
Chapter 39

Neither of them said a word as he turned down the street that led to Birdsong, but even from that distance, Darby saw the unmistakable flash of police lights parked outside her club.

“Damn it,” she muttered.

Mathias slowed to pull into the lot, but when a uniformed cop waved them to stop, his hand reached over to rest on her knee. “Don’t let them get to you,” he said. His voice was low, his gaze unwavering from the officer approaching his window. “Everything is going to be all right.”

That was easy enough for him to say, but Darby was prevented from a smart response by the cop tapping on his window. She held her breath as Mathias rolled it down.

“I’m sorry,” the cop said. “This is a crime scene. The club’s closed tonight.”

Darby leaned over, making herself more visible to him. “I’m Darby Bell,” she said. “This is myclub. What happened?”