
Memories of The Blue Sky

Twilight_Fantasia · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Whole New World

Blue Sky

Chapter 2 : Whole New World.

The World is always changing always moving.

Humans had always claimed to know where they were going

, but if you don't even know where your world is going .

How could you know where You will be going?

2 weeks had passed since the tragic death of a kid empaled on a tree.

It was a tragic accident caused by a drunk driver that lost control of his vehicle by pure bad luck.

It was inevitable.

The News used that occasion as a way for them to add more ads on tv such as "don't drink and drive" or "you are putting life of others in danger not only yours".

That event was soon forgot and all that remains now is a creepypasta about a kid that would look at the people looking at the tree.

It was soon classed as one of the top creepypastas on the net such as: Daisy destruction(don't look at that it's messed up), my little porny and Tender Man.

But for some people that event would be the one that changed their life.

A group of teenagers were coming back from school.

They seemed to be talking about something important as their faces seemed dead.

It could be about their studies or maybe their future or maybe ....

"Did you guys see the news last night? It's about this man in the hospital whose soul was seen before he died. This news was deleted eventually."

one of the youngsters finally said with relief as if he took a mountain off his shoulders.

there were increasing numbers of weird occurrences recently. There was also enormous increase of strange rumors, from vampires to a supposed superman lifting a 2000 pound weight with just one hand.

There were also some videos, for example, showing a person who would cause the street lights to go off wherever he walked to. These occurrences all seemed extremely weird and supernatural.

A video of a woman mysteriously disappearing into thin air, a Sadoko coming out of a toilet but no web experts found any edits.

A video taken by a bystander, who showed someone drawing in the clouds up in the sky with his hands.

What was common in all of them was that all these videos eventually disappeared.

For away from all those rumors, 2 teenagers were walking toward their destinies.

It was Seth and Alicia and they seemed to be happily discussing about something when suddenly.

"Hey did you eat your candy?"

Alicia asked, she seemed really concerned about the safety of Seth's candy.

"Nah, why are you asking?" Seth responded in a leisury tone.

"yesterday night, I wanted to eat mine but I didn't like the color so I wanted to exchange" Alicia said, she seemed a little embarrassed about what she just said.

"Oh it's fine you can have it"He said

He took something in his hand and throw it at Alicia.

She catched it as the master she is and say while nodding her head.

"I know I could have believed in you for that "

When suddenly, she hear a voice going away saying.

"Hahaha, she was actually thinking that I would have gave her my own candy. Dumbass blonde."

Said Seth while climbing a wall and running toward what seemed to be a circus.

"I knew it" said Alicia while sighing.

She stretched for a seconds then


She was faster than the wind, faster than Seth, faster then everything.

She was the Flash.

She caught up to Seth and an instant.

But she suddenly said

"Thou art too slow forth me."

And with disdain in her eyes she continued toward the circus.

Seth was thinking"Should I stop and go back home?

No! I can be faster than her I can't give up now"

He was giving his all, his everything, but reality was cruel .

He finally arrived but she had time not only to sit but she also prepared a 'pique-nique' with a barbecue almost completely cooked.

Seth couldn't take it anymore and coughed up blood and he fainted.

Seth woke up and saw Alicia just above him sleeping.

Any other boy in this situation would have been excited but he was Seth.

He kicked her off with his feet like any decent men would do.

He then proceed to carefully take a white candy out of her pocket .

he took the black one out of his and put it in her mouth.

He woke her up, he ate the white candy felt a little heat in his belly but he didn't care.

His heart was dead, he lost all his pride but he would get it back.

They got attracted to a commotion in the crowd not too far away from them.

The man on the stage had flames engulfing his body momentarily, and in the next moment, it would be gone. The crimson red flame brought along a small shade of blue, and it was extremely gorgeous.

Towards the end, flames erupted from the man's palms and flew towards the audience. However, as the flames were about to reach the audience, they all vanished into thin air.

Applause and cheers erupted from the entire venue and the performer bowed before leaving the stage.

One person was silent. The bright and crimson red flame got the closest to Seth, and when that flame got nearer, Seth felt, momentarily, that his heart had an erratic movement. That feeling… It felt like a reconciliation between two parties after an eternity…

Seth was too immersed in that feeling, so immersed that he didn't realise that Alicia also had the same expression as him.

At that moment, Seth knew what he had to do.

He had to meet this guy, he had to know, he needed to know.

He looked at Alicia and they nodded at each other.

They waited at the end of the spectacle then headed toward the backrooms to meet him.

Seth and Alicia were going in when suddenly they bumped into 5 huge men dressed in black.

They seemed carrying something in a black bag behind them.

Seth was about to ignore them and go in when the sensation he had earlier came back.

The source of it was... The bag.

A voice seemed to struggle to say: Help me, yes you help me please.

The 5 men all turned at the same time at Seth and seemed to be waiting to see what he would do.

Somewhere a voice seemed to say " Do we truly know our world? Or were we just told the world is how it is".

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3: First Contact !?