
Chapter 58

“Where’s Mathias?” she asked, tucking into her scrambled eggs.

The way she deliberately chose not to look at Edmund said more than the simple question. “On the couch watching TV,” he replied. “His favorite movie is on.”

That drew her curious glance. “Please tell me it’s not something corny like Lost Boys, or something like that.”

Edmund’s smile returned. “No, it’s Some Like It Hot, believe it or not.”

She stopped in mid-chew. “That’s a classic.”

“And he can’t like it because…?”

“It’s just not what I would have expected from him, that’s all.”

Darby resumed eating, and Edmund regarded her in silence. “I know what I said to you about him,” he finally said. “And I know what your opinion of Mathias is, but I think you’d be a little bit surprised by what you found if you got the chance to really know him.”