
Memoir of the Death God

Soul Society is a place known to cater to the souls of the dead. Various beliefs teach everyone to do good so they can end up in heaven, but Soul Society is anything but heaven-like. Governed by the Shinigami, who possess human desires, ugly things happen in Soul Society. Kurosaki Ichigo is a young man who is forced to become a Shinigami by the situation and remains one to save his friend. In a battle that almost costs his life, a small part of his dormant soul awakens. He is born anew. With a past that is riddled with death, he bears great displeasure toward how the Shinigami rule over Soul Society. Armed with the knowledge to reach his full potential and beyond, he is determined to change the world. How will Soul Society react to his goal? Will he remain a fearsome ally or a domineering foe?

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Substitute Shinigami

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


When the lunch break came, Retsu asked Ichigo to follow her. At this point, Ichigo had gotten over his conflict over Retsu's visit to the human world, so he let on a smirk at her call. She took him to the infirmary and then sealed it with Kidō once they were inside. Unbothered by the action, Ichigo sat on the bed. Retsu sat on the bed across from him and then eyed him silently for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"I am sorry for not seeing you off the day you left Soul Society. I was quite occupied and quite unwilling to bid you farewell for I know I am going to visit you soon."

"It seems Soul Society has seen it coming."

Retsu pondered for a moment before bowing her head respectfully.

"Given our limited force and the recent problem we are facing, we require your help, Kurosaki-san. The Hollow's activity in Karakura town has been increasing and our personnel are getting overwhelmed. You and your friends are the only ones we can count on. We have Urahara Kisuke and Shihōin Yoruichi, but they are no longer part of Gotei 13. We can't mobilize them."

"I am also not part of Gotei 13 and neither am I part of Soul Society. What makes me different from Kisuke and Yoruichi?" Ichigo asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"We have wronged the two of them. We are already thankful that they don't seem to hold a grudge against us and we don't want to make them hate us for forcing them to serve us again," Retsu explained with a bitter look. "On the other hand, we think that cooperating with you will be easier. Given your feat, you are also more than capable of helping us."

"Who says I don't have a grudge against Soul Society? I have more than one reason to hate Gotei 13," Ichigo stated solemnly, causing Retsu to narrow her eyes. "My mother died because the Shinigami failed to do their job properly. Moreover, in return for saving Soul Society from the trouble of facing a stronger maniac, Gotei 13 spies on me."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed and turned cold.

"Tell me, Unohana-san, why should I help the people who might kill me once they deem me a danger to them?"

Retsu's mouth thinned. He didn't condone what Jūshirō did but understood his reason. She believed that Ichigo wouldn't do any harm to Soul Society, but she had no proof of her claim. Central 46 didn't want to take a chance without an assurance that they would be able to control a possible threat once it became a real threat. What Jūshirō did to Ichigo gave them assurance but violated Ichigo's trust.

She couldn't find a word to defend her affiliation's actions. Having served Gotei 13 long enough, she had received a lot of dubious orders from Central 46. She had never questioned them as they didn't concern her, but now was different. She knew Ichigo, so she couldn't help agreeing with Ichigo's sentiment. Unfortunately, she was a Captain of Gotei 13, so she was quite conflicted.

Silence persisted in the air as Retsu pondered to herself. When she reached a conclusion, she looked at Ichigo resolutely.

"I will deliver Gotei 13 your answer and tell them to leave you and your friends. We are sorry for violating your trust. We have our worries, so I hope you can understand it to some degree."

A faint smile crept up Ichigo's face. "I am not refusing your cooperation proposal, Retsu. I only want Central 46 to acknowledge that we are a separate entity from Soul Society and therefore we shall treat each other as partners." Retsu blinked before a gentle smile formed on her face. "I want a proper payment for us and an official acknowledgment from Central 46. Don't give me another badge bullshit as only a few know what a Substitute Shinigami is."

"Very well. I will deliver your words to General Yamamoto."

With their business done, Ichigo stood up and eyed Retsu curiously. "So, you are going to your farewell this time, then?"

"Not yet, Ichigo-kun. My mission will not be finished until your cooperation is assured," Retsu answered, hiding her smile behind her hand. Standing up, she said, "Well, I am going to make a trip to Soul Society. You can have your lunch with your friends. We'll have a lot of time to spend together later, so don't feel bad."

Nodding his head, Ichigo bade Retsu farewell. On his way to join his friends, he wondered if Soul Society was truly desperate. It wasn't every day that a Captain-Class Shinigami bowed their heads to anyone, much less an unofficial Shinigami. After some thinking, he theorized that they might have sent Retsu to manipulate him emotionally. He felt slightly bad when Retsu bowed her head, but unfortunately for them, it was not enough to deter him.

Recalling how easily Retsu complied, though, he doubted that Retsu was trying to manipulate him. That either meant Retsu wanted him to cooperate with them or Soul Society was that desperate. Wondering what he had done to gain the opportunity to receive the Captain's hospitality, he dismissed the former. He doubted Retsu had a certain kind of fondness toward him.

'That better be the case since my stupid ass will not hesitate to take care of a yandere girl and then lose my life because of a misunderstanding. That shouldn't happen!'

After two days of hearing nothing from Retsu, Ichigo was finally summoned to Soul Society. He was picked up by Renji who kept his mouth shut the entire time. Ichigo didn't prod for information. The fact that he was summoned meant that Central 46 agreed to some of his clauses. His visit to Soul Society would either be to negotiate some of the clauses before making them official or immediately make them official.

The moment he stepped out of the Senkaimon, he was greeted by an apologetic Jūshirō and Rukia who was hiding her excitement. After exchanging some pleasantries, Jūshirō led him to the Captain Meeting room. When the door was pushed open, every Captain's eyes landed on him. Most of them had a neutral gaze, but Suì-Fēng seemed to still hold a grudge against him. Of course, Retsu's gentle gaze picked his interest more.

'You shall not make me fall for you, Demoness!'

Turning to Yamamoto, Ichigo quirked an eyebrow at the lack of a representative from Central 46. He had expected one of them to be there as the agreement that was about to be finalized had a quite significant impact on the power dynamic between Soul Society and the human world.

"You have finally come, Kurosaki Ichigo," Yamamoto grunted.

"It has been some time, gramps," Ichigo greeted casually, causing Shunsui to hide a snicker.

"As insolent as ever, I see. Well, whatever." Yamamoto slammed his cane against the floor. "I summoned you here regarding your proposal. After some consideration, I have decided to grant your proposed clauses. You and your friends will be formally compensated for each of your feats and the Hollows you purify. In addition to that," Yamamoto took out a wooden plate tied to a cloth from his robe, "you will officially become a Substitute Shinigami. Come, take your badge."

Ichigo walked to Yamamoto and then took the offered badge. It was similar to a lieutenant's badge. On the badge, the Kanji for Substitute Shinigami was carved and painted black. Not wanting to be fooled by the same method, Ichigo channeled his Reiryoku into the badge. His eyes immediately found Yamamoto's when the badge did nothing.

"I have told you I granted your proposed clauses," Yamamoto half-grumbled, causing a faint smirk to appear on Ichigo's face.

"I wonder what you did to convince those hard-headed snobs from Central 46 to make this happen, gramps," Ichigo commented honestly.

"Central 46 is yet to be reformed. This decision is on me."

"Thanks. I would have hugged you if you were my grandfather."

"I am glad that I am not."

Ichigo blinked and so did many of the Captains. None of them had expected a quip from Yamamoto. No one knew the General was capable of joking. Shunsui snickered a moment before Ichigo chuckled. Ichigo returned to his spot and then listened to Yamamoto's explanation of how he would receive his payment every month and his obligation. Given his official position, unless he wanted to let go of his title, he was obligated to take care of matters that endangered the souls of the humans in Karakura town.

By the end of the meeting, Ichigo was given four envelopes with his and his friends' names written on them. He safely tucked them into his Shihakushō and then exited the room when Yamamoto dismissed him. Rukia and Renji were waiting for him outside. Once he got out, they looked at the badge wrapped around his arm in intrigue.

"Congrats on your promotion," Renji said with a smirk.

"Well, you have officially become one of us now," Rukia stated with a soft smile.

"It's just a title. Who cares?" Ichigo shrugged. "Anyway, wanna hang out?"

"I know a place," Renji said with a confident smile.

After two weeks of not seeing each other, the three friends hung out at a Ramen shop in Rukongai. They were joined by Shunsui sometime later before drinking with him in the Eighth Division's barrack much to Ise Nanao's chagrin.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Adan Smith

Venerable Immortal Haider Alkefaji

Venerable Immortal B0mbaCl0ckBob

Venerable Immortal Jack Wright

Venerable Immortal SilverWolf