
Memories of The Blue Sky

Twilight_Fantasia · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Author's Notes

Hello everyone, I am Fantasia

Hmm, it's my first time actually starting anything

online. I am not really good with grammar or anything

like it, but I wanted to start writing a book one day so

it will be my first try today. I am talking like I am so

old but I am just 16. Yeah, I will be in your care

from now on.

This story will probably not interest you or make you

so excited that you will jump off your seats but at

least give it a try. I don't think I am really good in

doing that compared to the geniuses out there, but I

will make sure you enjoy the story and all the

elements of it.

Thank you for the future support (if there is and enjoy the book.)

Going to be long down there (you don't have to read it).

Ps: I am open to criticism of all sorts as long as it's qualitative and not just some dumb haters💀.

I will also try to keep on the updates at maybe around one each four days (I will post the first two for you to decide if it's worth it to continue reading it).

If you have any grammar issues, please take note that I am bad at it, and tell me what to improve I will not turn a blind eye to it.

For the ones that will be saying use a grammatical site for the mistakes. I can learn so why cheat. I will use this opportunity to improve my grammar. The chapters won't be that poorly written too don't worry.