
Mha Fanfic MC Ideas

kingGenovaGodfrey · Action
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2 Chs

part 2

(this is a reincarnated mc and the way he got his quirk is by random and also because it is his favorite animal,you can make more of his ability.)

Name of mc:????? 



Quirk name:spine armored fusion saf for short

Quirk Description: "Spine Armor Fusion" allows Miko to generate protective armor made of overlapping, retractable scales. Inspired by the pangolin's tough scales and the porcupine's sharp quills, this fusion provides Miko with an unparalleled defense mechanism. The armor is not only resilient but can also be infused with the porcupine quills, turning it into a formidable offensive tool.


Armor Generation: Miko can cover their body with a flexible yet durable armor that can withstand various forms of attacks, from physical blows to energy-based assaults.

Quill Infusion: The armor is equipped with retractable porcupine-like quills that can be infused with a paralyzing venom upon contact. This enhances Miko's defensive capabilities by discouraging opponents from close-quarter combat.

Rolling Defense: Drawing inspiration from both animals, Miko can curl into a defensive ball, combining the pangolin's rolling ability with the porcupine's spiky defense. This maneuver not only protects Miko but also allows for a strategic counter-attack.