbiote. Talk about an unconventional partnership. This story isn't about a guy living in MHA, but rather a guy from our universe 'experiencing' MHA. Expect a deep dive into the world beyond canon, because why settle for the ordinary? ---------- Additional tags: Cheats, NoHarem, ExpectMemes, Racing, GagMoments, Original Characters (Not many, just enough) The cover was made with the help of AI (Symbiote) and by me (Text, BG, Resizing, colours, etc.) using an image editing software. ---------- NOT A WISH FULFILLMENT FANFIC (Kinda) He won't go around 2 mins after he's born and bitch-slap AFO and bang 90% of the female cast. MC will have a life and personality and so will the Romantic Interest. ---------- A/N: Hey everyone! Remember that pizza slice you sneakily stashed away from your siblings, only to forget about it under the sofa for months? Well, guess what—I'm that neglected pizza slice, and I'm here to spice up your reading! So, after diving into tons of fanfiction, I've reached a point where I can practically predict the plot within the first 10 chapters. Inspired, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own. Buckle up, and I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll be posting regularly, though I don't have a Patreon to beg for support or artificially inflate word counts. Being a broke student means occasional breaks during exam season, but fear not—I'll be back with more chapters. Feel free to critique and drop suggestions for what you'd like to see in the upcoming story! I've got a bunch of fanfic ideas lined up, so unless the reviews are devastating (please be gentle with my fragile self-worth), I'll keep 'em coming. Catch me on ScribbleHub, and maybe RR and AO3 in the future—I'm still getting the hang of those. Cheers!

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23 Chs

Chapter 16: [Insert Lego Awestruck Meme]

(1 hour later – SpongeBob Meme)

With Plan A trashed, I needed a new source of information. Plan B!

So here I am, in front of Fuji City Library, a decent walk away from where I had lunch. You could see the tension leaving the waiter's body as I left the premises without causing an incident.

I realized that even if I try to google my way into history, there is no way in hell that the location of Tartarus was available to the public. If it was, then I'm pretty sure about 2 things- the officials in-charge are idiots and the villains who never took this opportunity are stupid.

So, I went to a place where I am sure that I'll find what I need, the library. After all, there are several reasons why libraries are better for diving into the research of recent history.

Many historical documents and archives are stored in libraries. These primary sources offer firsthand accounts and original records that are crucial for accurate historical research. While some archives are digitized, I'm pretty sure that some old foggey would stubbornly preserve the physical materials.

Libraries often curate collections of books, journals, and other materials that have been reviewed for accuracy and credibility. Printed sources, especially academic ones, undergo a thorough vetting process, ensuring a higher level of reliability compared to the unchecked information available on the internet.

Libraries play a vital role in preserving historical knowledge. Physical books and documents, when properly cared for, can last for centuries. In contrast, online content may be susceptible to loss, alteration, or becoming outdated over time.

The controlled environment of a library can help keep my focus on researching without the distractions common in online research. The internet is fucked up. I mean, I know that I'm a catch, but I'm not interested in the hot milfs in my area.

Some historical resources may be rare or out of print, making them difficult to find online. Libraries often acquire and maintain these materials, providing their readers with access to a broader range of sources.

While the internet is a valuable tool for research, especially for accessing a vast amount of information quickly, the unique attributes of libraries make them indispensable for serious historical study.

(A/N: Sorry about the rant; I love libraries and the words were flowing out of my fingers 🤷‍♂️)


As I push open the heavy doors, I'm greeted by a profound silence. Soft, warm lighting casts a gentle glow over rows of shelves laden with books. The inviting illumination creates a reader friendly atmosphere. The library, with its carpeted floors and sound-absorbing shelves, causes me to unconsciously relax my body.

The shelves, meticulously organized by genre, author, or topic, present a seemingly chaotic yet harmonious arrangement of knowledge. Each aisle promises a different interest, ranging from history to fiction and even education.

The librarian's desk next to the entrance was un-manned. I was planning on asking them on where I could find out about the first years after the emergence of quirks but ehh. They'll be shelving and re-organizing books somewhere.

I shrug and walk into the well-maintained library. Given the lack of warmth which is present wherever there is human traffic, I judge that it's not frequented by readers.

I stroll and make my way over to the academic section and I check out the names of the sections as they pass by me.

Sociology... Anthropology... Political Science... Economics

Western Philosophy... Eastern Philosophy

General Science... Biology... Chemistry... Physics

Linguistics... Language Learning Resources

Human Rights…... Social Justice…... Gender Studies

General Psychology…... Clinical Psychology…... Behavioral Psychology

Religious Studies…... Comparative Religion…... Theology

International Relations…... Global Politics…... Diplomacy

World History... Regional History... Ancient History... Modern History

Aha! Found it! As I was about to walk into the History section, I notice the section opposite to it- Coding and Information Technology.

I mentally blank out for a second. And then I felt like resetting my character again. Where is the nearest skyscraper I can jump off of?

I just realized that I don't need to be a hero nor a villain. I don't need to step into politics. I don't need to break into Tartarus to 'commandeer' some useful quirks. I don't need to do anything that would make me put myself at risk.

At risk of being socially isolated. Risk of being discovered and hunted. At the risk of death.

All I need to do is survive. But if so, why shouldn't I live? I almost got trapped into being like all other reincarnators who think that the world revolves around the 'plot'. It might be like that in the Marvel Multiverse, but not in MHA.

If you're wondering how I achieved this sort of enlightenment by looking at the nameplate hanging above a passageway of a library, then answer is- because of my powers.

The Great Sage is better than Jarvis could ever be. I have been implying that ever since I got her, but I haven't really understood how much of a cheat she is.

I can simply read the books and Sage can optimize and even correct the information using her capabilities. She can then form a hand or two and type away on a keyboard.

I can't accurately describe it but she's like the combination of the Library of Heaven's Path and a consciousness who can put it into action without any input from my behalf other than the occasional order.

After gathering enough knowledge, Sage can even hack into the Government systems to forge me an identity. I can then have a roof over my head! I was sleeping in a forest all this while and would seriously like to have a bed.

A good chunk of all my problems can be solved by the use of information which Sage can manipulate to my favor.

(A/N: I'll let the future implications of this pretty obvious ability of Sage be left to your imagination)

After a confirmation from Sage and with a newfound purpose, I stormed into the section and grabbed the several books on the basics of coding and information technology, including- 'A Beginners Guide to 0s and 1s', 'Coding for Dummies' and 'Info Tech for Aspiring Youngsters'.

I hurried over to the reading area and once I sat down, I hastily started devouring the knowledge. And I get a eureka moment.

I look behind me and check that no one's around. I store most of the books except the last one into my inventory and ask Sage to scan them for information. Just like how Sage can scan a garbage container and find out its contents (ref. chap 9), she can scan a book for the words printed on it.

With a sigh of contentment, I slowly open the book 'How to Train Your Pet AI' and was about to start reading but I froze, looking over to the opposite side of the reading area.

Near the biology section, I spotted her. Sitting in between book-filled shelves, she had a book in hand, looking absolutely enchanting.

She kinda disrupted the quiet vibe but in a good way. I kept sneaking glances, totally hooked by the way she flipped through the pages. She was lost in the book, giving off this mysterious vibe that went beyond the library. I couldn't help but get sucked into how her eyes moved over the words.

While I was trying to read my own book, my eyes kept drifting back to her. Like some invisible force was at play. Every glance showed more—the way her fingers traced the lines, the little quirk of her lips, showing that she's relaxed and in her own world.

The world around us kinda blurred, and there she was, a lone character in the big library.

She has a youthful and charming demeanor, with her physical features reflecting a mix of elegance and a touch of gothic flair. Her long, straight, and jet-black hair that flows freely around to her shoulders. It is a prominent part of her appearance, adding to her overall gothic aesthetic.

Her large, expressive eyes are of that in a striking shade of violet. Her eyes convey a sense of curiosity, intelligence, and a hint of mischief. She has fair, porcelain-like skin that complements her dark hair and eyes.

She's wearing a loose hoodie, with a pleated skirt and striped red and black stockings. Her boots are heeled with metal buckles that glint from the light of the library along with the sword-shaped metal earing that all those edgy isekai protagonists like to wear.

She has delicate and well-defined facial features. Her eyebrows are arched, and her lips have a natural, rosy tint. These features contribute to her overall attractiveness and to the doki-doki my heart is doing right now.

Without realizing it, there was a warm feeling inside me. Like I finally found something that would help me do more than just survive.


(A/N: There you have it! Hope you like the chapter and once again a friendly reminder, No-Harem! But yes lemon- in the future, after romancing and stuff.

Next upload will be on Thursday (14thDec) - Family stuff (Damn, never thought that I would say that when I'm on this side of the screen lol).

We are pulling up on the home stretch for the end of the arc! 2~3 more chapters left!!)

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