
Important Announcement

There is a 15% I'm dropping this novel.

My head hurts every SINGLE time I have to think about how to progress the plot with 3000 chapters in front of me.

Let me honest, I have no idea what to write about.

Not in the slightest.

I really understimated the piece of shit MGA can be, I'm really not sure if I read it without any brain damage, I'm sure I got it damaged.

You see, I Thought that after 4 years of writing I had matured, I wouldn't DROP a novel so easily.

But MGA isn't my novel, TDG was idfferent it was shorter and much easier to write about.

I'm really sorry guys, I've betrayed all of your trust... My heart aches.

Trust me, I don't want to DO THIS, I wrote a 12K prologue, while writing my TDG fanfic, edit it and when IT was originally just 9k, it became 12K. I deleted the prologue 3 times...

The problem is that, I don't feel I can continue this story and love it.

A friend made me realize it.

Why am I wasting my time?

You see, I actually have a goal of becoming a professional writer who can actually win money through writing.

As of 2019,February 20th I've won 0 money from writing and I to be frank don't even care.

I love Feng Xiantian's character but... MGA wasn't my novel and is a piece of shit. Reading the last 6 chapters made me realize that this is not the novel I want to work on.

Sorry guys once again... You can bash me as much as you want to... I deserve it fully.