
Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins

In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by a global catastrophe, the society we once knew has vanished. At the heart of this desolation lies an underground network crucial for the survival of the few remaining people: the Moscow Metro. The story takes place in 2013, as survivors strive to rebuild their lives in the dark and claustrophobic tunnels of the metro. Among them is Ilyas, an major of the army who has become the leader of a small sector. Tasked with maintaining order and protecting his people, he faces ruthless challenges and heart-wrenching choices. In a world where resources are scarce, food is a luxury, and peace is fragile, Ilyas must confront internal conflicts, power struggles, and external threats. His goal is to ensure the safety and survival of his group, but obstacles stand in his way. As Ilyas explores the depths of the metro, he uncovers rival factions, mutant creatures, and long-buried secrets. He must make crucial decisions that will shape not only the destiny of his sector but also that of humanity. Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins is a captivating tale of resilience, courage, and the fight for survival. Immerse yourself in a dark and inhospitable world where every choice matters, and hope can be found even in the most unexpected places. All major elements belong to the 4A Games company. Even the cover belongs to the 4A Games company.

LifeEngineer · Video Games
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Chapter 6: Inspection

The death of a man elicited no response within the metro; there were far weightier concerns to occupy their thoughts. The loss of one life amid the hundreds claimed daily meant nothing! Whether it was an individual who ventured too far into a perilous border tunnel and succumbed to radiation or a group of unfortunate souls crushed by the collapse of a small passage, such tragedies had become banal occurrences.

General Alexander found himself amidst a crucial meeting, deliberating the metro's future and the necessary measures to ensure its long-term survival.

Seated at a long rectangular table, the general occupied one end while his advisors sat at the other. His close advisors perused the daily reports, varying in importance.

One advisor rose to their feet and announced, "Today, according to the reports compiled by the sector officers, including those from the central metro, there were 96 executions."

General Alexander fixed his stern gaze upon the advisor, though his lack of surprise was evident. The grim tally of executions had become a routine affair in this bleak subterranean world.

"96 executions..." he murmured in an icy tone, viewing them as nothing more than abstract figures on paper. "96 executions... but 96 fewer mouths to feed! Finally! No one, be it politician or journalist, shall judge or criticize us!"

Intimidated by the general's frigid demeanor, the advisor lowered their head, unable to mask their trepidation. The remaining advisors exchanged anxious glances, all sharing the same unspoken fear. They understood the need for utmost caution, as General Alexander was notorious for his cruelty and absence of compassion.

An oppressive silence descended upon the room, each individual contemplating how the general would respond to this macabre revelation. Then, with measured deliberation, he broke the silence.

"The survival of the metro reigns supreme," he declared with emotionless resolve. "In this merciless underworld, weakness is a luxury we cannot afford. Sacrifices must be made to ensure our continued existence and uphold order. The execution of those who jeopardize our security is an integral part of this mission."

The advisors nodded, their sentiments is a blend of relief and terror. They were all too aware that the general tolerated no opposition, his thirst for power insatiable. They had borne witness to his ruthless decisions and boundless authority, but the prospect of voicing dissent remained unthinkable.

As the meeting progressed, General Alexander delved into the discussion on fortifying the metro's security. The advisors, their ears tuned to every word, cautiously offered their ideas and suggestions, mindful of avoiding the general's wrath.

Each advisor understood that the metro's survival hinged on the general's capacity for making tough and merciless choices. Fear for their safety and that of their loved ones gnawed at them, but they also recognized that challenging General Alexander would result in a death sentence. They clung to the hope that his insatiable thirst for power would not blind him to the best course of action, inadvertently dooming them all.

In this climate of terror and subservience, the advisors toiled in silence, conforming to the general's wishes. Their fervent desire to safeguard the metro mingled with the dread instilled by their tyrannical leader.

Meanwhile, General Alexander persisted in his strategic planning, resolute in doing whatever was necessary to maintain his grip on power and ensure the survival of his chosen few. In his eyes, the ends justified the means, even if it meant sacrificing human lives and sowing terror among his populace.

As the meeting neared its end, the general's landline phone shattered the quietude. All heads turned toward the source of the sound, curiosity filling the room. With deliberate motions, the general lifted the receiver to his ear. Only his family and trusted messengers had access to this sacred line, heightening the intrigue surrounding the interruption. Silently, the general listened, absorbing the urgent message on the other end of the line. After a couple of minutes, he ended the call and pressed the intercom button.

Promptly, an officer of undoubtedly high rank entered the chamber and declared, "This is Colonel Azarov. How may I assist you, General?"

Having spoken little during the meeting, General Alexander now issued his command. "Colonel, I have received information indicating disloyalty within certain sectors of our nation. I require you to lead a company to Sector B for an inspection. Pay particular attention to the 'laboratories' and search for an individual named Dr. Volkova."

The colonel wasted no time. He is a trusted confidant of the general and enjoyed certain privileges that spared him from the constant specter of a death sentence. Nonetheless, he didn't dare take any chances, swiftly departing to execute his orders.


A new day broke in the post-apocalyptic world, with the sun ascending over the ruins of Moscow, its radiant display unnoticed in the desolation. Not a single living creature lingered on the surface; even the remaining animals sought shelter underground, save for the resilient cockroaches.

However, on this seemingly ordinary day, Ilyas, typically impassive, was consumed by a wave of overwhelming anger. "What did you just say?!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with disbelief and indignation.

The special forces soldier entrusted with delivering the message avoided meeting the major's intense gaze. He repeated, "A company from the Central Metro Command will be arriving within the next 2 or 3 hours to inspect our sector."

Ilyas found the proposition ludicrous! Why conduct an inspection at such a time? Barely three weeks had passed since the cataclysmic war, and their food reserves were perilously depleted. It seemed like a reckless waste of precious resources.

"They have no justification for this, unless... unless they doubt my loyalty? But..." he pondered, his thoughts racing. He had remained steadfastly loyal and had nothing to hide.

Resigned to the circumstances, he resolved to personally receive the envoy, hoping against hope that their intention was not to dispose of him.

As the appointed time drew near, Ilyas braced himself for the arrival of the envoy from the Central Metro Command. He stood at the entrance of their sector, his eyes scanning the desolate surroundings, contemplating the possible motives behind this unexpected inspection.

Finally, the sound of footsteps echoed through the desolation, growing louder with each passing second. Corporal Azarov emerged from the hazy distance, clad in a weather-worn uniform, and approached Ilyas with a mix of caution and purpose.

Corporal Azarov halted a few paces away from Ilyas, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Ilyas, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism, broke the tension. "Corporal Azarov, what brings you here in such troubled times? We are struggling to survive, and an inspection seems ill-timed."

Corporal Azarov met Ilyas' gaze, their expression steady. "Major Ilyas, the situation is grave. Our superiors have reason to believe that there may be elements within our sector who are compromising the metro's security. We must ensure that our defenses remain strong and loyal."

Ilyas, his pride wounded by the implication, responded with a mix of frustration and determination. "Corporal, I have dedicated my life to protecting the metro and its people. I assure you, there are no traitors among us. We stand united against the perils of this world."

Corporal Azarov softened their stance, sensing Ilyas' conviction. "Major, I understand your loyalty, but the metro's survival depends on constant vigilance. Our inspection is not meant to accuse, but rather to strengthen our defenses and root out any potential threats."

Ilyas nodded, his initial resistance giving way to a begrudging acceptance. "Very well, Corporal Azarov. If it means safeguarding our people, we will cooperate. But remember, trust is a fragile bond, and it must be earned and reciprocated."

Corporal Azarov acknowledged Ilyas' words with a nod. "I appreciate your understanding, Major Ilyas."

Azarov, along with the major, inspected his sector. He searched for "laboratories," yet even after scouring every corner of the station, they encountered only the usual sights - sick children and corpses, casualties of various causes, nothing unusual.

Despite his efforts to search every section of the station, Azarov began to think that perhaps the laboratories were not here but in an isolated station. With limited time on his hands, he decided to question Ilyas instead. "Major, I've been informed that I should look for a certain Dr. Volkova, who works in a laboratory. Does that ring a bell?"

"!!" So, that's what they're searching for! But How?! How did they find out about the doctor? It was supposed to be top secret! Even if Volkova wanted to transmit a message to the outside, nothing would have bypassed my soldiers!

The colonel continued, "Based on your reaction, it seems like you know something. I hope you're going to tell me everything. We don't have much time to waste!"

There is only one possibility! There is a corrupt soldier who succumbed to something... or someone close to Ilyas has betrayed him.

Ilyas chuckled and replied, "Ahaha? Dr. Volkova? No, it doesn't ring a bell. I reacted strangely because I was trying to think if I knew her, but I don't!"

"... Comrades, I never mentioned that Dr. Volkova was a woman. You know exactly who she is! You deceived me, fully aware that you were violating martial law by providing false information to a superior officer!"

'Shit! Well, it's too late now. Time to resort to plan B (even though I don't have a plan B). I'll confess everything and see what unfolds. What's the worst that could happen? Demotion? Impossible, I'm too crucial, the sole officer of the special forces...' He didn't have much to lose, but for his ambition, it was a critical situation—no chance of promotion, loss of control over the sector, and more.

"Oh yes, now I recall. Dr. Volkova, a military doctor. She enabled us to discover extraordinary things. But you don't need that, right? Our humble sector couldn't unearth anything that would pique your interest, could it?"

The corporal regarded Ilyas suspiciously. "General Alexander sent me to interrogate her. She may have stumbled upon something revolutionary that could save the metro."

'She? Discover something? But it was me who discovered the mushroom!'

"The general will show leniency if you disclose what's happening in this station!" Azarov's voice began to rise.

With a sigh, Ilyas, unwilling to refuse or disobey the general, decided to lead him to the laboratory.

Through a concealed passage, they entered a brilliantly illuminated room adorned with test tubes, beakers, substances of every imaginable hue, and an array of research equipment. Dr. Volkova noticed their presence and approached, inquiring, "Major? Who is this person? What do you want now?" Her disdain for Ilyas was still evident.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Colonel Azarov, dispatched by General Alexander to inspect your discoveries and talents. So, Doctor, what have you uncovered?"

Volkova was taken aback, but a smile gradually emerged on her face. 'I can finally exact revenge on the major and break free from this prison!'

Ilyas noticed her smile and seethed with anger. These were his discoveries, his laboratories, his ideas, his sector! How dare they pilfer everything?

Proudly, the doctor proclaimed, "Greetings, Colonel! I am Dr. Volkova. I delved into the mushroom found by the major and discovered its safe consumption, its high nutritional value brimming with vitamins and proteins!"

Then she pointed her finger at Ilyas, who was powerless to act... He vowed to seek retribution someday, but for now, there was nothing he could do.

"Major Ilyas kept me and my family locked up to prevent this discovery and hoard it all for himself. I even suspect he plans to hoard supplies, continue receiving rations, and revolt in the near future!"

Azarov locked eyes with the major, attempting to peer into his mind and uncover his true thoughts.

"Come with me, doctor, along with your family. I don't believe anyone will impede you. Major, you will receive new orders soon and face the consequences of your actions!"