
MHA: A Change in Course (Stopped)

When given power, people often show their true colors. One such person was now stuck in an unfamiliar body in a different world. Exposed to the world of heroes and villains he determined that something had to change. Using his new body, he would deal with every single problem and uproot the entire social order, whether the law agreed with him or not. Although not everything is what it seems. See as he struggles with being a woman flooded with new memories and fights over his nature as a person. The cause? Who knows? That's up for him to discover. Note: This is an MHA fic with an Azure Lane character. Credit to @,PinaxPinakes, the cover art is not mine.

Jake_Hansel · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


I was standing there right at the center, with a child on my heels looking up at me. It was a nice sight and it poured out joy into me. Did saving someone really feel this good?

It could've ended at that, a nice end to a quick fight with the sludge villain. Once again, fate decided that it wouldn't give up on turning things for the worst.

Heroes from before started to join up with each other and surround me. Each of them flaunted their quirks while media from the other end started to take pictures, notes, and almost anything else they could take in.

I stared at them, letting them know that the heroes encircling me didn't disturb me at all. They're still much of a threat but if I was going to be afraid of them, how could I face villains?

The man with a notable square jaw from before walks up in a stance, raising his fists in the air and squaring himself up for a fight.

"You're under arrest for illegal quirk usage. Come with us and we won't have to do this the hard way."

I tried to retort but to my surprise, the curly-haired kid steps up and places himself in between us. I could still notice his knees quivering from fear but despite that, he was still facing the hero without caring about it.

Now that's bravery, a kid of all people was doing this? Somehow seeing this kid closer some kind of weird sensation reaches my head.

Like it wants me to be an 'Onee-san?' Hold on, why am I getting these thoughts? I'm not that kind of person… Am I?

Wait, focus first.

The boy whimpered out in protest "Wwwait, she didn't do anything wrong. She saved us didn't she?"

Some of the heroes falter, their doubts being shown for only an instant. It wasn't enough though since the moment was rudely interrupted by a fist trying to reach me.

The strength hero punched forward with his right, using the full weight of his body and quirk. From what I understood this person had some type of strength-enhancing quirk.

[Unbreakable Shield] would be able to block it so I decided to let [Bow] and [Stern] grapple him away after he struck the transparent shield protecting me.

The shark rigging [Bow] lunges from the left side and clamped down on his outreached fist while [Stern] rammed itself center mass at the hero who attacked me.

The strength-based hero felt [Stern] impacting him right on his chest and he clutches himself as he crumples down to his knees. As soon as he does so, I try to attack with [Stern] again.

In my peripheral vision was a branch rapidly growing out and reaching for me. I command [Bow] to drag the hero it held to block the branch, using the hero I just sent to the floor as a human shield.

The man made of wood stops his attack just short of accidentally attacking his other hero friend. It was a cowardly tactic but I'm fighting outnumbered and with no way of knowing what their quirks were.

As soon as it was apparent that I had leverage in the fight, the heroes stopped trying to go for me. I feel a surge of relief and elation from the short exchange.

I place a finger on the edge of my lips and snark at the rest of the heroes. "So, you are going to try and arrest me? How cute. You can always try~"

The rigging behind me engages and I feel my body getting lifted. I jumped off the ground and went up to the edge of a commercial building. I needed to get a full view of the heroes present if a full-blown fight was ever to break out.

I still had the hero from earlier stuck in [Bow]'s maw. He was starting to recover from the ram from [Stern] but the hero was still disoriented from getting hit by my rigging.

They didn't seem to care however since everyone started to ready themselves to attack me despite me having one of their friend's hostage. It was heroic of them, so these heroes still had something in them after all.

The shine from a nearby camera lens catches my attention, I look to the right and see people with cameras pointed up to the scene. If I was going to have an audience, I might as well send them a message.

I bring out my hands and flourish them toward the crowd.

"Oh my, you see this folks? They seem braver in trying to apprehend the one that aided you when you called out for someone else to come. Were you not the ones waiting for someone else to arrive while the boy was dying?"

Looking back at the crowd, I could only let out a smirk as every single one was engrossed in what I had to say.

"Maybe you had forgotten it since you all think a dying child wasn't that important compared to your career as heroes."

Some of the heroes below wince from the statement.

"Guess what happened? You waited and someone came, another kid had more guts to try and save the hostage. So I thought if he could do that why couldn't I?"

I pointed to the green-haired boy and then to myself before letting out a glare at the heroes.

"Why couldn't you do the same?"

"What reaction would the heroes receive after the child had died? Would the populace be outraged? Maybe some, maybe not at all."

"You, the public, will give heroes the benefit of the doubt because you got used to thinking heroes are perfect. The media will paint it as a small accident or unfortunate circumstance."

"Tell me, if you were the ones dying and desperately clinging on to life, would you appreciate heroes right there giving up in trying to save you?"

The crowds' previous chatter died down to silence. Camera flashes stopped and the people only stared. I guess it's time for my exit.

"Auf Wiedersehen. Take him. See you all again, heroes."

[Bow] throws the hero to the ground. He grunts from the pain but raises himself.

"Argh! Not so fast." he coughed out.

I roll my eyes and raise my hand to unleash a [Broadside] at the weakened hero. Before I could even attempt to voice out my command. A rush of air made me stop.


A tall and muscular man with a gleaming smile that radiated the sun stood between me and the hero on the ground.

"All Might?!" the people clued me on.

Okay, I might've bitten off more than I can chew. This is definitely a bad situation to be in. I don't know anything about his quirk but the mere presence of him alone is making me reconsider my options.

"The boys are saved, that is all that matters." he oddly stops himself mid-sentence.

Was that blood I saw? I must be seeing things, it shouldn't be. I didn't see him get injured.

He looks at me, and in his ever-smiling face, I saw one single blue eye stare at me. Goosebumps suddenly form on my skin, this man wasn't normal.

I can feel it, the power this man held. It's exerting pressure! How is this possible? Thank God he's letting me go. He's a true hero for prioritizing the kids first rather than pointlessly trying to fight someone who isn't a threat to the public.

Using the rigging I have behind me, I quickly left the scene. A few minutes passed and I check around to see if I was being followed.

It looked like no one was.

I leap away, from rooftop to rooftop, the hot wind rushing around me as I get down in between the buildings in a small passage, and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Eugen spoke as we catcher our breath "That man was dangerous, All Might, was it? Did you feel his strength?"

I slid down to the ground and settle down. "Yeah, I don't even know how he could do that."

The sound of city life was only left after that ordeal. The ambiance made me fully relaxed. I did it, I saved those boys and that is all that mattered to me. I also said my piece to the world, hopefully, I won't have to go further than words.

"It's finally over."

"Don't relax so early. We need you to get stronger, a lot stronger."

That's something I need to be on the agenda. It's only been a day yet I have seen and felt the power of stronger people. I was lucky that the sludge villain's weakness was revealed by that boy.

I'm not even sure how I could become stronger apart from physical training.

"How can I do that? I don't know how to train myself to make our rigging stronger."

"Dive deep into your memories, there might be something we could do."

I did as told and remembered something that could work. I don't know how it works but there was something I could do.

"We can train by repeated use. It should let us use our rigging to the fullest potential."

"Right, we need you to constantly use your strength again and again. Don't rely on your rigging too much though, you might as well get started on using your hands with a weapon in mind."

So a gun? Wait no, I need to cover every aspect if I get into a fight. I already have blunt and crush force from [Bow] and [Stern]. I have the main batteries on my rigging.

"So, I need something bladed next?" I suggested to Eugen.

"A good start."

Where would I find someone willing to give their time to train me though? Should just look at videos online? No, that's stupid. I'll get to that later.

I stood up and dusted myself off as I looked toward the opening of the street nearby. Willing away my rigging, I headed to the exit and strolled around aimlessly.

I might as well use the time I had not been public yet. My existence will be circulated to most of the city eventually. It should be fine to walk around still.

As I casually traveled around blocks, I could only see dull buildings standing around me. Swinging my head around where I stood, I could barely see anything of note that I could use as a landmark.

"Where are we?"

I must've run away in a random area. It was isolated from the more bustling parts of the city and there were fewer people around. It was still a sunny day at noon so it could be possible that the people here were at work.

"Let's ask someone for directions or a map. We're completely lost." Eugen said.

As soon as I spotted a pedestrian crossing the street, I sprinted toward her with an outreached hand. I called for her attention.

The moment she looked at me she clicked her tongue visibly and crossed the street despite the lights showing she shouldn't cross yet.

I guess people here don't talk too much or try to interact with anyone.


Okay, that was embarrassing. I haven't even eaten anything for the past few hours so I guess fighting made me hungrier.

I spotted a place that could serve food, the massive bowl of noodles on the front with the word 'Udon House' on it.

It wasn't as creative a name but at least it was obvious from a distance. The only problem was that I didn't have any cash on hand.

Wait a minute.

I patted the stolen pants and could feel a lump in my back pocket. I dragged whatever was in it out and a leather wallet was shown.

It was a handful of money, maybe enough to buy one thing on the menu. The person I got this pair from must be broke.

I wasn't sure if I was able to afford a bowl of udon but I might as well look and see.

Soon, I arrived at the place since it was only a small jog away from the street. It felt cozy, a simple design with only a single line of a counter with one chef behind manning the station.

Stepping one foot into the entrance, I went inside, and besides who I assumed was the cook, only one other person was present.

A hooded man maybe just under 6 feet tall enjoying some delicious-looking udon. I sat down and the chef approaches me and asks what I would have.

I point to the hooded man. "I'll take whatever he's having."

The chef nods. "That'll be 850 yen."

I looked back in my wallet and frowned, only 50 short. I stare back at the chef who was shrugging and kept working behind the counter.

With no other option, I cautiously approach the hooded man who was halfway done with his bowl and was on his phone.

"Hey, can I borrow 50 yen? I'm a little short."

The man didn't even look at me before replying. "Too poor to afford an 850 yen bowl?"

He scoffs. "If it's 50 yen I can give it to you if you give something in return."

I quirk an eyebrow at the weird line. I bring out the wallet I had acquired and opened it wide. "I have this wallet and everything else inside them."

He finally turns to me, his face is still obscured by the hood he wore.

"I have something better in mind." he swings his phone to me and shows the contents.

What I saw on the screen made me go white.

"Your name."

On the phone was news on a vigilante appearing in the shopping district. It was a forum page and right below it was a video attached with my crazed smile plastered on as a thumbnail. News had traveled faster than I thought.

I didn't even know I looked like that when I smiled.

Lunging backward I go into a stance before the man stopped me by holding up his hands. "I'm not a hero if that's what you're thinking. Don't mess the place up, the old man is not going to like it when I burn another person to ashes."

I narrow my eyes at the mention of what he did.

"What do you want?"

He chuckles. "What do I want? Weren't you the one who asked for 50 yen?"

I held my sight of the man who was currently continuing to eat his Udon like he wasn't even bothering to look at me. I didn't know what to do, I could walk away and run but would that be the best option?


Not now stomach!

"Do you want the 50 yen or not?"

Guess I'll give out a random name, just the first thing that came to mind.


He sat still at me mentioning the name. He turns his head slowly and I could see his eyes bearing down on me. An unnerving 10 seconds went by, and all the while he observed me from his seat.

"Don't lie to me."

Damn, I thought I could get away from this by just lying. I could just bolt out of this place. From the way his line of questioning is, I don't like where this was going.

"Nothing to say? I guess I'll have to apologize to the old man."


He stops at the mentioned name.

"I told you don't lie to me-"

"Prinz Eugen."

He was motionless as he stares at me, I meet his now visible piercing blue eyes under the hood he wore and could discern multiple piercings across his face.

"Now that you know my name, can I get that 50 yen?"

He takes out a single 50 yen coin and tosses it with a flick. I catch it mid-air and give it to the chef who hands me a hot bowl of udon

After I sat down and picked up my utensils I ask the hooded man a question.

"What's yours?"

He slowly removes his hood and turns to me. I stared at his horrid appearance before he uttered a single word.
