

Where bullying takes its toll on the young and vulnerable, one boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious system that promises to change his fate. Meet our protagonist as he embarks on a transformative journey from being a victim of bullying to a charismatic and charming individual. With the help of the enigmatic system, he gains the tools to stand up against his tormentors, both in and out of school. To what extent can he conceal the darkest secrets of his previous former self? [System Integration in Progress... System Integration Completed] He grappled with the bewildering reality of what had just transpired. As Liu Yemei's vision bathed in an enigmatic shade of cerulean, a profound transformation surged within him. What lies ahead? Is this the beginning of a new journey for Liu Yemui?

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20 Chs

Liu Yemui and the Gentle Moon

A subtle shiver of anticipation coursed through Liu Yemui as he emerged from the comfort of his home, the welcoming glow of streetlights beckoning him toward the vibrant ambiance of the bustling café. The whispering touch of a gentle breeze animated the leaves of the trees that lined his path, harmonizing with the soft percussion of a light drizzle dancing upon his skin. His footsteps, a rhythmic tap on the pavement, quickened with purpose, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. Time was slipping, and he couldn't afford another missed opportunity. With his father's return scheduled for much later in the evening, he recognized the criticality of this moment, determined to convey the depth of his commitment to this newfound pursuit.

Clad in his finest ensemble, a rich, dark green garment meticulously tailored by the skilled hands of the local craftsman just a week prior, Liu Yemui embarked on the day with a newfound sense of purpose. While it may not have possessed the same crispness as his customary business attire, he regarded it as a symbol of his aspirations, embodying the essence of a fresh beginning and a revitalized determination to ardently pursue his ambitions.

The tantalizing scent of freshly baked cookies enveloped the atmosphere, embracing Liu Yemui as he stepped into the warm embrace of the familiar coffee shop. In customary fashion, Soo-Ah's welcoming presence radiated genuine warmth, her greeting a soothing melody amidst the hum of activity.

However, her response was laced with gentle reproach, "You're running a bit late today, Liu Yemui."

A gentle chuckle escaped Liu Yemui's lips as he meandered toward the inviting display case, his gaze tracing the array of meticulously arranged pastries and delectable treats. Soo-Ah, ever the amiable host, beamed a friendly grin in his direction, swiftly followed by a warm salutation as she motioned toward an unoccupied spot at one of the petite tables. Grateful for the gesture, he nodded in appreciation before settling into a vacant booth adjacent to hers.

Leaning across the table, Soo-Ah's voice lowered to a hushed murmur, carrying with it an air of anticipation. "I'm truly delighted that you've finally arrived. So, are you prepared for your first day of work here? Tell me, what should I call you now that you're part of the team?"

Liu Yemui's eyes sparkled with anticipation as the opportunity to begin beckoned. He couldn't contain his excitement, eager for things to kick off. Brimming with enthusiasm, he responded, "Absolutely! Let's commence without delay!"

Soo-Ah beamed at his unwavering eagerness. "Your name will be slotted into the schedule for tomorrow morning at the precise hour of nine o'clock."

As Soo-Ah positioned herself behind the counter, Liu Yemui shadowed her every move, observing as she demonstrated the meticulous cleaning process and prepped for the next day. In sync with Soo-Ah's rhythm, Liu Yemui diligently attended to wiping down each table and chair, striving to match her efficiency. After meticulously scrubbing the counters, he conscientiously made his way around, carefully wiping every surface, ensuring a pristine setting for the coming day.

Upon completing the cleaning tasks, Soo-Ah guided him back to the counter, where she shared her expertise in handling the register and operating the espresso machine. Together, they dedicated several minutes to practising, gradually gaining a better grasp of the equipment's perplexing.

Following this, she walked him through the preparations for the upcoming day, leaving no detail unexplained, whether it pertained to inventory management or processing customer orders.

Soo-Ah relished the company of Liu Yemui, delighting in his enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. However, once she had imparted the necessary knowledge, she politely excused herself to attend to other pressing responsibilities.

Liu Yemui found himself alone in front of the cash register, his gaze drifting over the neatly arranged merchandise. A mixture of excitement and nervousness coursed through him. It had been ages since he had engaged in such tasks; back in middle school, sports had been more appealing than studying. Those days of bullying and insecurity were now mere memories. He was determined to prove himself and succeed in this new endeavor.

He glanced at the door, noticing that twilight was on the horizon. Afternoon hours tended to be quieter with fewer customers, but plenty of employees were busy with their duties.

In the distance, a familiar voice broke the silence, causing Liu Yemui to swiftly turn his head in its direction.

"Hey, you! Come here!"

It was the manager, Claire. Liu Yemui was taken aback but managed to hide his surprise. Behind the manager stood Hyemi.

"Hyemi-san, what are you doing here?" Liu Yemui asked, his surprise evident.

However, Hyemi was equally surprised and shocked to find Liu Yemui here at the cafe. She hadn't expected to see him working there, and when she met his gaze, the realization hit her.

Liu Yemui gave her a once-over, his gaze settling on her baggy dark hoodie that extended to her knees.

Just as the tension began to build, Soo-Ah's voice echoed between them as she finished her work shift.

"Oh, Hey Hyemi, You know Liu Yemui, right? He's going to be working here too. Isn't that nice?"

Hyemi nodded in acknowledgement. Her gaze lingered on Liu Yemui, and she couldn't help but comment, "Interesting..."

After their work shifts, Soo-Ah and Hyemi departed together, leaving manager Claire and Liu Yemui at the cafe. Manager Claire, her face filled with expectation, approached Liu Yemui. Her voice was calm yet assured as she asked, "So, how was your first day? Did it meet your expectations?"

Liu Yemui's eyes shimmered with hope, and his expression exuded optimism. "It was great," he replied confidently. "I believe I can excel in this role and contribute positively to this place."

Liu Yemui's words struck a chord with Claire, and a satisfied smile spread across her face. "I'm glad to hear that," she responded warmly. "And guess what? Starting tomorrow, you'll be eligible for an additional half-hour of overtime pay."

"Seriously? I didn't know that was part of the deal," Liu Yemui exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Claire nodded with a resolute affirmation. "Absolutely, it's my pleasure."

"Thank you," Liu Yemui responded, gratitude evident in his voice.

Following a brief exchange, Liu Yemui made his way out of the cafe. Claire bid him a warm farewell, assuring him that they would catch up again soon.

Stepping into the refreshing evening air, Liu Yemui drew in a deep breath, savoring the crisp coolness that enveloped him. The gentle breeze brushed against his skin, carrying with it a sense of rejuvenation. Above him, the night sky unfolded, a mesmerizing canvas painted with the soft glow of the moon. Liu Yemui found himself captivated, momentarily lost in the tranquil beauty of the celestial display.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he reflected on the events of the day at the café. Anticipation for the morning ahead filled him with a quiet sense of excitement. He couldn't help but imagine his mother's gentle face, her absence a palpable ache that haunted his every step. In that poignant moment, he yearned for her guidance, and her comforting presence, and ached for the chance to make her proud, even in her absence.