
MHA: Gloxinia of Repose

After falling asleep one night an ordinary man wakes up to an unfamiliar ceiling. Being a fan of transmigration story’s he rushed towards the bathroom, looking at his reflection he was shocked. He looked like a four year old gloxinia. Staring at his reflection a number of notifications opened in his mind showing that he had awakened the mythical template system. Author notes - every chapter is a minimum of 1000 words. Try my best not to have short chapters - I suffer from mild dyslexia - updates will be irregular - I’ve only watched up until season 4 and the first two moves

Bigbrick · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

School once again, passage of time (edited)

After yesterdays eventful evening I went to bed early due to being tied from training and also from my encounter with the villain. Getting out of bed I carried out my routine once again before putting on my school uniform and going into the common area. Sakura was the one who greeted me.

Sakura has long Blue hair that goes to her lower back and bangs that covers her right eye, she was blessed with large light blue eyes, and young features despite being 35. She also has hair clips towards the left side of her hair, a flower-shaped ribbon on the same side of her hair, she also has a well defined features. Before I never took in the appearance of the orphanage matron but she was also a beauty.

Sitting down next to her she was watching the News channel and the anchor said something with drew my attention. " last night a man within the city of Musutafu a man was murdered with a poison related quirk. He described the assailant as a young woman with red long hair and amber eyes. The man in question later died of his wounds within intensive care. The tendons in his wrists, elbows and armpits where cut the poison was administered through his feet. This person is dangerous and is seen to be a threat ..." the news anchor continued with other new from the area 'I guess they couldn't save him, good riddance' I moved my Basquias in pillow form to a more comfortable position.

Using disaster to make it bigger I decided to lie down and float to the kitchen for breakfast. Suffice to say everyone was pretty shocked. I also can't be bothered to befriend the other children in the orphanage as I plan on going to UA high, meaning I'll be out in dorms anyway.

After eating breakfast I headed towards Aldera elementary, which was a school chain that went from elementary, middle and junior high.

My journey to school was uneventful I got a few stare since I was on a flying pillow but hey what can you do. Once i arrived and entered my class I saw two people that I was, yet wasn't expecting as I knew they would exist but didn't know If I was part of their generation. Walking or floating in their was some whispers about my appearance change as I just realised their probably discussing my late awakening.

Looking around their was only one empty seat one behind bakugo. Walking past him I heard him mutter " tch doesn't matter if your quirk awakened still just another extra to me" at his respond I sat down and looked at izuku and noticed that he was staring with envy. Placing my Basquias on the chair after shrinking it I then proceeded to sit on it and continue through my day. At lunch izuku came to me.

" hey ah, gloxinia-Chan I was wondering what your quirk is. Is it related to your wings" the boy was a stuttering mess but not as much as he is later in the story, bakugo isn't as hard on him yet.

"Hmm we'll I have two quirks. One called disaster it allows me to effectively control all life other then animals and people. But if a person get injured I can increase the severity of the injury or decrease it" pausing I continue " my second quirk is just my fairy wings, although I can read peoples surface thoughts and tell if their lying as well, I can also float." Writings something down In his note book for a few second he then continued " wow that's amazing gloxinia-chan, I wish I had your quirk" he was definitely envious of me but who could blame him. This was a society which revolves around quirks and he was quirkless. He didn't have the money to become someone like Batman or Ironman so i could only help guide his mentality for the time being. Making it so that bakugo does become to hard on him.

Our next lesson was physical education. Sighing I stood of from my set, enlarged my pillow lay down and then floated toward the changing room. When I arrived I noticed that all the boys where looking at me funny. " why are you looking at me like that?" Although I arrived late because I went for a stroll well float I didn't think they would take it so seriously. Izuku was the person who spoke " Ehto, gloxinia-chan this is the boys changing room" as he said that a visible blush appeared on his face as well as a few others, I suppose he is already shy around girls, however! I am no girl " you fools! I'm a boy" I shouted the first part and said the second in a Monotone voice. I was getting sick and tired of this.

After this time flew by I continue training, going To school I even help izuku deal with bullies when I was near by. However one thing stood out, I was short compared to my classmates. The only reason I could think of was that gloxinia never truly awakened the power of the sacred tree. Currently that was my long term goal complete the template and find away to awake as king did.

School however was relatively boring, I was labelled a genius's but didn't bother much with sports as well you know fairy's aren't very physically inclined and we are forbidden to use our quirks. Every now and then I'd run into a villain and I'd do the same as last time. Give them a chance to live by poisoning them, chance to live is quite broad in this case however. The media made me out to be this massive villain that was killing others in his territory whist enacting a massive plan and that with my quirk I could possibly put poison into the water supply or something it was honestly amusing to watch. Some even theorised that I was a vigilante, however that is a tangent for another time.

I'm currently 15 years old sitting at home on my personal laptop. My appearance hasn't changed much my hair became longer and my wings had grown massively. If I Looked at myself in the mirror I noticed that I was already fully grown since gloxinia was only 5 feet 4 inches. Although I was short I was beautiful in fact it was like I was an otherworldly beauty however I was a man, I wasn't handsome but beautiful if I cut my hair short I look like a lesbian, we found that out the hard way.

Over this time Rumi and I became very close even after she stopped working at the orphanage, she would donate money to it from her hero work and even bought me a phone for my birthday since we would spar together.

She was the only person who new about Basquias at this point and she loved sparing me. she bought a home next to a woodland which she made me enhance for her benefit, we fight every day and it only helps me grow since I place limiting factors on myself. I used the opportunity to help me gain some hand to hand combat but still I have no talent for it, Rumi knows this, I know this but it won't stop trying as it's my only weak point.

Looking at the time I decided it's best to stop poking Around for evidence of all for one and go to bed. The bastard was very well hidden " at this rate imma just have myself found out".

The next day was uneventful during school however, during homeroom we where give career planning or plan your career slips to everyone's shock they put down hero. Then he said something that rang bells in my mind. " well let's look at the rosters. Oh bakugo your going for Ua high uh, and you Midoryia. Wait your going as well gloxinia?" Giving a nod I continued as it was nothing Whist izuku was laughed at.

Bakugo was furious about izuku going to UA, me however he wasn't bothered to much since he knew how powerful my quirk was to some degree. Eventually the bell rang and the day ended although I new it was the faithful day when the story began I didn't want to get involved not yet anyway.

Grabbing my back I flew out the window which received a shout from my teacher. Ignoring him I went towards Rumis house. After this long where on first name basis. Rumi a house could be described as a lone bungalow at the edge of the woodlands. It contained two bedrooms, master and guest, 2 bathrooms, living and dinning, kitchen, and utilities. There wasn't really much to say about her home.

Once arriving I knocked and waited. A few seconds later Rumi appeared " gloomy you've come for another spar or do you just love spending time with me." Their was a devious smile on her lips. She loved teasing me for some reason I don't even know how I got that nickname. " sigh please Rumi don't call me that. I've come to ask a favour and of course spar with you like usual"

At this she gestured for me to come Inside, doing so I place my bag by the sofa and sat down as if it was my own home. Rumi sat next to me " so what do you want gloomy?" Giving her side eye I just asked anyway " the UA high exam is in 10 months, could you recommend me" at this all I received was a laugh " hahaha of course gloomy, but in return you have to try harder in our spar" looking her in the eyes my face became emotionless " I hate you" standing up I moved over to back door so we could have our spar.

Looking at my wrist one would see a bracelet with a pale Rose. To anyone else it just looks like an odd accessory however to Rumi it was a dangerous weapon. " spirit spear Basquias: fifth form yggdra armour " the rose spread out along my body creating an amazing golden armour.

" are you ready Rumi?" I asked my opponent " your quirk is so unfair turning that into armour. However it just means I can beat you more " I wild smile appeared on her face over the years she'd become more and more of a battle maniac. The battle began with Rumi crouching down and pulling her legs and body back to generate enough force to crush my amour.

However I wouldn't let her do that easily rushing forward using my wings I went to deliver I punch towards her back only for her to narrowly dodge it and perform a spinning kick into the side of my head. Although it connect my armour absorbed most of the impact. Flipping over to regain my balance I rushed forward again.

The power difference between me and Rumi forced her to play defensive. If it wasn't for the yggdra armour lose every time, thats how poor I am at hand to hand combat and overall physically.

The battle went on for around 40 minutes compared to Rumi I wasn't suited for physical fight but due to being a fairy I had an insane level of physical endurance and stamina.

The battle ended in a draw. Physical I was equal to Rumi However in the larger scene of things I could easily annihilate her.

After a short break I used moon rose, droplet of life on Rumi we went inside and had a nice dinner together before I return to the orphanage.

[Template system

Name: Gloxinia (no surname

Race - royal fairy

Age - 15


Template - first fairy king Gloxinia, Gloxinia Of Repose

Template progress - 35%

power level - 17,500 ]