
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 8: Let's come strong together!

8-year-old Emilia could hardly believe what was happening in front of her as she stared at a holographic screen showing a chat, a normal one except for its content.

Through a somewhat idiotic search, another reincarnated person had found her and shown her who she was, even sending her several pictures and videos.

She had never expected that because of a comment she had made on one of Midoriya's videos to contact him, she would meet another person who had been reincarnated as her, and from what she had told him, it was the typical form of reincarnation from some fiction she had read.

This complicated Emilia a bit, her reincarnation was arbitrary and she had even become a child, although she had already accepted this fact when she was younger and had started to meditate.

She was jealous of Jin, a Korean name with a Western surname like Lewis. Perhaps by fate, her parents lived in Japan and owned a dojo. She had even competed against Midoriya in some children's tournaments, although she had not come into contact with him at that time.

They both started talking about the changes in this world, the things Emilia had brought about, like the creation of the Hamon, and how conveniently Midoriya was the only one who could use it. The crazy things in this world, like an island where a country of intelligent animals with their quirks had decided to band together and organize.

Mistrust was something that had been made clear even when they talked about personal things like their own quirks, their family situation and the environment they lived in. It's not that they could hurt each other, but the caution of reincarnates is always exaggerated.

It took months for them to get to know each other and develop trust, so Emilia even taught Jin the way to train the Refinement Realms, and Jin taught Emilia a way to control her energy, which helped her control the mental contamination of her own quirk much better.


Here they were all gathered in a video call. Jin wore only white pants and sat shamelessly in front of the screen, not caring about showing his bare chest to the other girls or Midoriya.

"Jin, you forgot to cover up again!" shouted Uraraka, blushing at the exposure of her friend, who simply crossed her arms.

"Well, let's not think about that, let's focus on something more serious. Emilia is coming to Earth, that means we can get the seven of them together," Momo commented after she had finished writing a long schedule of activities, which she then sent to everyone.

"Momo, why does this file say it's 30 pages long, that's overkill!" complained Mina as she kept pointing at the screen, apparently a bit taken aback by so much content.

"It's not as much as you usually do, I mean, did you forget the 100 page document of suitable places to train the physique that you did for everyone last year?" added Jiro with a grin on his face.

"That document was useful for me..." Izuku said, making Ochaco, Mina and Jiro look at him as if they had seen a monster.

"Me too," Jin added after nodding at the screen to thank Momo for her help.

"Well, it was useful for all of us, I was even able to reach the first level of the Realms of Refinement in that huge waterfall," Mina commented with a serious look on her face, though with her characteristic smile on her face.

She's so cute," Emilia thought as she discreetly pulled up several screenshots, focusing only on Mina.

"It's three years before we can join the UA, and although Momo will enter by recommendation, we mere mortals have to take the standard test like everyone else," Uraraka said with a tone of determination, causing the others to sink a bit into their thoughts.

"But we train much harder than the other kids our age, we have amazing techniques, we have developed our bodies, minds and quirks to a level that no other ordinary youngster could. I mean, before training, Uraraka could only make things weightless, now he can directly increase the gravity of his surroundings.

I myself thought my quirk was trash... until Emilia found many uses for it, and not only that, she made me train, proving to me that I could become stronger even without my quirk.

And among us, the one I admire the most is Izuku, with no quirk and only Hamon, a breathing technique with obvious weaknesses like the state of his breathing, he was able to become an incredibly terrifying fighter." Jiro's speech made everyone in the room feel good, thinking about how much they had improved over the years.

"That's it! I never thought of controlling the acid, just throwing it, I didn't know that I could not only manipulate it at my whim, but also shape it as I wish to play a diverse role. Hey Emilia, how do you come up with these things?" asked Mina curiously and excitedly.

"Y-you know, we Martians are very clever..." stammered Emilia with a slight blush on her face, mentally telling herself how much a fan fiction she had read had helped her in this regard.

"I can say that those of us gathered here will become the best heroes not only in Japan, but in the world. We will become pillars," Momo added excitedly, but was interrupted by Mina.

"Ah, you said it! Pillars~," the pink girl scoffed, not only because the name of the group had been said, but also because Momo was one of the people who wanted to name the group something else.

"Well, since it's only two years away, we need to consolidate what we've learned and do our best," Izuku added, and although it couldn't be seen because of his mask, the girls knew that there was a silly grin underneath.

Uraraka blushed a little at the thought of Izuku's smile, one she had seen in person when they first met offline, but she couldn't let that distract her right now.

"Then I'll say goodbye, I've thought of a new move for my arsenal, goodbye," without waiting for an answer from the others, Jin's screen went dark and like dominoes falling on top of each other, the others said goodbye and left.

"How refreshing to have good friends and companions on my way to the top," Emilia said arrogantly, standing up and throwing herself onto her bed, noticing that her chest area was making her uncomfortable again as it had for the past few months.

I never thought that girls with big breasts suffer so much, no wonder Momo complains and now I understand everything,' she lamented in her mind, feeling that she would have to fight with this discomfort for a long time.

A week passed quickly and Emilia's exciting journey to Earth was about to begin, a journey she hoped she would enjoy thoroughly.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts