
Merlin Descendant


Garybrennan129 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 6 first class's and meeting Professor Severus Snape

Alex wood's 3rd person P.O.V

I left the great hall with harry and ron and hermione we where on my way to the first class of the day and it was Potions with professor snape.

we arrive at the class and some other students they where waiting out side the class waiting for the professor to arrive the slytherins I was looking at me side to harry we are sharing this class with the slytherins.

we walk into the class and took are sits and professor snape came into the classroom like he had a sick up he ass the professor side no foolish wand waveing in me class.

professor snape looked at harry who was writing something on pice of parment professor snape side I don't like people who don't pay attention in my class.

professor snape side mr harry potter are new celebrity Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to and infusion of wormwood.

harry was shocked he didn't know what to say I felt bad for him professor snape did that deliberately on harry and hermione had her hand up because she knew the answer's.

the went on for good 20 minutes before he dismissed us and its was longest 20 minute's in my life we got out there quickly the and on to the next class I side to hermione what the next class.

she side defense against the dark arts with professor quirrell ron side it should be a improvement on snape and harry agreed with ron.

we mad are away to 3rd floor never the gryffindor common room we med it to the class here professor quirrell was waiting for us today only a introduction to defend against the dark arts professor quirrell talk about only using spell for defence only.

the professor dismissed us and we went to luch we mad it to the grate hall I ask what next class hermione side it was free period for the rest of the day.

for the rest of the day we hung out in gryffindor common room we went to dinner then professor mcgonagallgen called me to over.

she side the headmaster wants to see you professor mcgonagallgen side I will take you to he office I followed for 20 minute up the heights tower.

the professor side the password is Toujours Pur she side it and the stairway open up I walk up to the top I got to the top and knocked on the door.

a vice side come told me to come in I opened the door to professor dumbledore doing some paperwork professor dumbledore told me to sit down alex I sit down and waited to he was fished with paper work.

professor dumbledore put down the paper work and looked at he asked me do I want a sweet I side no thanks professor dumbledore.

I side so professor mcgonagallgen told me you wanted to see me professor dumbledore side yes alex I did I herd what happened at gringotts she told me have different your magic is.

so dumbledore side me why I didn't go into merlin and morgana vault I side because I don't know about the magical world all that well.

I told professor dumbledor in my inheritance test it told me I well merlin had castle's around britain and Ireland I will probably need help getting into I need to some to go to bank with I like that to be you.

I herd stroy about you that you are the most powerful wizard of century professor dumbledore side to your first question I will come with you to open merlin and morgana vault.

and to your other question I will help you go to these castle's that merlin has around britain and Ireland professor dumbledore side.

I went back to have my dinner when I arrived there I see harry ron and hermione I sat down and ron side that did professor dumbledore want I told him that between me and the headmaster I finished dinner and went to the common room.

the fire was going in the fireplace I was sitting down on the arm chair thinking about my dad in prison I think I will write him a letter.

I write the the letter to my dad and I went up to bed and took my uniform off and put on pyjamas and got into my bed and fall sleep.