
MHA/BNHA Hana Shimura with Kamui

I am terrible at writing synopsis so here I'll just say this. Hana Shimura the sister of Tomura Shgaraki survives due to her Magekyu Sharingan, Kamui. She gets all of Obito's abilities and becomes a villain.

waryfishy · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs


Exiting the portal the man and girl duo entered an old Japanese-style dojo.

Gently pulling her to the center of the room the man turned to look at her and sat down.

Motioning to the tatami floor in front of him he asked her to sit.

As soon as she was seated the man spoke.

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions and I will answer them all in due time.

But until then just listen to what I have to say. Ok?"

Hana looked him straight in the eyes and nodded firmly.

"Good, now as the doctor said and as you've noticed, we fixed your body.

When your brother brought you to us, you were so badly injured that it would have been impossible to save you through normal means.

So realizing that we implanted someone else's cells into you.

More specifically the cells of a genetically engineered creature called a nomu.

You have fused with it on a molecular level and by doing so attained its quirks."

Hana froze 'What is he talking about? Genetically Engineered Creature? Molecular fusion? Multiple quirks?'

"Excuse me, Sir, but…"

The man quickly interrupted her "Sensei, call me sensei."

"Of course, then, Sensei, could you please tell me what you mean by Nomu and multiple quirks?

I thought it was impossible to have multiple quirks."

The man smiled and then nodded "Yes normally that would be correct, but thanks to my quirk that is possible."

"Sensei, if I may ask, what's your quirk?" Hana asked, leaning forward in anticipation.

The man's smile widened "I'll tell you at a later time. But for now, let's test out your quirks shall we?"

Hana's eyes seemed to shine when she heard that and a large smile appeared on her face "Yes"

Now standing in front of a wood training dummy, Hana waited for her sensei who was standing a few meters behind her to speak.

"Now the first thing we are going to test out is your strength. Punch that dummy."

Raising her right fist behind her head she punched with all her might.

As her fist collided with the wood she felt a spike of pain race up her arm and into her shoulder.

Looking at the dummy though, nothing seemed to have happened.

"That's about what I expected."

Hana quickly turned, holding onto her still aching arm, "What do you mean, Sensei?"

He chuckled softly "Well you see one of your quirks is a strength-enhancing quirk but unlike normal ones that just make you stronger when you're in a specific situation your's works a bit differently.

For you, there is no limit to your strength which means you won't stagnate in your training.

Do you understand?"

Hana frowned but nodded slowly "Yes, I think so."

"Good, now the next. It's a quirk called wood release.

It gives you the ability to produce wood."

Stretching out her arm Hana stared at it and a deep frown appeared on her face.

It took about a minute but slowly a green grayish stick emerged from her palm.

Clapping filled the room as the man applauded her "Well done, well done indeed."

He made his way over to her and took the stick from her palm.

Examining it he nodded a few times "Good, good."

He then took it in both hands and tested its flexibility.

"Just the right amount of flexibility. Seems you've hit the jackpot.

The earlier versions were always too flexible or too rigid."

Stepping back he asked, "Now could you show me your quirk?"

She bit her lip trying to formulate her words properly "Well you see from what I can tell I have

some sort of energy inside of me. I only notice this now but when I activated my quirk for the first time that energy flowed into my eye."

"And what is that quirk exactly?" the man asked, intrigued at Hana's words.

"I don't know how I know this, but it's an ocular quirk that allows me to see things in great detail and copy things. But it looks like there's another ability that gives me axes to a separate dimension. The way to get to that dimension seems to be through my eyes.

The right eye allows me to suck people into it and allows me to become intangible, while the left eye allows me to pinpoint a place in space and suck people into the demension through that point."

"Hmmm…" the man went into deep contemplation.

"Ok, thank you for telling me." he then waved his hand and the purplish fog appeared again, motioning to it the man stretched out his hand, "You must feel tired, come I'll show you to your room."

Walking over Hana grabbed his hand again and they went through the dark portal.


Hey, I'm sorry if this chapter seems a bit shabby. I wanted to give you a chapter and so couldn't proof check it. Just please tell me if you see any mistakes and I'll correct them.

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But now that I'm already here I want to know what's your favorite My Hero Academia Character?

Ok, I'm posting this now because I just watched the newest MHA episode and I'm pissed.

It looks like the MLA arc won't be in the anime, personally, it's my favourite arc because it's out of the perspective of the LOV.

I mean who had the fantastic idea of not showing the best arc in the manga.

I really hope that they'll be adding it anyway but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Then I hope you all have a nice day or night depending on where you live ;)