

Struggling to balance school life and her music career, Danielle is thrown into a facade as America's new super-heroine known as Bindi. Keeping her identity secret, she has to learn to conceal her powers to protect her loved ones and prevent utter despair. She's introduced to two awkward amateur superheroes like herself when her grandfather entrusts her to take his place as the protector of New York City and become the leader to the team META. Surrounded by the support of her teammates and the American people, she finds herself battling a villain named Nico with gecko-like powers whose only desire is to destroy America and everything she believes in. Becoming America's most wanted mutant- with his comrade Phoenix, Nico goes into hiding as his civilian self by the name Ivan. Struggling to obtain an uneventful life, he crosses paths with a classmate none other than the musically inclined pop star who turns his life upside down. As time unravels the dark hidden truths, a greater evil awaits in the shadows awaiting to clip the wings of a hero and desecrate humanity.

onedaysomedayy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Prejudice Morons



"You're late, kid."

"I know Uncle Leon, your wife caught me at the elevator."

"Damn boy, I'll have to listen to her about your appearance all day now." But, his eyes scan Ivan in the distance, "you couldn't pick a better outfit?"

Ivan shrugs as he walks past his uncle, "I don't know man, just following orders."

"It's university, kid." Leon straightens himself as he walks behind, "tomorrow, dress like a normal guy. You look like you're going to a funeral."

"Kind of feels like it."

"Can it, Ivan." Leon slaps his hand on the boy's shoulder as he points out his car, "it's not going to hurt you to get out of your room for a couple of hours."

"Yeah, okay," Ivan grumbles as they power walk through the clumps of snow.

Despite Leon's tough exterior, the old man was soft. Leon was affectionate to two things only; his wife and his 1999 Mercedez-Benz. He adored its leather seats and 8-track-cassette player. But, while Leon called the car his prized possession, the rest of the team loathed the rust bucket. It was notoriously known for breaking down constantly.

The engine hummed quietly as the duo climbed inside, "attaboy, Ivan! You'd make your mother proud." Leon flashed a toothy grin revealing his gold canines, "she'd be even more ecstatic if you'd get a girlfriend."

The mention of Ivan's mother made his skin crawl. Because she was murdered execution-style for the contents of her blood. Ivan's father hardly spoke of his late wife. Instead, he turned his family into a league of mutants to eradicate mutant slayers and create safe heavens under the careful eye of the government. Ivan hardly remembered his mom- given that he was six years old when she passed- but Ivan knew that he was the spitting image of her. All Ivan could recall from the distant memories was that her demise ultimately changed their father into the pariah Derek is today. And the beautiful dark-eyed woman supposed to raise Ivan and Sasha has been six feet under for sixteen years.

Everything they have worked for today was in honor of the mother she never got to be.

Ivan shook his head as he stashed his bag on the floorboard, "piss off."

Leon shrugs mischievously, "well, I'll try. Now buckle up." The old man reaches to adjust his mirror, "don't want your blood on my dash."

Ivan turns to look out the window, sighing, "jokes aside, why am I attending this school as my real identity this late?"

"Let me put it this way," Leon replies while shuffling through cassette tapes to play in his car, "you may have a unique job, but-" he pauses as he sets a cassette into the player, "you're Ivan Leray, the mayor's son, who sulks in his room all day. You have a future to build behind the mask, and it doesn't look good for your father if you sit in your room all day."

Grumbling under his breath, Ivan stared out the window as Leon inverted into traffic. "It's going to reek of prejudice morons."

"Until further notice, you are one of those prejudiced morons." Leon sighed as traffic slowed, "your dad pulled a lot of strings to get your credits transferred. So, for fuck's sake, don't get expelled so fast."

Ivan scanned the contents of his satchel, recalling the books his sister ordered for him months in advance. Sasha was the one who practically begged to be sent to Briggs University, yet it was Ivan who was stuck with the suffocating task. "Yeah, okay."

"Cheer up. Live a little, kid." Leon glances at him, "go make some friends and have a beer. Shouldn't sulk after daddy's approval your whole life. Hell, I bet you haven't even had your first kiss or-"

Ivan could feel his face grow hot as his uncle pried at him, "Okay, I think I'll walk the rest of the way. Looks like traffic is jammed."

A grin spread across Leon's face as Ivan swung the passenger door open, "you could've at least lied."

"Whatever," Ivan says as he pats the hood of the car before raising his middle finger to his uncle, "I'll see you at dinner."

"Okay, boy," Leon shouted over the sound of traffic as Ivan turned to walk away, "don't forget to kiss a girl. Or boy. We don't discriminate!"

Picking his pace, Ivan threaded between the still cars to reach the walkway. Briggs University was two blocks down. He had twenty minutes to make it before his class started. Ivan schemed through the walkway, avoiding the slips of ice on the ground.

Huffing as his legs burned in agony, brushing past the heaps of snow. In the distance, Ivan spotted the towering cobblestone building. The entrance was layered in welcoming banters and purple flags.

Unlike Ivan, Sasha was known for her bubbly persona. She knew how to blend in and associate with others effortlessly. Dread began to fill Ivan's mind as his breath hitched in the cold air as he muttered, "Sasha would've been a better fit for this one."

Ivan takes a turn as he approaches the university opening. Passing vacant benches and tables, he heads towards the entrance as a small pool of students rush inside. He made his way up the stone steps before reluctantly pushing the glass door forward.

Reaching into his satchel, Ivan pulled his phone out to see that Sasha had called him six times. Below the call notification, she had sent a collection of messages.

Message 1:

Sasha Leary 07:24

"You forgot your schedule. Chemistry is Room 112A."

Message 2:

Sasha Leray 07:26

"And your chemistry book."

Message 3:

Sasha Leray 07:26

"Hello?? Are you serious? You forgot your ID card too."

Message 4:

Sasha Leray 07:30

"And your wallet."

Message 5:

Sasha Leray 07:42

"I'll bring it by at lunch break. Meet me outside."

Ivan's breath hitched as he grumbled, "dammit."


Message 1:

Ivan Leray 08:01
