

Where bullying takes its toll on the young and vulnerable, one boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious system that promises to change his fate. Meet our protagonist as he embarks on a transformative journey from being a victim of bullying to a charismatic and charming individual. With the help of the enigmatic system, he gains the tools to stand up against his tormentors, both in and out of school. To what extent can he conceal the darkest secrets of his previous former self? [System Integration in Progress... System Integration Completed] He grappled with the bewildering reality of what had just transpired. As Liu Yemei's vision bathed in an enigmatic shade of cerulean, a profound transformation surged within him. What lies ahead? Is this the beginning of a new journey for Liu Yemui?

SoldierOwner · Fantasy
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20 Chs


On that particular day, Liu Yemui was drawn to a bustling cafe, his eyes fixated on the words "Hiring a part-time worker" etched onto the entrance door's glass. She stood outside for a moment, absorbing the significance of the sign, before stepping through the door.

Contrary to his previous visit, the interior now bore an unusual emptiness, save for a lone customer seated at the counter, delicately sipping tea. Clad in a sleek black coat, the woman exuded an air of maturity, further emphasized by the poised spectacles resting atop her head.

Liu Yemui ventured further into the cafe, his inquisitive gaze sweeping the tranquil surroundings. The hushed ambiance enveloped him, and it appeared that no other patrons had entered since his arrival. Perhaps he had arrived too late to seize the opportunity.

Taking a seat near the window, he absently peered outside, watching a figure slowly retreating from the cafe's vicinity. He couldn't help but turn his attention to this departing individual, a glimmer of hope that they might retrace their steps later.

However, after a half-hour vigil, boredom began to settle in. Realizing that his wait might be in vain, Liu Yemui reluctantly gave up on his anticipation and shifted his focus elsewhere.

Midst the silent reverie, Liu Yemui felt the telltale buzz in his pocket, prompting him to retrieve his phone. A message from his father illuminated the screen, bearing the heartfelt words, "I'll try to come home on the weekend." A soft smile graced Liu Yemui's face as he cherished this precious communication from his father.

Tapping on the message, he swiftly replied, "Make sure to be home safe, and also I'm going to get a part-time job to save up." With a hint of longing, he yearned for his father's familiar response, despite not expecting it. Lost in this bittersweet reverie, a familiar voice suddenly pierced through the quietude, inquiring, "Are you going to order something?"

Liu Yemui stowed his phone away and shifted his gaze toward the source of the voice, a surge of recognition coursing through him. "Soo-Ah?" he uttered, his voice laden with surprise and a touch of nostalgia.

Liu Yemui's surprise held him captive for a fleeting moment, his gaze locked onto Soo-Ah, who graced him with a sweet, enchanting smile. In that instant, he found himself entranced by her presence.

Soo-Ah's attire, a simple yet impeccably tailored white button-up shirt, exuded a pristine charm beneath the café's warm, amber glow. The carefully rolled-up sleeves revealed a slender wrist adorned with a delicate silver bracelet, a subtle reflection of her refined tastes and attention to detail.

Liu Yemui had only seen Soo-Ah dressed in this manner on rare occasions, and the unfamiliar sight left him captivated. Her hair, styled in thick, cascading layers, framed her face and neck, accentuating her already elegant features, and he couldn't help but fall for her beauty all over again.

Liu Yemui's quizzical expression lingered as he inquired, "What are you doing here, Soo-Ah?"

Her response, however, drew his attention once more, her playful scolding coaxing him to study her features anew. "What do you expect? I work here. Don't look at me like that!" she chided, her words laced with a teasing charm.

Caught off guard, Liu Yemui muttered under his breath, "Uh... I don't know what I should expect..." Soo-Ah's endearing smile blossomed in response, infusing the atmosphere with a gentle warmth.

Despite his initial uncertainty, Liu Yemui mustered the courage to reach out again, his words tumbling out in a rush, "Uh... Could you help me get this part-time job?"

Soo-Ah's widened eyes betrayed her surprise, her exclamation echoing through the air, "Whaat?!"

Liu Yemui couldn't help but smile, a flutter of excitement taking root in his heart at the sight of her reaction to his inquiry.

"You want to work here? Are you sure the manager is in a bad mood right now?" Soo-Ah's curiosity emerged in her questioning tone.

"I could probably work things out somehow," Liu Yemui replied, a note of confidence seeping into his voice despite the potential obstacles.

"Well, I'm working here. Why not give it a try? If it doesn't work out, I can ask her for your resume," Soo-Ah suggested, her smile encouraging and supportive. Liu Yemui reciprocated the grin, nodding in agreement. He couldn't let go of the chance to secure an interview for the position.

The two of them engaged in a conversation, time slipping away as they exchanged words and laughter, building a subtle camaraderie. Eventually, the moment arrived when the manager made her entrance. Clad in an oversized black jacket draped over a crisp white shirt, accentuated by sleek black pants, her tightly coiled blonde hair formed a neat bun atop her head.

She approached their table, a flicker of confusion in her gaze as she addressed Soo-Ah, "Soo-Ah, who is this person?"

Soo-Ah stole a glance at Liu Yemui before responding, her words measured, "Uhh... This guy wants to apply for a job here."

Liu Yemui swiftly rose from his seat, assuming a poised, mature posture as he extended his hand in a greeting. The manager's gaze fixed upon his face, momentarily taken aback by his striking appearance. A faint flush colored her cheeks, a testament to Liu Yemui's undeniable charm.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Manager Claire," she introduced herself, her voice composed despite the momentary fluster.

"I am very pleased too," Liu Yemui replied with an affable cheer, his eagerness palpable.

"You're looking for a part-time job here? Have you ever worked in a cafe before?" Manager Claire's direct inquiry lacked any trace of pleasantries or preamble, delivered in a straightforward, no-nonsense manner. Liu Yemui, unfazed by her demeanor, maintained an innocent smile on his lips as he met her gaze and replied, "No, I have not, but I'm looking for a part-time job regardless."

Manager Claire remained silent, her gaze fixed on him, her eyes widened as though she had stumbled upon something intriguing. Her expression wasn't one of suspicion but rather of genuine fascination, akin to a child encountering Santa Claus for the very first time.

"Your hired, handsome boy!" Manager Claire's sudden, cheerful exclamation took Liu Yemui by surprise as she enthusiastically embraced him from behind.

Blushing with embarrassment, Liu Yemui gently extricated himself from her hug, not anticipating such a candid expression of approval.

"What's wrong?" Soo-Ah inquired with curiosity.

Manager Claire shrugged nonchalantly and explained, "Nothing, it's just heartwarming to witness young people these days. In my generation, we would have never expected someone as handsome as him to apply here."

Liu Yemui's cheeks retained their rosy hue, and he couldn't help but smile at the manager's frankness, appreciating her unique perspective on the situation.

Soo-ah looked at Liu Yemui with wonderment in her eyes. He was slightly embarrassed about the way Manager Claire behaved when she hugged him. She certainly didn't seem like a bad person though.

"So, that means you're going to hire me, right? I'll give it my all, even if it's just a part-time position," Liu Yemui declared with a sense of pride, eager to contribute to the team and make the most of this unexpected opportunity.

As Manager Claire locked her gaze onto Liu Yemui, she seemed to search for the truth within his words. After a brief but contemplative pause, her features softened into a reassuring smile."Yes, yes, why don't we give it a try?"

She was still smiling as they got up from their seats. And yet again the two of them stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. It seemed to Liu Yemui that this time she actually forgot about work.