
Chapter 24

He stared ahead into the abyss of the back hall, nostrils flaring. For all intents, Mathias looked like a wild cat who had just spotted an enemy on the horizon, poised to leap at the slightest provocation. It was the same careful danger she had sensed when they’d first met, but just as then, it didn’t frighten her.

Because he wasn’t directing it at Darby. Whatever had captured Mathias’ attention was inside the club.

“Go get in my car,” he instructed, never looking down at her.

The order took her by surprise, and Darby untangled herself from his arms to step back into the doorway. “You have got to be kidding me. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

This time, his gaze slid to her in a fluid motion that missed nothing. “Then go get in your car,” he said. “And I’ll follow you to Edmund’s flat to make sure you get there safely.”