
MHA fanfic except I've never watched the show or read the manga

Inspired by Denkidarling on TikTok. Also, I know their powers are called quirks leave me alone. If any of my other information is wrong feel free to correct me. Eliza goes to a school to further her powers as well as work as a hero. Nobody knows about her secret relationship with the villain Heatwave. At an interview, her secret gets revealed and she denies it. Soon her life becomes wild as she learns about Heatwave's real identity and her army of villains. Two of my favorite ships are in here Monoshinkami and Dabihawks. Again a lot is taken from Denkidarling as they taught me pretty much everything I know about MHA. The main character is my OC and I did make a few of the side characters but most of them are taken from my knowledge of the show. I wrote a little side story too but since the original isn't completed I can't add it on yet. You can find it under MHA fanfic #2 Zuri's story. I would recommend reading this one first but I like that one better. Also warning there is blood mentioned in both but nothing extremely gorey or anything (you can blame Toga).

Genderfluidcat37 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 1

"I need you to head downtown now." Mr. Jenkins said through my phone "Heatwave has set something on fire again."

"Alright boss. I'll be there as soon as possible." I hung up the phone and sighed.

Quickly I threw on my hero suit waving to my roommates as I walked out. I headed to the area Mr. Jenkins had indicated and found Heatwave burning down the local ice cream shop.

"Hey, you want to burn something? Try burning me!" I yelled

I used my telekinesis to make her float up and into one of the ice cream coolers.

"Sorry," I whispered as I pulled her out "Do you surrender?"

She raised her hands slowly. I grabbed her wrists and dragged her along with me until we reached an alleyway where no one would find us.

"Why were you burning down an ice cream shop?" I asked her as soon as we were out of sight

"To see you of course." She leaned in and we kissed

"You can't keep doing this."

"It works though, doesn't it? Your boss keeps sending you since you always finish the job quickly."

"Eventually someone's going to catch on. You always escape me."

I heard the sounds of crazed fans just outside the alley as they ran searching for me.

"And that's my cue to go." Heatwave kissed me once more and ran off leaving me staring after her.

"She's down here!" One of my fans yelled

An army of fans ran into the alley and pulled me out with them nearly trampling me. On the street, there were tons of paparazzi. Many cameras flashed in my face as people competed for the best shot. There were a few news crews there trying to record me. I panicked. Usually, I adore my fans but they were beginning to get out of control. I took control of all their minds, made them walk far away, and slowly walked home, most of my energy drained.