
MHA- white flame

Plot- a boy who was no older the 7 always had a smile since young who was caring and careful with others he made anyone who talked to him feel happy and positive. So when he was told he did not have a quirk he had a bitter feeling he like to help others. But who could’ve thought because of such thing he would have became a target for All for one. After surviving waking in hospital discover he got a quirk (A/N For starters this is my first fanfic-but somethings about our MC I don’t want him to be OP or have a harem also might be a bit more gore) Quirk-it was created by Dr. Kyudai Garaki (the crazy doctor the works for All for one) a white flame that that heal surface injuries of the ones and allies or burn the object or enemy the CONS-are that when he use the flame to heal the the owner of the quirk will feel as if the were set on fire and when he use his flame to attack it uses the oxygen in his body(like fire force)

Fate32 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch-1 Go to U.A

3rd p.o.v

It was a night like any other under the sky filled with endless darkness and stars spread cross in every direction, a sight that would have anyone taking time out their day. Not far was a young teen around 15 was sitting on one of many big rocks on the beach. The teen was lost in thought looking at the dark waters of the sea as it reflected the light of the night. The sound of the waves rushing to the shore seemed to keep the young teen in a wondering mind. Then the teen heard a voice that broke him from his thoughts. Looking over to the familiar voice he saw an minka house that looked like it was built yesterday.

Over at the house was an old man with a head of grey hair a couple a white hairs here the hair itself was pulled in a mid ponytail and the old man had a goatee to match. In the old mans hand was a cane that seemed to fit comfortably in the palm of the man's left hand. The man was wearing a white keikogi and some baggy black pants and when you looked closely at the left leg was replaced by a wooden peg.

Musashi p.o.v(old man)

Not long after calling the trouble some brat I heard a reply

"I'm coming old man" the teen said getting off the rock and heading to the house.

Hearing the brats reply I could only let out a small smile. Looking at the kid I took care of over the past 5 years couldn't help but notice how tall he gotten. Coming in around 5'9"(176 cm) the teen named sojo would be considered fairly tall for his age, a head of messy white hair that was eye catching to a point but Musashi thought the most unique thing about Sojo appearance was his two silver eyes and seem to reflect light easily making them look like there shining from time to time. With a face that one could be called on the handsome side.

As I wait for Sojo to finish taking his shoes off and putting them off to the side he broke the silence between

"What is it old man" Sojo said with his eyebrow raised

I let out a little chuckle over the years Sojo has gotten good at reading people's emotions through faces.

"Sojo I want you to try out for U.A" I said with his deep voice full of wisdom

"Huh? But the school year already started plus U.A is like and hour away" sojo stated in a confused tone. "Plus their the top school around I doubt their rules could let me take the entires exam after the year started" sojo said adding more to his argument.

I just shook my head before my reply at his attempt to find a way out.

"you know as well as I do that the entires exams isn't the only way into U.A". I replied

Sojo let out a defeated sigh knowing that it was already decided he didn't push it because Sojo knew that the old man wanted what was best for him. By now Sojo had made his way to the middle of the living area and flopping on the floor.

"Hey old man why U.A what's wrong with the school on the island" sojo asked while laying on the floor

Looking and the white haired boy on the floor I let a a grin and stated

"Well for starters you can have a hero's license going U.A and not be in danger when you get in those street fights with those kids from the other town or the small thugs that come through here, I mean all it takes is one pro so see you fighting and that's it for you it's one of the reasons why I won't to send you to U.A"

Hearing the old mans words Sojo could only give a cheeky smile before sitting up

"Well a pro has to get her first and none of them will get paid good money here it's to small of island and population isn't better" sojo said in attempt to defend himself before continuing "plus I only use it when they do so self defense" sojo said with a shrug of his shoulders before finishing what he was saying I also have you"

"Sojo I was a pro before All might was a hero I don't think I'll get much leeway it's just the way it works now " I stated in a serious tone before continuing "Also that's a another reason for you to gain experience fighting and using your quirk and not everything will be easy other students could equally or stronger then you" I finished in a mocking tone

Sojo put on a small grin and said "jeez calm down old man I already said I would join"

Sojo then lost his grin and look back out to the sea

I noticed Sojo wasn't worried much which was a good sign after what he went through I'm surprised he's able to go outside much less leave the island.

"Your taking it better then I thought I was prepared to keeping going all night"I said to him

Sojo just let out a small sigh before speaking "no I knew there be a day were I would have to leave the island and go further then my current school… I was just avoiding it"

After that Sojo shot straight up and headed to his room but before he got through he said

"Night old man if ima go to U.A on then ima have to fix my beauty sleep"

Sojo p.o.v

Shutting the door after telling the old man good night I found my self just staring at the ceiling lost in thought " how long has it been since I got here 6 years" although I was a bit nervous to leave the island I was also excited to see how other people my age use their quirks, plus if the old man says I'm ready I'll give it a shot" and as he got lost in thought before he knew it sojo was already sleeping.