

Struggling to balance school life and her music career, Danielle is thrown into a facade as America's new super-heroine known as Bindi. Keeping her identity secret, she has to learn to conceal her powers to protect her loved ones and prevent utter despair. She's introduced to two awkward amateur superheroes like herself when her grandfather entrusts her to take his place as the protector of New York City and become the leader to the team META. Surrounded by the support of her teammates and the American people, she finds herself battling a villain named Nico with gecko-like powers whose only desire is to destroy America and everything she believes in. Becoming America's most wanted mutant- with his comrade Phoenix, Nico goes into hiding as his civilian self by the name Ivan. Struggling to obtain an uneventful life, he crosses paths with a classmate none other than the musically inclined pop star who turns his life upside down. As time unravels the dark hidden truths, a greater evil awaits in the shadows awaiting to clip the wings of a hero and desecrate humanity.

onedaysomedayy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Author's Note


Trigger warnings will be included in the chapters needed. Following triggers may include but are not limited to: abuse (verbal/ emotional/mental), wrongful imprisonment, death (blood/gore/magical elements), adult dialect, mental illness or ailments, etc…

Ages 17 and Up for the following reasons:

1. Parental Guidance; some chapters may be too intense for a younger audience

2. Adult Dialect; some lingo may not be appropriate for readers

3. Mention of Mental Illness; in a fictional world stricken with discrimination and greed, the realism of mental illness or aliments rightfully should be mentioned. While an appropriately aged audience can relate to the struggles of characters, it's advised to proceed with caution (trigger warnings will be added at the top of chapters that will contain said triggers.)

4. Real-World Issues; Events in the story may be too intense for some readers (poverty, slander, injustice, death, discrimination)

5. Magical & Supernatural Elements; magic and mythical beings are the vision to META's but have no intention to offend those who have different beliefs or varied views.

6. Happy Endings Don't Exist Here; readers are advised. You have been warned.


1. New York City; the center of the story's setting

2. Briggs University; Campus main characters attend

3. Time Square; first attack caused by Nico and Pheonix

4. Burns Brewery Night Club; secret mutant hideout


1. Danielle Castillo; secretly known as Bindi (butterfly-like powers to cocoon victims to restore or resurrect self), meta leader

2. Ivan Leray; secretly known as Nico (gecko-like ability of harden skin, visibility, and strength), brother to Phoenix, often leads during missions

3. Sasha; secretly known as Phoenix (received her nickname for her flame ability), sister to Ivan, biggest fan of Dani Castillo

4. Aaliyah; secretly known as Leap (frog-like ability to jump back in time 5 minutes prior), best friend to Dani, love interest for Sasha, meta teammate

5. James; secretly known as Shade (illusionist ability, meta teammate

6. Miranda; captain cheerleader, girlfriend of James

7. Mayor Leray; the one behind Nico and Phoenix rain of terror

8. Dark Matter; a villain known for observance, right hand to Mayor Leray

9. Giana; shadow manipulator

10. Isabella; mutant turned immortal with earth elements

11. Materie; a villain with telekinetic abilities, right hand to Mayor Leray

12. Sledge; a villain known for his iron wielding abilities, blacksmith and chef to Mayor Leray and his team

META is a complicated sci-fi story full of compelling genetically mutated characters with an enemies to lovers plot. Characters referred to as immortals are mutants who've surpassed their conscience and act purely on uncontrollable and irrational nerves. META takes place in America where mutants are looked at as the lowest means of society and are discriminated (often wrongfully imprisoned because of said abilities).