
The Eternal Recognizes

Feng Xiantian blinked as he was hugged by a barely recognizable figure. After a moment a smile appeared on his face. He had turned off his Spiritual Sense due to not wanting them to sense him using Spiritual Energy.

Otherwise, he'd immediately recognize his eldest brother's presence. The eldest brother of the family of five was called Feng Bai and was a young man with a decently handsome appearance. He gave a feeling of maturity.

Feng Bai grinned as he threw him into the air. An awkward feeling emitted itself through the room. The other two children appeared, one was a boy called Feng Xi and the other was a girl called Feng Yue.

Both of them were decently older than him, Feng Yue was almost eight while Feng Xi was ten, soon he'd leave for the second rated Azure Dragon School together with his brother.

"Where are my favorite brothers and sisters!" Feng Bai grinned as he hugged all three of them much to the two other boy's dismay.

Feng Xiantian immediately jumped backward after the hug ended. He hated having such close physical contact with someone else. Feng Bai was now sixteen years old and had already entered the Origin-Realm.

Even among most disciples of the sect that was already a shocking achievement, even the number one disciple there was almost twenty and had merely reached the peak of the Origin-Realm.

That night Feng Shan and Feng Xue-er decided to cook five entire chickens, which were extremely massive. It was a night to celebrate Feng Bai's breakthrough to the third layer of the Origin-Realm.

Feng Xiantian sat in the corner of the table, with a slight smile visible on his face. Having a family… Wasn't that bad after all.


Deep inside his dantian, in the first area of the Eternal Realm, the dark gates started to shake tremendously. As if they were trying to open.

A burst of laughter engulfed the entire first area, no longer cursing or anything similar. Instead, a happy tone replaced the angry voice. Although it definitely was not trying to pass that meaning, the voice was truly gentle and felt nice to listen to.

"Soon your Spirit Powers will awaken, and I will be finally freed from this place infected with these two other dirty bastards!" The voice laughed out, showing out that the gender of the voice was female.

Suddenly cracks appeared in the dark gates and for a split of a second white and black flames burst out, before being suppressed by the dark gates which recovered almost immediately.

"To think I will have to submit to a kid who has barely started his road of cultivation… At the very least I can comfort myself with the fact he's her son… This empress cannot endure!"

Just at this moment, three rays of energy created a tremor inside the first area of the Eternal Realm, as if displaying their annoyance and slightly pissed off feelings at the moment.

The voice stopped for a moment before letting out a laugh, "I was the first one to awaken, you three can only silently check as I play with the boy and make him my own servant! Then I will take revenge at his parents for doing this to this empress."

"Now I just have to wait Patiently… Do not disappoint this empress, after all, your parents managed to seal me down here in this disgusting place together with these two..!"


Feng Xiantian was unable to sleep that night for some odd reason. He could only roll around in his bed helplessly. Ultimately he decided to cultivate all night, fortunately, everyone else was asleep so they did not notice.

His cultivation was unable to move forward, although he could still cultivate very easily, it would affect his future prospects. His balance between his physical strength and bloodline was moving in a very thin line.

If the balance was to be broken, then there was a chance he would suffer incredible damage. Although he had his ways of dealing with the pain, he'd rather not have to deal with it in the first place.

His attention was quickly pulled by a cat jumping into his room from the window nearby. He quickly rubbed his eyes slightly, feeling a bit sleepy after not sleeping for the entire day.

The cat was black and had a pair of amber slitted eyes, his tail swayed right and left in a very lazy manner. He raised his paw above Feng Xiantian's arm and nodded.


Feng Xiantian raised his eyebrow and stared at the cat. It was not like he was unfamiliar with the cat. It was a cat he had taken care of since it had been a kitten. He could feel that it was slightly annoyed at Feng Xiantian.

His lips slightly twitched, as if he could understand what the cat was trying to tell him. " I had to, mother almost discovered the place I was going to stay in the Azure Mountain Range."

"You were a worthy sacrifice to occupy my mother while I started my escape." Feng Xiantian gave a cold and teasing grin to the cat who meowed out and scratched his hand slightly.

He was not used to showing such emotions to others, but after years of having to deal with familiy love, he had learned to fake his expression to the point no one could guess if his expression was true or fake.

" I was just kidding, who told you to earn her affection." Feng Xiantian regained his cold expression as he scratched the cat's ears who started to visibly enjoy it.

Although the black cat seemed normal and had the usual characteristics of a cat, that did not mean it was your average normal cat. This black cat in front of him could be considered a Monstrous Beast!

He had found him as a kitten less than a year ago, in less than a year it had grown and looked like your average two-year-old cat. In terms of strength right now, it was a bit stronger than him.

Feng Xiantian sighed as he took the cat into his hands and jumped into his bed. Both of them peacefully fell asleep.


Years passed and soon Feng Xiantian turned nine years old. He no longer looked like a slightly chubby boy with a good body. His body now could make even some youths slightly envious. His red hair had grown spikier and a bit longer. His silver eyes were far sharper.

His clothes had changed to give him a more of a young master look. No one who would look at him would think that he was part of a commoner's family and would think he was the young master of a clan or family.


So we just learned MC has 3 World Spirits sealed inside him...

Are they all from the Asura Spirit World, or are there for other Spirit Worlds...?

Learn in the future :D

Btw confirmed are one girl and two men, there will be a 4th World Spirit in the future who will probably be a girl.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts