
Merciless Queen

A princess is forced into hiding when her own brother kills their parents and forcibly takes over the throne. In order to save her country, she had 2 options: Marry the powerful king from another kingdom or seek out the elusive vampire-witch to become the strongest vampire-sorceress! The question is: Why not both?

AerialClove · Fantasy
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27 Chs


*You might think this is a fiiller chapter because as the name suggests, this chapter is about Charlotte and it is a filler. But this chapter contains important information, necessary to the story line, so please don't skip.


It's been weeks and Charlotte still hadn't heard from Astraea which made her worry for the princess. She also desperately wanted to talk to David, the boy she has had liked for years. She still hasn't left the palace in hopes of seeing the two again and her free time was spent watching the crystal as she waited for a call from Astraea. Of course she could contact Astraea but she didn't want to disturb the princess in an important situation.

She still worked as a maid for the royal family and Astrophel hadn't noticed her existence as yet or she would no doubt be locked up in the dungeon and tortured for information but she had no plans on leaving anytime soon, so the best she could do was lay low for now.

There was another reason Charlotte didn't want to leave the palace, there was a person close to Astrophel that reminded her greatly of some people she met in the past and she wanted to confirm her suspicion before she left.

In the past, she was working at a baroness's manor. While out running an errand she encountered a strange group of people. They all had an unearthly beauty and had many things in common. They were all male, had long silver hair and clear silver eyes -and if it weren't for the subtle differences in their other attributes such as height, length of hair and the shape of their lips- Charlotte would have thought they were all copies of on person, and meeting these people greatly changed her life.

There was one person in the palace that had the exact features of the group she saw in the past and if the man was who Charlotte thought he was then spmeone else was pulling the string behind Astrophel and all of this could have been her fault.

Charlotte was trying to stay hidden from Astrophel while wanting to have a small talk with Fray, which proved difficult as the two were always together but when she saw Fray step out of the throne room without Astrophel she finally saw her chance.

But as the girl took one step a look of surprise came took over Fray's mischievous feautures and Charlotte saw him glancing around before he mouthed something to her and being an expert in many fields Charlotte immediately saw what he said and the words that stayed produced no sound made Charlotte turn and walk away not bothering to approach the man, his words lingering in her head.

Charlotte walked to the servants quarters and plopped on her back on the hard mattress and stared up at the ceiling ahs he thought back to what Fray mouthed to her. "Meet me by the stables." Charlotte voiced. She turned and glanced at the crystal, thinking back to Astraea as she prayed to the gods that Fray wasn't who she thought he was.

The irony she found in her praying to the gods made her laugh but after sighing and closing her eyes Charlotte fell asleep and was drawn into a world of darkness. When she opened her eyes she saw a smiling Astraea in front of her and immediately returned the girl's smile happy to see her after such a long time.

Charlotte gasped as she saw Astraea disappear and in her placea group of silver haired people appeared. "Is this what you really want?" Charlotte remebered that she nodded to that question in the past but now she was desperately shaking her head, wanting to erase that moment. "Alright, but you need to got to Valens and do what we say."

At this moment Charlotte was sobbing and tears streamed from her eyes. "I change my mind, I don't want to do this anymore." but in the past she had done what they told her to do, not knowing what disasters she would cause.

The men disappeared and Astraea came back but this time blood was running from her mouth and a group of faceless people laid dead on the ground, drained of blood. "You did this to me." Tears of blood was streaming from Astraea's eyes "I thought you were my friend."

""I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." Charlotte sobbed "Please forgive me." Charlotte knew that this was only a dream but the words stabbed her as she knew everything they said was the truth, now realizing she might be the cause of what happened to Astraea's family Charlotte wanted to turn back time and never leave the manor that day.

Charlotte woke up from the dream panting, she could feel dry tears on her cheek and could taste a salty flavor on her tongue. though she was tired she got off the bed and went to the small bathroom attached to her room and washed her face.

She went back into the room and sat on the hard bed before glancing at the clock to see it was only three in the morning and she had a few more hours before it was time to meet with Fray. She went into a sleeping position and closed her eyes, hoping to get more hours of sleep but she couldn't fall asleep despite feeling her heavy eyelids as the fear of having another nightmare plagued her mind.

After minutes of tossing and turning she finally succumbed to sleep her only conscious thought before falling into a pit of darkness was 'I hope Fray isn't from that place.'