

Struggling to balance school life and her music career, Danielle is thrown into a facade as America's new super-heroine known as Bindi. Keeping her identity secret, she has to learn to conceal her powers to protect her loved ones and prevent utter despair. She's introduced to two awkward amateur superheroes like herself when her grandfather entrusts her to take his place as the protector of New York City and become the leader to the team META. Surrounded by the support of her teammates and the American people, she finds herself battling a villain named Nico with gecko-like powers whose only desire is to destroy America and everything she believes in. Becoming America's most wanted mutant- with his comrade Phoenix, Nico goes into hiding as his civilian self by the name Ivan. Struggling to obtain an uneventful life, he crosses paths with a classmate none other than the musically inclined pop star who turns his life upside down. As time unravels the dark hidden truths, a greater evil awaits in the shadows awaiting to clip the wings of a hero and desecrate humanity.

onedaysomedayy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Better Late Than Never



Dread filled Dani's mind as the driver rested his foot on the gas pedal. She watched as the media and reporters stayed rooted in the pelted snow waiting for a glimpse of her arrival. The newsletter tries to cook a divine gossip segment on any and every celebrity they could sink their ink teeth into. And Dani knew she was far from an exemption.

"Ms. Castillo," Mr. Adams glanced at his reflectors. "We'll arrive in ten. DeVall said your security team will arrive shortly behind."

Biting her tongue, she nods in response.

I really need to hire a better team, she entertained herself.

"Thank you, Adams." She smiled at the gentleman, watching his thick gray brows furrow, "something wrong?"

"The usual," he points at the sidewalk littered with a new batch of Daily Value media reporters. "Maybe one day they'll take the morning off-"

She stifles a laugh from his bitter tone, "hell would freeze over."

Dani skimmed through her distorted thoughts as she replied to James.



"Thank you! I'll buy lunch today. Tell Mir it's sushi day."

James and Miranda. Most likely to marry. Briggs University sweethearts and love-at-first-sight believers.

James's girlfriend, Miranda Jones, is a fanatic. The head cheerleader and pointer. But the girl craves seafood like no other. It was nice to be friends with a couple without animosity.

The two remind Dani of lovesick sweethearts. Always tangled in each other. Supporting one another, and are never ashamed to show their affection.

Dani often wondered if she'd find even a sliver of what they shared. Their happiness seemed to ooze from their bodies and radiate wherever they go. Leap often mocks their displays of affection with acts of anguish like a child seeing her parents kiss. Scoffing with her tongue out while gagging.

Dani pulled up Leap's contact on her phone and sent a quick message.



"Got plans today?"

Her phone twitched in response. Leap's civilian name dragged across the screen as Dani opened the new message.



"I'm free"



"Sushi with the Mr & Mrs. Ross?"



"As long as we embarrass the sh!t out of them every time they kiss."




"I'll park to the entrance as close as I can," Adams urged, "but DeVall has asked you to wait until security arrives."

She turns the sound off on her phone and snaps its cover shut, "funny, security is supposed to arrive first."

"What can I say?" Adams looks up, trying to sway her annoyance, "I do my best to make sure you arrive fashionably early."

She cringed at his joke with a smile, "lovely gesture, Adams."

"Don't forget your coat," Adams urged, slowing his car at the school entrance, "it's freezing out there."

Dani nodded in response with gratitude. Her high tops were caked in the snow when she left home, and she immodestly regretted listening to her team by agreeing to advertise the designer dress.

Dani reached over to the spare seat beside her in the back grabbing her coat. The heavy material sinks on top of her skin. She slips into the puffy sleeves dragging its large edges over her chest.

"Stop here, please."

Mr. Adams kills the ignition, leaving his car to idle to a stop, "yes ma'am. Mr. DeVall—"

"Inform Mr. DeVall that I'll be hiring a new security team," she sighed, swinging the car door open swiftly.


Loud pops followed by bright lights punctured the air as reporters stalked in the shadows. She waved politely before turning back to watch Mr. Adams's reluctant glare.

Dani raised her hand to tap the top of the car as she stepped out of its grey body, "thank you, Adams. See you this evening!"

She closed the back door slowly as the media treaded through the clumps of snow. Pulling her cardigan tightly to her chest, Dani plowed through the cobblestone pathway. There's no way she'd be late again because of the media.

Like a tidal wave, the media flooded the gateway. She could hear the shouted request drum in her ears as she made her way to the steps. Their questions devoured her senses as she pressed forward seemingly unbothered.

"Are the rumors true that you—"

"And X is back—-"

"Releasing a new album—"

"Checked into rehab—"

Except, it did bother her.

Every single question.

As she slipped through the glass doors, she wondered what questions would the media ask if they knew her secret. That she was the newly beloved heroine. Bindi.

Dani bypassed the elevator and darted up the stairs. She didn't bother looking back to see if any reporters slipped inside. She remembered her classes like the back of her hand so she breezed past murmuring crowds as much as possible. Even if it meant she'd have to sprint up five flights of stairs.