
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Meeting friends.

When Emilia stepped out of the huge spaceship, she found herself on a huge runway, similar to an airport. She was immediately surrounded by a dozen men in black suits and sunglasses who were there to protect her.

"Ah, the life of the rich is really corrupt," Emilia complained in a low voice, not to mention that she could also consider herself a rich person.

"Miss Reinhart, we have been sent by Lord and Lady Yaoyorozu to escort you. My name is Mike and I am at your service," one of the men approached her and bowed.

Mike was a Caucasian man with a stocky build, short hair, piercing eyes, and scars on his face that showed his experience.

"Well, thank you for your service. Do we need to do any procedures before we leave? I'm exhausted and bored," Emilia asked with reluctance in her voice, she had spent the whole trip with fear and nerves, so she hardly rested.

"That's not necessary, we already did everything we needed to do before you arrived. Now we are just waiting for the airship to take us to the village of Yaoyorozu," Mike replied calmly, his tone of voice reassuring Emilia who, despite her tiredness, was eager to meet her friends.

Five minutes later, a futuristic style airship descended silently in front of the group. It had a completely black hull with some red lines. It opened a hatch that allowed Emilia and the group of bodyguards following her to enter.

The plane rose quickly and flew through the sky at an incredible speed, it didn't even make a sound when it broke the sound barrier, crazy future technology stuff no doubt.

It was probably about 10 minutes before it arrived and landed on a small runway, when Emilia could see outside through the open hatch, she saw her friends.

"Oh God, I thought your blonde hair was fake, I didn't know it was real!" cried Mina as she ran over to Emilia and gave her a big hug.

It was probably a normal thing the girl would do with other friends in a similar context, but for an Emilia who had been eager to meet her since she was born, it was something else.

The girls hugged each other for a long time, or well, it was just Emilia hugging Mina so tightly that the air was sucked out of her.

"You're going to crush her," said Jin, who suddenly appeared next to Emilia with a grin on his face.

"I-I'm not going to crush her, I'm just excited to see you guys," Emilia expressed in panic and with a red face as she let go of Mina who was laughing beside her.

"You almost sent me to heaven! I didn't know Martians were so affectionate~" the pink girl scoffed, causing Emilia's embarrassment to rise and her face to turn tomato red.

'Damn female hormones, damn puberty, damn body development,' Emilia complained inwardly about the changes in her body and how they affected her mentality, even if mentally she was already an adult, the influence of the body on mental aspects could be demonstrated here.

"Welcome to Earth, Emilia!" shouted Ochaco, who had floated in with his gravity control.

"Thank you!" replied Emilia and hugged the girl tightly.

Then Jin and Emilia saw each other, there was a silence between them until they both moved their arms and held each other tightly with their hands, recreating a legendary greeting from their past lives.

"I hope you are as strong as you boast," Jin said in a mocking tone.

"I hope your eye doesn't go blind," Emilia replied in the same tone.

There was a bit of tension before they broke apart and burst into laughter. That was how they got along, a friendly and very competitive relationship, plus they had a lot of trust in each other because they were both reincarnated humans in a familiar world, but different from what they remembered.

Soon, the rest of the group arrived, Jiro, Momo and Izuku, who was not wearing his characteristic breathing mask and had short hair. Seeing this seaweed-headed boy with a goofy grin, but an incredible physique for his age.

Izuku was like Jonathan Joestar, but not the old version, but the modern version that Araki had drawn with a different style. He was a bit taller than his canon counterpart, even though he was a year younger than his canon counterpart. At 170 centimeters tall, with a lean but toned physique, he looked imposing.

"Emilia, welcome to our world. You don't know how much I wanted to see you and thank you in person for everything you've done for me, for us, I..." before he could continue, Izuku was interrupted by a tight hug from Emilia,

Although the girl was smaller than Izuku, she managed to cradle him to her chest and stroke his hair like a mother soothing her child.

"You have earned it yourself, with your own willpower, with your unbreakable determination. The power of the sun belongs only to those who stay in the light even in the darkest of times. Izuku, you earned it yourself, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, just... relax", the controlled and smiling Izuku couldn't resist for a moment and started to cry while being hugged by Emilia.

Although he didn't cry his eyes out, the tears couldn't stop falling from his face as the negative feelings that had built up in his heart flowed with his crying. She always worked hard, trained her body to the limit and healed herself with Hamon and then tried again, but she could never work on her mental aspect the way she wanted to.

He knew he had imposter syndrome or something like that, even when he was strong, when he won tournaments, when his talent was incredible in the eyes of many, he felt he didn't deserve it, that it was all thanks to Emilia.

But he realized that Emilia may have been the one who gave him access to what he had, but he was the one who got it with his effort and dedication. He felt something inside of him opening up, so he pulled away from Emilia's embrace and, in front of all her friends, he struck a pose that we can all identify with and have all done at one time or another.

This pose, according to Emilia, was performed by a former Hamon user named Jonathan Joestar, who defeated a vampire and his army of undead in ancient times. With a deep breath, golden electric sparks appeared all over her body.

"My heart resonates! Heat is enough to burn! Cut him, beat of my blood! Solar overdrive!" With these words, which at another time would have seemed very chuni, the Hamon in Izuku's body became furious.

It was as if the noble spirit of that ancient warrior named Jonathan was congratulating him for pushing his limits, not only physically but also mentally.

Izuku's Hamon turned a little red, like the sun at dusk before setting, but the feeling their friends felt was not weakness, but rather an intense warmth and a sense of grandeur that came from this display of extraordinary power.

Emilia's smile grew enormous, radiating the madness hidden in her bones. The shadow beneath her feet seemed to stir with urgency, ready to emerge.

"Wow, I never thought that Izuku would overcome his problems so suddenly," commented Jiro, who watched the show next to Momo, who was amazed at what her friend had done.

"Emilia explained that the really deadly and powerful Hamon is when it turns completely red, being able to even melt and vaporize the human body easily, if you look closely at the color of the sparks, they turn red, though not that much and not in many places," Momo commented, giving them information about what they saw.

"It's really the result of all Izuku's efforts," Ochaco added, who had been staring at Izuku's display with a special look, which Mina noticed.

'She's madly in love,' Mina thought as the memory of the hug Emilia gave her came back to her, making her feel a little strange but not giving it much importance.

"The boy has become more powerful," Jin whispered, trembling with emotion, his left eye starting to glow red as the desire to fight Izuku grew stronger.

After a few moments, the boy stopped manifesting his Hamon and relaxed, now not only his smile but also his eyes truly showed the innocence of his being.

'Now mom's experiment can begin,' Emilia thought to herself as she and her friends walked towards the village where Momo lived, their home for the next month of their stay on Earth.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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