
Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins

In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by a global catastrophe, the society we once knew has vanished. At the heart of this desolation lies an underground network crucial for the survival of the few remaining people: the Moscow Metro. The story takes place in 2013, as survivors strive to rebuild their lives in the dark and claustrophobic tunnels of the metro. Among them is Ilyas, an major of the army who has become the leader of a small sector. Tasked with maintaining order and protecting his people, he faces ruthless challenges and heart-wrenching choices. In a world where resources are scarce, food is a luxury, and peace is fragile, Ilyas must confront internal conflicts, power struggles, and external threats. His goal is to ensure the safety and survival of his group, but obstacles stand in his way. As Ilyas explores the depths of the metro, he uncovers rival factions, mutant creatures, and long-buried secrets. He must make crucial decisions that will shape not only the destiny of his sector but also that of humanity. Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins is a captivating tale of resilience, courage, and the fight for survival. Immerse yourself in a dark and inhospitable world where every choice matters, and hope can be found even in the most unexpected places. All major elements belong to the 4A Games company. Even the cover belongs to the 4A Games company.

LifeEngineer · Video Games
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Rebellion? The Major?

"Damn it! How dare he! How dare he, it was me who discovered this, how dare he take it from me? I must... I must destroy this command center, overthrow this government." Ilyas shouted, throwing all the objects on his desk to the ground. He even overturned his desk and kicked the few remaining pieces of furniture.

"Someone has betrayed me! I'm sure of it, but how can I know who? How can I prove their betrayal?" He made a list of all possible suspects: "My soldiers? Unlikely, they have been loyal to him more than to the government for a long time. They were chosen and trained by him! They are all orphans, we are like brothers!"

" Igor? Possible, but he gains nothing from betraying me... taking my place? No, he is not high-ranking enough... He wouldn't gain enough for the price, while I can offer him many things."

"Only Dimitri remains, has he betrayed me? Ah, a stupid question, of course, it's him..."

"But I have a plan, it will solve everything!" Ilyas exclaimed a bit hysterically, after his fit of anger!

He straightened his chair, picked up the fallen intercom, and requested, "Secretary, call Captain Dimitri..." He looked at his desk and added, "And have my office cleaned up!"

By the time Dimitri arrived, everything was tidy again, fortunately, otherwise Ilyas would have lost face once more!

With a smile that could convince even the most attentive, Ilyas said, "Captain Dimitri, I'm sending you to D-6. I have multiple top-secret packages to deliver to General Alexander. It's a package filled with newly grown mushrooms from here. I'm sending it so that he can see the progress of Sector B compared to the rest of the metro... I'm sure you're aware of the inspection. D-6 wants these samples."

Dimitri took the package without a word, and as soon as he left, Ilyas immediately lost his fake smile. A soldier on guard duty approached, "Comrades, follow Captain Dimitri. You have all the instructions on this sheet. If there's a problem, return quickly and abandon the mission, your life has priority." This time he had a plan B.


My name is Alexei, and I am one of the citizens living in the metro after the devastating nuclear war. In the days before this catastrophic event, I found immense joy in my role as a history and political teacher at a university. It was my passion to instill in young minds a love for the past, igniting their imagination and equipping them with the tools to comprehend the world that came before them.

However, the war changed everything. The city we once knew was reduced to ruins, and the fortunate few who survived sought refuge in the depths of the metro, where a new subterranean existence began to unfold.

Under the guidance of Ilyas, our metro community maintained a strict yet just way of life. Resources were scarce, but they were distributed fairly among all citizens. Each one of us had a crucial role to fulfill in this underground society. I was assigned to the library, where I utilized my knowledge and expertise to preserve the surviving books and documents. Tirelessly, I repaired and maintained the shelves, organized the books, and assisted fellow citizens in their quest for knowledge.

Though life was undeniably arduous, we managed to retain a semblance of normalcy. We prioritized education for our children, ensured that tasks were allocated equitably, and created moments of respite where we shared stories and cherished memories. Birthdays and special occasions were celebrated with utmost dedication, an effort to nurture the spirit of community that bound us together.

Feeling a deep sense of responsibility, I took it upon myself to meticulously transcribe the events unfolding within the metro, ensuring that no action, be it virtuous or malevolent, would be forgotten...

Due to the limited number of soldiers and the vast expanse of the metro, we became familiar with the regular patrol soldiers, occasionally encountering individuals in police uniforms who had integrated into the army following the war.

As I dedicated myself to my tasks, I couldn't help but notice the occasional passerby stopping to gaze at the soldiers. Why such curiosity? The soldiers seemed unremarkable to me, and yet, this fascination persisted. Intrigued, I carefully studied their uniforms and appearance, searching for answers. Why this curiosity surrounding soldiers, particularly during a period of martial law in our militaristic government?

Just as I was preparing to leave, a realization struck me. These soldiers were unfamiliar to me. Had the Major reassigned soldiers to our capital? What could be their purpose? Eager to uncover the truth, I sought information from those around me, but like myself, they were equally perplexed. Unusual troop movements rarely bode well for the stability of our fragile existence.

The following day, an individual with ties to the army unwittingly divulged the true reason behind the presence of these enigmatic soldiers. They were not affiliated with the Major but, rather, under the command of the General himself. The General had dispatched them for inspection, suspecting signs of rebellion within our ranks.

"Are you certain, Nicolas?" I asked, my voice laced with surprise and concern.

"Yes, I'm sure! I attempted to engage in conversation with these soldiers, only to be met with resolute silence. Furthermore, their uniforms bore no recognizable emblems associated with the Major's forces," Nicolas affirmed, his words carrying a weighty sense of conviction.

"Rebellion? The Major? What could he have done to warrant such scrutiny?" I pondered aloud, perplexed by the turn of events. "I once observed the Major's actions, and everything he did appeared to be just and necessary."

"It's not important! The local command has announced that they will be opening recruitment for new soldiers! Finally, I'll be able to do something useful. I'm tired of staying in this library that no one visits! There must be traitors in the army, and we can replace them," said Nicolas, who seemed very pleased.

Recruitment? And suspicion of betrayal? Normally, traitors are first imprisoned and then replaced... Could the Major truly be plotting betrayal?

I returned to my post, organizing books, categorizing them, writing notes and reports, and occasionally attending to the inquiries of the few visitors we received.

I pondered the reasons behind these developments, refusing to pass judgment hastily. I sought to understand the motivations driving such betrayal, whether it stemmed from a lust for power or if the accused hero had been falsely implicated.

The General was hailed as a war hero, but his reputation for brutality was notorious. Ilyas, on the other hand, belonged to the special forces, known for their unwavering loyalty to those in power. They were the clandestine hand of the government, but when they defied orders, they became a true menace.

Lost in these thoughts, rocking back and forth on my chair, I was interrupted by the approach of two individuals.

These men were dressed in suits and ties, one of them displaying a badge that read "Russian Secret Service." With an air of authority, he addressed me, "Mr. Alexei, university professor at the esteemed Moscow State University?"

Nervously, I looked at the imposing man and replied, "Y-yes."

"Very well, follow me. The Major has summoned you," he commanded.


"HALT! IDENTIFICATION!" a soldier bellowed, brandishing his weapon. They were in the restricted tunnels, inaccessible to the public.

"I'm Captain Dimitri, from the 2nd Battalion of the Moscow Metro under Major Ilyas," he saluted with military precision.

"Oh, it's you, Captain. The General informed us of your arrival," the soldier noticed a box. "May I inquire about its contents?"

"It's a box of experimental food for the General."

"Very well, just pass through the metal detector and proceed to D-6," Dimitri, as a higher-ranked Captain, underwent a streamlined procedure.

Dimitri passed through the metal detector without setting off any alarms.

The soldier assigned to spy on Dimitri's team encountered a problem; he couldn't proceed through this area undetected. He examined the instructions, pressed a button, and returned to Sector B to report.

Meanwhile, Captain Dimitri proceeded on his path, oblivious to Major Ilyas' machinations. After all, there couldn't possibly be a bomb in the box; the detector would have detected it!

Following a lengthy journey through tunnels, stations, trams, and more, Dimitri arrived at the entrance to D-6. This was a high-security area, with no margin for error. He requested permission to enter, explaining that he had a message and an important package for the General. The guards, undeterred by his rank, insisted on inspecting the box. Dimitri complied, knowing it contained only mushrooms.

He took from Dimitri the package and instructed his comrades to examine the other packages of the soldiers accompanying the captain.

As they opened the box, they discovered a peculiar plastic device. The person exclaimed, "What? This isn't mushro..."


An explosion erupted?