
MHA: Average Latino guy sent to a world of heroes and villains.

I die to Later on to meet an angel who Gave me only 2 wishes. To later on to be free falling from the sky to a city were heroes and villains fight like kids of who is Better. so yeah... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... this the part were i explain stuff dont i Uh well And now I am reincarnated into a world of my own choosing and that is Hero academia. Why? you may ask because i want to mess around, have fun, and to make my simple dreams come true. and to fuck around with the characters of the new world am reincarnated in I Am only there for the rush, and joder a ambos lados of the coin (to fuck the two sides of the coin) life is short sooo why not have so fun out of it -Reckless and full of wrecks, Let's Go!-

c_fanficsCSM · Anime & Comics
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On the shattered floor lay C.

His armor was shattered but what took more damage was the head. Shattered Pieces of the helmet surround his head. Surprisingly enough his head wasn't a red mush of brains and bones.

[1st POV]

"Aaaaaaw" i move my right hand at the same time pain shoot through my body, the pain was minimal.

I got up the floor and walk away from the floor i landed. That's were i realize shard of the armor lay there on the spot i was previously on. I look down to my chest and arms as they were still cover in the dark armor.

until i realize that it mas my head that was exposed as i can feel air running through my short hair, my right hand went tours my head feeling my face and all over my head.

I breath in relived as my head wasn't fractured or cave in thanks to the helmet of the armor that took the impact, but it came at cost.

"well shit am better of without it" i look tours my left as the weapon was a few feet away from and the shattered floor. I walk tours it and pick it up

I walk to the gaping hole that i made when i crash in. I stuck my head out and was greeted with a small wind breezing through at the same time i took in the view.

"The city of japan sure has a incredible view when you are outside of the city when you are a foreigner" i said "but is a living hell if you live in japan. Either you work on job thatb will slowly kill you or you can become one more number into japan's suicide rate"


"How the hell am i able to understand that guy, all i heard was if it he was speaking english to me" i said " Hmmmmm all i can think is like game were you can go to settings and change it to a different lenguage either be manualy or automatically depending on what region or place" i muttured

"Well lets not dweel to much in it"

I look down all the way to the bottom, it was a long way drop. "Anyone crazy enough to jump from this height will be famous for one night in the news". I starred down seeing the drop an idea was starting to form in my head.


. . .

. .


[3rd POV]

"Hey you heard what happened yesterday?" said a man in a security outfit standing near a bending machine that was a few feet away from the abandon complex.

"Yeah a villain with a quirk to turn into mud took hostage a kid" replied the other guy close to him as he took a sip out of the coffee can he was holding.

Both of them began to walk to the main gate of the apartment complex that was a few feet away from

"Well that and what happened in the Train station."

"Oooooh you mean the 'meteorite crash' "

"I don't think is a meteor crash since they reported that someone or something came out of the crash."

"Oh don't tell me you believe that it was an alien, mostly the majority of all the people believe it"

"I don't know man it seem weird that the news call it a 'villain attack' " he quickly drank his can coffee as he throw it to the closest trash bin near the gate. Alright enough chit chat for today let's get this over with, the sooner we finish the sooner we go alright"

"Ok Ok let's do the survey quickly and check the apartment complex, people that were around this area heard a commotion in one of the floors of the apartment complex" he sigh

" Hope is not some problematic brat setting of fire works or something"


both of them turn around quickly as something had crash behind them.

one of the cars was a complete mess thanks to a figure covered in some kind of dark armor that had landed feet first.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!!" yell one of them.

[1st POV]

I was a bit shaken by the landing but thanks to the car i landed on it help reduce the impact.

"Who ever this car belongs too, i hope he or she has ensurance."

"FREEZE" came a yell behind me.

"Hmm" I turn my head to see who had yelled. Two security guards were standing a couple of feet close holding something with both of their hand.

Wait a second.


Their holding guns

. . .

. .



"WHOA!" I let out a yell as i put my Right open hand in front as move my left hand to my back hiding the nagamaki like a child getting cought grabbing cookies

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" yell the other who was next to the him, he was short than the guy nest to him.

"Hey! Hey! Come on We can Solve this by talk-" i was cut short

"We will not repeat it again 'HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!' " yell the tall one who was close to Two feet away from the short one.

' Please not this mierda again'

"Alright! Alright! i will put my hands on the air! but please can the both of you put both of your guns away please!" i said with a nearveous tone. if these guys can shoot whatever they but if they aim to my head.

'Then I am good as dead'

I raise My rigth hand up in the air earning another yell from the two security guys.

"Hands in the air!"

"ALRIGHT!" i yell back at the same time as i raise my left hand that was still holding the nagamaki in the air

"Drop the weapon!" yell the short security guy

" Sorry but That wont happend as you haven't drop yours !".


Alright i have two options here

I can turn my self in causing no trouble and behaving well, Probably reducing Some monhts or fucking years they are going to sentence me with '


' I can Knock them out with the nagamaki still sheathed, tie their bodies nest to a poll leaving them there so any one passing by can call their companions to help them out

but i need a distraction.

"HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE NUMBER ONE HERO All MIGHT!!" I yell as i pointed behind them.

"All MIGHT?!!"


Both turn aroumd with excitemnt like little kids expecting their number one idol to be there.

"Ya Caiste" I wishpered (it means 'You fell for it')


I hit the tall Guy in the head with the sheated nagamaki with a moderate strenght as i dont want his head to be torn from his body

I don't want this idiots head to turn into a fucking baseball. He quickly fell to the ground unconsiouss.

The short guy quickly turn his head to check on his companion as he turn around to face me. his face was greated with something black and long.

He fell to the ground with a thud, unconssious just like his companion.

"Well it looks like they fell for the classic move" i said

I quickly step out of the car that was destroy underneath me.

i crouch down as i fumbled around the short guys pocket either be his vest or his pants

"Heeeeyy lucky me" i pulled a wallet out of the mans pocket "Let's see what we got here." i opened the wallet as it reveal a good stack of money sitting there


i took the money as i put the wallet back into the mans pocket and so it go the same for the other guy. I foolded the money as i held it in my right hand as for the left hand i still hold the nagamaki.

"well let's see what this world can offer as to be call fun. But first i need to search for a apartement " i quickly began to wak away or a abandon house"

i started to walk


{2 weeks Have passed}

Beep- Beep -Beep

a clock alarm started to make noise but


not for long as the clock was smash by a hand cover in black gauntlet with claws

[1st POV]

"Hmmmmrgg" i moved my head to the side were the clock was but this time it was my left hand in it's place "Hmmm another . . . . . Clock destroy hmmmrg. . . . got stop smashing them"

I turn my body as to stare roof of my small apartment.

"Ok time to get up"

as i got out of the bed i slowly walked to the small bathroom as to complete my daily routine like any other person does, after i finish using the bathroom i quickly changed my pijamas wich consisted of a white shirt and a grey sweat pants.

I put on my black pants as well as a red shirt, I quickly put on my grey shoes

. After doing all that i went to small kitchen were i open the firdge.

"It looks like bread with jam and butter follow by can of coffe is on the menu" i muttered.

I bring the stuff on to the small table as i grab a controller pressing a button bring the TV to life as i sat down on the floor and prepared my delicious bread with jam and butter

And Hey! Small simple things can make somebody's day

"This morning on the city of mosutafu four dead bodies have been found" spoke the News lady

I took a bite at the same time listening to the tv as i took a sip of the coffe

"They have been suck dry leaving no blood behind as if they were bloodbags, the suspect is still on the search but authorities and professional heroes say he or she seem to attack during the night so they reccomend to walk where there is as much as light as possible and avoid any dark areas"

i took a long sip finishing my can coffe and throw it to a small trash bin near the kitchen

*clang* it hit the other cans that were laying near the thrash bin

' got do some cleaning when i am back'

I check for the hour before i turn off the tv seeing as it was time for me to go

To go where you may ask . . . . . well let's say to my favorite entertaiment spot were hormonol kids go to ge "EDUCATION "

I stand up turning the Tv off as i went to the door i pick up the school uniform it was hanging on the door by the small coat hanger

'I can't conprehend why do japanese highschools require a uniform, what is it for? is it to look fancy? Smart? or educated? '

It tought as i got out the apartment building walking to the highschool as it was only a couple streets down the block.

Walking down the sidewalk to reach the highschool my gaze wonder around seeing open shops either be food, clothes

And even some adult merchandise open for the public.

"Dios. talk about easy money"

[3rd POV]

A classroom full hormonal teens seem to be bickering chating and some gossiping mostly girls, while for some of the boys where in groups chating witheach other.

But there was one in particular group of teens that were surrounding a blond spike hair teen who's was laying back as the teens around him starting talking or even complimenting him.

But in one one of the seats green hair teen was mumbeling about something that he needed to do for hi training

The doorof the classroom open as an almost elderly man walk in

"Everybody go and take a sit on your respective seats come on now!"

Everyone did as they were told sitting on their desks

"It seem that all of you pass the test for this last year of higschool" said the teacher " Especially for our especial students who are aiming for UA"

Everyone turn to look to the blond spike hair teen as he had a smirk on his face

" Congratulations Mr bakugo katsuki"

the class errupted into cheers.

"And that will go the same for Izuku Mid--" he couldn't finish as the door was open

Somebody was in the class.

[1st POV]

Everybody stop chering as everyone stared at my direction

"What did i miss?" i look around

All of them laying eyes on me accompany with dead silence as if they were expecting for something.

"oh but If it isn't Cansio" spoke the teach breaking the silence " And it looks like you came in a few minutes late mind explaning"

'Carajo' (means shit)

I rubbed my chin thinking of any excuse i could think off

"Well there was an old lady that needed help to cross the road so i help her."

The teach sigh as he raise his right hand pointing to a desk behind the green broccoly head kid.

I walk tours my desk as a blond spike teen who look at me from head to toe with either be disgust or a supperioty complex waas tracking me with his eyes as i sat down my desk behind The green hair kid.

'Why was he looking at me like that? what happend? le gusto o que?' (It means does he like or what?)

"Go ahead and take a sit" he said with a tired tone " you cant keep making excuses young man. Even if you want to become a hero you got to have a sense of responsability"

'and blah blah blah' i dose off not paying attention tours what 'life Advise' he is trying to give i already had my fair share with my parents

as they alway said

'Hijo The camino your taking steps in life are going to be difficult and if for some reason life tackels you down. Its ok to cry but you got to stand BE STRONG no one will give you hand so you can stand up so you have to do it yourself and wipe those tears of your face and keep walking. You can choose who you want to be, you can choose on what path you can walk it's your own decision and no one else. '

That was an advise my ma told me back then when i was my first day in school.

hmp those were great memories

" So Mr Cansion what kind of hero do you want to be in the future?" the teach ask as he look at me

what kind of hero do i want to be?

I never think of it not even when i tought of going to the pertigious academia for So called "FUTURED HEROES"

i lay back on my seat as i stared at my desk for a few seconds as i look back at the teach

"eh i don't know" i said with a boring tone.

His brows fell in defeat as he rubbed his forehead.

"What the hell is wrong with him?"

"Is this guy serious there is no way he is becoming a hero"

"He doesn't even look to have the material to become a hero"


Well it seems that the hormonal teens didn't like my answer, what the fuck was i supposed to say

' Oh! i wiLL BecoMe thE NumBeR oNe HeRO JusT LIke mY FavOriTE Hero AlL MiGht!! '


I am not falling for that Cheap fucking excuse

"Alright since Today is the last day of highschool for you kids" spoke the teach " whe will be talking About Heroic Historical figures"

Well it seems that i will be sitting in my desks for a few good hours


[6 Hours Have passed]

Everyone was leaving out from the class out to the front of the school as well as I did the same.

Tomorrow is the big day As the UA Test admissions are Opened for those who are going. Well i can't say i am not going

If for some reason i get admited UA my dream is

To touch a girls ass and spank it.

Of course that is with their permittion for me to do

And probably for my next dream it will be to get a Girl that i can play video games with and cuddle as i fall to sleep each night of the day.

That would be nice.


i was quickly snapped ot from my thoughts as i was walking to the exit gate of the school

I slightly turn my head to the side as to see who it was

"Ay carajo" i muttured


please let it not be who i think it is.

it was the same blonde spike hair teen that was looknig at me funny, was now with a big smile on his face as he was walking tours me.

Doesn't this guy bakugo have a crush on the green hair kid Deku or what ever nick name he gives to his secret boyfriend. Since the first time i got to this highsschool i always saw him shoving him against a wall even sometimes pinning him or lening to close to him in some occasions.

And it seem that he was follow by two kids behind him.

'please dont tell me he is going to ask to join his gay harem or become his new boyfriend'

I turn around facing bakugo. his left hand grab my shoulder as that smile was still present on his face

"Hey so i heard that you are going to UA Aren't cha"

I look tours his hand that was gripping on my shoulder and look back at him

" Yes i am is there a problem?" i said with a neutral tone. This made bakugos grip to tighteen of and his smile to become a bit wider

o course i noticed that this Idiota was big time piss off

I know that bakugo as a character is only piss off at the Mc wich is Deku or midoriya. Even at the beginning of the story But he seem to be more piss when midoriya was going for UA

But the Question is why is he piss at me? well whatever i guess is just his inflated ego ballon of him callling himself number one.

"Patetico' (means Pathetic)

And i am not fucking blind because i can see his right hand open ready to cause an explotion either at my face or my gut. Either i can block it and counter with a punch of my own.


I will rather not do that since i dont want to ruin the fun when he sees me at the UA test ingression.

why you may ask because the first time i got to this school everyone ask ' WHATS YOUR QUIRK' all the time wich i didn't respond to any of their questions and ny me not answering their question they deducted and belive that i was a Quirkless which it spread all over the class, in fact it made a target for bakugo since now he discovered that am going to UA

Wich i want to pop his ego fill ballon. So i'll play aong this little game of his until we both see each other at the Registration test.

"Well let me give you a little advice then" as he finish speaking his right hand swung forward


A explosive hand hit my face as stumbled back falling onto my rear.

"Listen Here you damn Quirkless! i recommend you to leave and go back to the trash where you came from!." He yell as i cover my bleeding nose with my right hand as i support my self with my left.

"I will tell you the same thing as i tell The other Fucking Quirkless do not Put yourself on the same level as me. forget about UA and there is a good way for a foreigner like you to become a Hero"

I look up starring at his face as he was enjoying himself even more so what he was about to say.

" why don't you Dive off a rooftop, so that in the next world you can have a quirk as good as mine" He walk pass me to the exit and so did is two boot lickers following behind him and leaving me behind on the ground.

I stand up and look at my right hand as trickles of blood run from my nose to the ground and some fell on y uniform.

"Damn it not the uniform! that shit is gonna take me long to scrub it off" i yell as i look down to my uniform. I need to use lemon and baking soda to get rid of it aaaaaaaahh either way i am not using it anymore as am going to UA.


I bring up my right hand wipping my nose As the blood stop all thanks to the regenaration of the gauna. I began to walk to the main gate as to leave but before i could.


I turn around to see who it was as it was none other than Bakugos lover and the succesor of all might. He stop right in front of me almost loosing his balance.

"H-Hey i saw what happend between you and bakugo. I apologize for what he did to you please don't mind him." said Midoriya

"Nah it's fine" i said as i shake my right hand as freckels of blood hit the ground near my foot "It's nothing more but a scratch".

"R-Really? are you sure don't need to go to the Nurse's Office for your Nose?" he pointed to my noose as there was some dry blood.

I bring my palm up as to stop worrying

"It's not a big deal I seen worst people like him where i come from" i said as he let out a sight "So tell me you too are going to UA"

"UHM!" his eyes grew big all of the sudden 'w-well i-i am too g-going t-to U-UA"

"Nice and if you dont mind me asking. what kind of quirk Do you Have" i said. I already now what kind of quirk he had but i like to fuck around or tease people like him, but i have my limits on where to stop.

"I Uhm" his eyes started to wonder around looking around nervously "W-well I-I Can-t t-tell you because i-is complicated t-to explain it" midoriya was shaking a little to much

Man he looks like human vibrator, shaking all over the place.

"Alright am not going to bug or naw you about it. eveyone has it's secrets" i turn around as to leave" see ya tomorrow at UA then"

"Y-Yeah See Ya!" he stuttered

[3rd POV]

{8 Hours have passed}

The sun had already dissapeared from the sky replaced by the uprising moon.

C now was inside his apartment on the the table lay two bags food from store he had shop. C was now picking up the empty can of coffees he had drink as the Tv was playing some Japanese Show, serving as background sound.

After cleaning up he Cook himself a meal consisting of rice, Fried shrimp he bought, and slice of meat.

C grabbed a can of juice out of the bag as he set down the food on the table and he sat on the floor.

[1st POV]

"This has to be the best cooking i have done so far' i said as i bite down on my own meal and taking a sip of the can to wash it down.

A lot of things had happened when i knock down those two guy at the apartment complex their money was enough for me to rent this small apartment after that i had to find a job which it was none other than a lumber jack.

I was a lucky mother fucker they had hired me since i was running out of money i spend it on food, education, and paying rent.

Besides the job of a lumberjack is more of a work out, it help me gain a ittle bit of muscle and resistance thanks to all the wood i carry


I done a little of "VIGILANTISM" in some of the nights by doing that it help as it increse the Black Gauna Armor and it's abilities thanks to the battle adaptation the black Gauna has

It help me a little bit as i was able to convert my fingers into knife like claws in the armor state as well as to convert my hands into gauntlets, it was a small progress but a good one.

after finishing my meal i left the plate on the sink of the kitchen as i throw the can into the trash, this time it went right in. I turn off the lights of my aprtment leaving only the Tv on i changed to my shirt and pants to sleep

I lay down on the bed as i turn off the tv leaving me with only darkness as my only companion for the night. I starred up to the ceiling of the apartment as one thought came across my mind a tought that was nawing at my head.

"Maldicion i need a phone if i ever want to get a girl" i said with a tired voice as my eyelids slowly started to close. At first i fight it but i let it take a hold on me

'let's see what tomorrow has to affer'

it was my last tought as i went to sleep soundly like a baby after drinking breast milk.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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