
MHA: Boku no Quirk is Random

It took 5 minutes for Eto Naoyuki to realize that he reborned in the world of My Hero Academia. Without thinking it twice, he bought a plane ticket to USA. "Japan is too dangerous! League of Villians, the Yakusa Shie Hassaikai, All for One! And the overpowered Tomura Shigaraki! Work hard Midoriya-shonen! You'll definetly become the hero number 1! I'll send you my energy for a Genki Dama from Las Vegas. Plus Ultra!!!" . .

Gstttryjbogssgf · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Don't judge MAPPA, they're just saving money for important scenes

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" A deep voice started to sound in the disaster zone of the video, while the camera zoomed in, a robust man of blond hair emerged to the scene, his muscular physique was able to make any bodybuilder shame, and not caring about the fire and explosions behind, the man loaded tens of people up in his back with a big smile.

"He's laughing!" The injured cameraman shouted.

"It's fine now… Why?" The hero of heroes raised his voice once again. "Because I'm here!"


"Thump thump… Thump thump…"

With the cornea of his eyes reflecting the bright screen, the heartbeat increased, and burning was his blood.

At first sight, Naoyuki didn't think that this video would stir up his feelings, since it wasn't his first time being the spectator.

But he was wrong.

Changing the perspective from 2D to 3D, all this stopped being just an anime, they were all flesh and blood people, every drop of sweat and blood existed because they exist; The dust, the smoke and every piece of gravel was catch by the camera.

The standpoint that nothing was more than just a simple hero story lost its meaning.

And people like All Might may really captivate followers for his ideology.

Nonetheless, Naoyuki didn't forget his mission, he was still waiting the question of Midoriya.

And talking about Izuku, his thin lips grinned unnoticeably, accompanied by vacant eyes, he took a deep breath… and dragged the progress bar of the video to 0:00 again.


'Ask me the dumb question at once! You little broccoli head!' Naoyuki yelled inside.

Despite of Naoyuki's rush for finishing his task, the 4 years old Izuku just kept watching that video over and over again.

Naoyuki tried to tell himself to not be mad at a simple child, but even at meal time, Izuku didn't move from his chair, he just untiringly clicked the 'repeat' bottom, as if that was his purpose on life.

Naoyuki had to eat alone with Izuku's mother, the food was delicious, and the lady in front of him very beautiful, it was almost like a date.

Chopsticks were a problem, he had used them in ramen and sushi places few times before, so he was not completely idiot in this aspect. But compered to Midoriya Inko who could use them as an extension of her hand, the control he had over this sticks was way too clumsy.

Although by Ms. Midoriya's face, she was pretty surprised that Naoyuki could use chopsticks already. She said that Izuku was just starting to learn, but most of the time, he still using spoon.


After asking and be rejected in helping do the dishes, Naoyuki went back to Izuku's room. This time, he grabbed a random book from the bookcase and started to read sitting on the floor.

He would be idiot if he goes back to the same place to watch Izuku doing nothing again.



After a while, Izuku finally said his first words to Naoyuki.

Without turning his head, the green hair boy spoke very slowly, so every syllable was heard perfectly.

"He saves everyone with a smile, no matter what trouble they are in…" Naoyuki could realize that the kid's voice was near-sobbing.

Suddenly, the chair turned around, and the first thing to be noticed was Izuku's trembling body, then, his big eyes covered by tears…

"He's such a cool hero… Can I… be a hero, too?" His shaky fingers pointed to the smiling man of the screen, while the other hand remained clenching not knowing where to be putted due the anguish.

Naoyuki left the book drop slowly, and stood up helped by his hands, with the socks brushing the floor, he took decisive steps toward the green hair boy.

Both of his hands reached Izuku's shoulders, the eyes looked at the kid tenaciously, and in his face was drawn a clean smile full of wisdom.

"Izuku… You can be a hero! Definetly!!!"

"And how? How am I supposed to do it? I have no quirk!" Izuku asked on the verge of collapse, his tears began to wet the chair.

Naoyuki took a tissue from the box on the desk.

And like any other adult would, he cleaned Izuku's face with tenderness.

"Why the heroes are heroes? You think that it's just because of their quirk?"

"Isn't it?" Izuku asked back.

Naoyuki laughed, like if he has heard a very funny joke, and then said:

"Hear me out Izuku, the word hero in its purest form is just a normal human who could achieve something that hundreds of thousands couldn't do. That implausible feat brought hope to a large amount of people, making them say from hearth that this person was their savior, admitting the title of hero without having to think twice."


Naoyuki interrupted: "Don't you think that it's more romantic to do better than any hero even without a quirk?

You're like saying: If I can save these people being quirkless, why you so called pro-hero can't do more?"

Izuku remained deep in thought for a while, and then broke in with another question.

"And how can I be like that… hero?" His eyes began to regain that usual glow, as if he managed to grab onto a branch as he fell off a cliff.

Naoyuki didn't expressed impatience, everything was going as he planned.

"Before I tell you the answer directly, I'll need you to hear a story."

Izuku cleaned the rest of tears with his arm: "What story?"

Naoyuki released Izuku's shoulder, took sit on the chair where Izuku was sitting on and began to relate:

"It all started in another world, where technology lacked, and everything looked like Japan but 600 years ago, there are no quirks, but it existed an energy in every individual called Chakra, and after developing techniques with this energy, people created what they called ninjutsu, and the users of those techniques were Ninjas."

"The Chakra could be used to spit out giant fireballs, create earth barriers or travel underground, release gusts of wind capable to destroy forests, originate clones of yourself, transform your body into objects or other people, the use of it was limitless."

"But as an old philosopher said: 'When there's a person, there's a problem.'. instead of using this power to improve the world, people started to use it to fight for their benefits.

"This period was called Warring States Period, where ninjas were organized into small mercenary clans that knew nothing but battle. The two strongest of these clans were the Senju and the Uchiha, who had warred against each other for their entire histories. But eventually, Hashirama Senju, leader of his clan, tired of this endless war, used his position as leader to broker a truce with the Uchiha clan through their leader, his childhood friend Madara Uchiha. Thus, the Senju, the Uchiha, and their respective affiliated clans formed the first shinobi village: Konoha."

Izuku gradually started to immerse into the story, the idea of a world without quirks but with other kinds fighting style existing was interesting for him.

"Other villages would soon start forming, following Konoha's example and essentially ending the Warring States Period."

"But that didn't mean that peace was brought to world, totally the opposite: when the first Hokage of Konoha died, between villages just started a bigger war, this time, involving political powers, since these Ninja villages were financed by the State."

"Our story starts in the 37th year of Konoha calendar, after the Second Shinobi World War.

And the name of our main character was… Might Gai."

"Since chid, Gai realized that he couldn't control chakra like the other kids, making him weak in ninjutsu and genjutsu areas, but even so, he never gave up."

Izuku reacted by opening his eyes wider, that was a character to which he could relate.

"His dad, Might Dui, was looked down by the same people of the village, and be taunt targeted as the 'Eternal Genin' since he had the same condition than Gai, and never managed to become a Chunin even after 20 years."

"But it was this man who taught Gai that: True victory isn't about winning against someone strong; it's about defending what's important to you…"

"…inspired by his fathers self-rule, he trained more than anyone from morning to night, it was common to hear him say during his trainings: If I can't do 500 laps on my hands, I'll do 500 push ups! Or: If I can't kick the tree 700 times straight, I'll run around the village 10 times…"

"Isn't that too hard?" Izuku interrupted.

"Of course it is, while other kid were playing, Gai used all his time available to train, because he said used to say: 'All efforts are pointless... If you don't believe in yourself!"

"All efforts are pointless... If you don't believe in yourself…" Izuku repeated those words.

Looking that the story had effect over Izuku, Naoyuki continued.

"…he had a person who was his lifelong rival, his name was Hatake Kakashi, a genius of the village, son of the ex-general of ANBU, the famous 'Konoha's White Fang'…"

"…Gai was rejected by the ninja academy…"

"…his father gave him the suggestion of…"

"…while the people of the village made fun of them, they…"

"…but not all the effort was in vain, the third Hokage impressed by Gai's determination, made an exception and allowed him enter the Academy like the other students."

Arrived at this point, Naoyuki stopped to remember details about the story.

'Hmmmmmm, since I already changed the main character… why don't I modify a little bit the story…yeah, just a little bit.'

That have been said, Naoyuki carried on.

"…at first, when Kakashi and Gai entered the Ninja Academy, the breach between these two was like a hawk and a rabbit, but after 6 years in school, Gai was named 'Konoha Twin Star' next to Kakashi. Even Kakashi himself declared that within 10 meters, he was not able to defeat Gai…"

"So cool!" Izuku screamed.

"…finishing the Academy, Gai started to do missions for the village, he even rejected the invitation to become an ANBU, the elite ninja group of Konoha under direct command of the Hokage, because he wanted to go step by step like his father did…"

"…proud of his son, Duy decided to inherit him his ultimate technique he perfectioned for 20 years: the 'Eight Inner Gates Formation', with which Gai could use to improve his body potential even more…"

"…but not everything was perfect, in a mission, the team of Gai was stopped by 'The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist', turns out that a spy infiltrated in Konoha managed to get with Gai's mission route, and the enemy village sent these 7 people comparable with the 'Sanin' of Konoha just to kill Gai before he could become a threat…"

Izuku's eyes widened as plate, his body unconsciously tilted to the front, the intrigue and emotion was killing him.

"…Gai and its team tried to fight them, but they were too powerful. And in that moment of danger and despair, his father, Might Duy appeared just on time…"

Izuku swallowed hard.

"…after hugging fatherly his son, he knocked out Gai so his mates could take him away…"

"Under the statement that it was for self-rule, he opened the Gate of Death, powering up at the level of a kage, and just with his punches and kicks, he defeated all The Seven Ninja Swordman of the Mist leaving just 3 of them alive."

"After that, Might Duy died in the climax of his youth, protecting someone precious for him— his son…"

"Naoyuki-kun, your mom is already here." Suddenly, Midoriya Inko broke into the room.

"No, don't leave Nao-chan, what happened after Gai's father death!" Izuku immediately raised his voice, and hugged Naoyuki's leg with both arms.

Midoriya Inko didn't know what was happening, but even so, said:

"Izuku-kun, don't be like this, Naoyuki-kun needs to go back to his house for dinner."


"Don't worry, tomorrow I'll tell you what happens after." Naoyuki said as he tried to free his leg.

Izuku looked at Naoyuki, and then to his mother, after that, he ran out of the room to the door of his house.

"Nao-chan's mama! Can Nao-chan come to play with me again tomorrow?!"


"What did you do with Izuku-chan today? He looks a lot more cheerful now." Holding Naoyuki's hand, his mom asked.

"Oh, I just told him a story."

"Eh? Really? What kind of story?"

"A story about magic eyes and portable batteries."

The mother touched her chin: "Have I told you a story like that before?"

"Nope, someone else told me."

"Oh, I see, you look very happy too, are you feeling satisfaction now that you cheer Izuku up?"

"Yeah, kinda."

Naoyuki looked at the system, and then smiled

[Task progress… 29%]

Like you may have seen, this week’s uploading schedule have been a little unstable, I hope next week things can go back to normal, if you don’t keep me rancor, you could help me with some stones... if you wish.

( •̀ ω •́ )y

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