
MHA fanfic except I've never watched the show or read the manga

Inspired by Denkidarling on TikTok. Also, I know their powers are called quirks leave me alone. If any of my other information is wrong feel free to correct me. Eliza goes to a school to further her powers as well as work as a hero. Nobody knows about her secret relationship with the villain Heatwave. At an interview, her secret gets revealed and she denies it. Soon her life becomes wild as she learns about Heatwave's real identity and her army of villains. Two of my favorite ships are in here Monoshinkami and Dabihawks. Again a lot is taken from Denkidarling as they taught me pretty much everything I know about MHA. The main character is my OC and I did make a few of the side characters but most of them are taken from my knowledge of the show. I wrote a little side story too but since the original isn't completed I can't add it on yet. You can find it under MHA fanfic #2 Zuri's story. I would recommend reading this one first but I like that one better. Also warning there is blood mentioned in both but nothing extremely gorey or anything (you can blame Toga).

Genderfluidcat37 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

We're back to Eliza's POV:

I checked my phone when I woke up and saw I had a missed call from Hitoshi. I checked the voicemail in case it was anything important.

"Eliza help!" His voice yelled through the phone "Heatwave has me, Denki, and Neito trapped in her hideout!"

I had to go quickly. Who knows what she would do if I didn't help them. I quickly suited up and ran to the front office and signed out before hopping in my car and driving to the hideout. The doors were open so I walked in. It appeared empty but I knew the villains were good at hiding. I heard faint screams coming from the corner and walked over to find Denki, Hitoshi, and Neito all tied together. Each of them had something stuffed in their mouths and were struggling against their ropes. I felt handcuffs around my wrists and tried to mind control the person who put them on but my powers were failing.

"Hello Eliza" Zuri said behind me

She forced me around and grabbed my face. She kissed me and I tried hard to break away but she wouldn't let go.

"Sorry not sorry." A voice said behind me and a dagger sliced my arm

I tried to turn but Zuri wouldn't let me go. I felt my blood draining until Zuri released me.

"Stop." She said "bandage her."

A cloth was being wrapped around my arm. When I turned I saw Neito holding a knife and a cup full of my blood.

"Blood makes a great snack." He said and licked my blood off the knife

He walked out of the hideout putting away the knife. Denki and Hitoshi were still struggling in the corner as I was pulled away to the room I'd stayed in before. My handcuffs were removed and I heard the door lock as it closed behind me leaving me alone. I knew it wouldn't be as easy to escape this time as it had been last time so I sat on the bed and started thinking through a plan. It got late and I went to bed still trying to figure out how I would escape.