
Ten days of Courting

Chu Feng as soon as he was done and saw everything was in order he decided to go look for Chu Yue after all not only was she hot yet sweet. While not being as beautiful or any where near the level of some of his future girls nothing could beat your first love/ childhood sweetheart just ask little Aunt. After all Chu Yue was the first Girl the old Chu Feng used to Fap to but was too much of a pussy to do anything with.

Thinking back although Chu Yue was one year older than Chu Feng, she was still at the prime of her youth. Not only was her appearance beautiful, her character was also lively and cheerful. Yet as the daughter of Chu Renyi, and one of the closest of the very few that were with Chu Feng in the clan. She was soon forgotten even though she was the first girl that was introduced.

As he lived in this world for five years as he took over the old Chu Feng body he saw how she was very nice to him although other members of Chu Clan disliked him for not being related by blood she never left his side nor spoke ill of him. Indeed instead she would always try and help him or protect him. He also noticed she had a bit of a crush on him but was too scared to say or act upon it as she worried he would reject her.

When the old Chu Feng wasn't an inner disciple yet, she gave him some Grass to help the rank up to 3rd Level Spirit Realm for the shitty inner disciple exam of the little lizard School. After beating the shit out of everyone and receiving the prizes he decided he would give her the D as thanks later not in return for the favor but so she know she is his woman now.

And no longer would she be forgotten for those two sisters or as they are better known as the ultimate cock-blockers which left no other girl besides purple bell to join the Harem as they killed off any hope of anyone else joining.....While never being in the story long enough to do anything as something always happened to them to make them disappear.


On the first day.

It was still day the sun had not set yet while a gentle breeze passed over carrying fallen leafs. And Chu Yue could be seen walking by worrying about Chu Feng hoping desperately for nothing to happen to him. Thinking to herself what was he thinking making such a bet, saying to herself she'll protect him no matter what even if she'll have to do anything Chu Zhen asked of her...forsaking her pride and all...

As she was losing any hope she had on living a worthwhile life she could hear someone calling her, it was a voice that long since grew deep within her heart one that would follow her anywhere she went.

"Hey Chu Yue"

As Chu Yue turned she saw the most good-looking man she had ever laid eyes upon calling for her. At first she wasn't sure who it was but as she looked at him more she couldn't help but picture Chu Feng. Yet how could that be possible for this guy was practically a male god perfect in every way possible flawless as he was grand.

Yet the more she saw him the more she became sure it was Chu Feng for even his voice was the same, and while looking at his eyes even though they were different frightening even she could still see the love in them.

"Chu Yue did you already forget me? It's me Chu Feng I look different now for my Bloodline it seems I have something like the Royal Bloodline we heard about but mine seems to be stronger. For it changed and improved my body and now I feel a lot stronger and more healthily. What you think do I look good?"

Chu Yue as she heard what Chu Feng said and look at his body. She felt happy yet lost, as if she didn't do something she'll lose him forever. Now if you saw him you would see he's a lot taller with a far better build more tone and lean while not on the level of a bodybuilder his muscles couldn't be anymore perfect from what she could see as they were busting from his tight shirt.

While his face became far more handsome he could even put Goddess Su Rou to shame with how good looking. If anyone asked who was the toad and swan between them anyone with a good pair of eyes would say Chu Feng.

His hair was no longer black nor was it long reaching all the way to the back as if a mop instead it was now shorter and had a deeper shade of red. His bewitching eyes were like those of a demonic fiend turning red with pinwheels that keep spinning pulling her in as if only he's in this world.

Lastly from what she could see situated right in the middle of his eyebrow, was a speck of a violet-colored haze the size of a bean. The speck was shaped exactly like a Yin-Yang diamond. All in all the changes were adding on a hint of otherworldly magnetism to Chu Feng's already charming eyes. Making his looks that much more Breathtaking. As for his tail she could not see it floating in the air for her sprit was not high enough.

As she became lost in his eyes and started to drool she whispered "Is that really my Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng on the other hand smiled and said "Your Chu Feng? Sure if you take me I gladly like to be with you"

Chu Yue mind just froze she couldn't believe what he had said and wondered if her mind was playing games with her after all even when she hinted she liked him he never said anything only played it off as a joke.

Chu Feng as if reading her mind step forward and took her into his arms and repeated himself telling her he has always liked her and wants to be with her. Hugging her tightly as she begin to cry screaming "Yes, yes I do please let this be real"

Thus for the rest of the day day just stood there hugging until Chu Yue fell asleep and Chu Feng took her back. He did think about kissing her but quickly buried the thought as it was still too soon.

Thus for the next nine day he went out with Chu Yue until she was sure it was all real. And asked her to be his girl on the 8th day but not before telling her she would not be the only girl he had. Chu Yue deep down knew that would happen as she saw all the looks the rest of the girls gave him. Naming him their Male God and making fan club. Yet still it hurt her deep hearing him say that as he wanted to be the only one with him.

So she said to give her some time and left, after coming back to her room and crying the whole night away she used the next day to think about his words. Until she remembered all those sleepless night where she wished he would notice her and decided to follow her heart hoping she wouldn't get hurt.

Finally on the last or 10th day she stood before him and said "yes I want to be your girlfriend" and jumped into his arms as he kissed her and all her doubt melted away. As for what her Family would say or think she never once cared nor thought of them as she only cared about being with the love of her love.