
Memoir of the Death God

Soul Society is a place known to cater to the souls of the dead. Various beliefs teach everyone to do good so they can end up in heaven, but Soul Society is anything but heaven-like. Governed by the Shinigami, who possess human desires, ugly things happen in Soul Society. Kurosaki Ichigo is a young man who is forced to become a Shinigami by the situation and remains one to save his friend. In a battle that almost costs his life, a small part of his dormant soul awakens. He is born anew. With a past that is riddled with death, he bears great displeasure toward how the Shinigami rule over Soul Society. Armed with the knowledge to reach his full potential and beyond, he is determined to change the world. How will Soul Society react to his goal? Will he remain a fearsome ally or a domineering foe?

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

A Week in Soul Society (End)

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


After having his Quincy power awakened, Ichigo found controlling his Reiatsu easier. He was also more in tune with his Reiryoku, so he could easily mold them into any form he liked. As a result, his Kidō became even more stable than before. Other than that, his Zanpakutō also changed, albeit not significantly. Their color was reversed. The edge turned white and the blade turned black. They looked the same as the Zangetsu in Ichigo's memory from another universe.

Despite being made out of Reishi by Zangetsu, his Shihakushō didn't change color. It remained white which was reminiscent of the color that all Quincy fancied. Now that his power was complete, he was brought to a quite sobering reality. He was quite far from achieving Bankai. It was not because Zangetsu didn't want him to use it, but he simply couldn't wield it yet.

To use our Bankai, you have to merge us. Your control over our power is flimsy at best. Should we force it, you would only destroy yourself. The moment you decided to accept me, Ichigo, you threw yourself into a dangerous and painful path. You need to learn to harmonize our power and only then can you wield our Bankai. However, I assure you, should you manage to do it, you will stand above anyone else in this world.

He kept Quincy Zangetsu's words in his mind. Knowing how hard it was to control even one of the powers, he was sure it would be challenging to control all three of them and balance them. Fortunately, he liked challenges. Moreover, given that his Hollow power already balanced out with his Shinigami power, all he needed to do was harmonize his Quincy power with them. If the son of Plot Armor Ichigo from another universe could do it, he was sure he could too.

"Wait. What if it is exactly because of Plot Armor that he could do it? I am not sure I have one. I doubt it even exists. I mean, anime is different from reality," Ichigo muttered to himself, frowning at his realization.

"Is something wrong, Ichigo-kun?"

Awakened from his musing, Ichigo looked up to meet the eyes of the person who called him. "No. I was just thinking of a more effective way to lessen my casting time—other than rapping the incantation."

"You should slow down a little, Ichigo-kun. Your improvement rate is already out of this world," Retsu remarked with a small smile. "Though, I can teach you to shorten the incantation and then you can rap it to even cut the time."

"I would like to learn that. Are you willing to teach me, Retsu?"

"Sure. But I have to warn you that I may get harsh."

It was already their third time playing with Kidō in the week. Ichigo had already experienced Retsu's harshness, so he shrugged nonchalantly. He didn't worry about his survival, but he felt bad for what happened to the place they were using to play their game. The only thing that was still pleasant to look at in the place was the river that they refused to destroy.

As Retsu explained how to shorten the incantation of a Kidō Spell, Ichigo wondered why he found himself hanging out with Retsu, again. He was still in denial that Retsu was adorable. He still firmly believed that anyone who possessed even a hint of yandere trait could never be adorable. Retsu was a closeted yandere, so his head was constantly telling him not to be attracted to her.

The illogical and feral side of his, of course, contradicted his head. The moment he was in Retsu's presence, he automatically treated her like a normal woman. He did some things that many women wouldn't want to do with Retsu, e.g., their Kidō war, but it didn't bother her in the slightest. She was, after all, not a normal woman. She was fond of his 'innovative' way of hanging out.


Ichigo blocked the Hadō #73: Sōren Sōkatsui that Retsu had fired at him with his Hierro, losing the last shred of his Shihakushō that had been clinging on to him. He had been trying to use his Blut Vene in a battle for the last week to no avail. He had to be still to activate it. Zangetsu could help him control Reishi in the air but not inject it into his blood. He had to rely on his control and he was not good at it, yet.

"Seeing you tank all of the attacks with your body like that makes me think, Ichigo-kun. Are you not interested in learning Bakudō?" Retsu inquired, sneakily ogling at Ichigo's exposed torso.

Blowing his bangs, he replied, "I can only learn so much at a time. I am still getting used to my power, so I will put off learning Bakudō for the moment. Besides, people say that the best defense is offense. Therefore, I am going to increase my offense until defense is unnecessary."

"Assertive. I like that."


Widening her eyes slightly upon realizing that Ichigo had heard her whisper, Retsu waved her hand dismissively.

"I just digressed."

Ichigo nodded in acceptance before looking at Retsu apologetically. "I am sorry to say this, but we will have to cut our date short. I have promised Kenpachi to visit the Eleventh Division barrack today."

"It is fine. During your week-long stay, I occupied your time the most. I think it is time for everyone to enjoy a piece of you."

"Don't say it like that. You make me feel like food."

"A delicious one at that."

Ichigo would have been weirded out if it wasn't for the teasing smile that he could see on Retsu's face. At least, he thought Retsu was teasing him. Smirking at that remark, he reformed his Shihakushō with Reishi and then washed his face in the river. He was sure he would spar with the knuckleheads from the Eleventh Division, so he didn't bother to wash himself.

When he was done, he left with Retsu for the Fourth Division's barrack. Many eyes turned to them the moment they entered Seireitei, but they ignored them, as usual. After taking Retsu back to her barrack, he headed to the Eleventh Division. On his way, he met Rukia who had just returned from the Shiba Clan household.

"Are you going somewhere, Ichigo?" Rukia asked with a hint of suspicion.

"I am heading to the Eleventh Division's barrack," Ichigo replied, ignoring Rukia's scrutinizing gaze.

"Why would you even go there? I thought you preferred having a date with Captain Unohana."

"What's with the tone, Chibi? Are you jealous?"

"Impossible!" Rukia shouted indignantly, contradicting the blush on her face.

"Well, I promised Kenpachi to visit him there. Wanna join me?"

Rukia hummed for a moment before shrugging and accepting his invitation. She didn't have anything to do, after all. Walking there together, she shot Ichigo a look from time to time. She noted that Ichigo's Reiatsu had gotten less intense compared to a week ago. She could tell that he was hiding his immense Reiryoku, so she was quite baffled. Control was not Ichigo's forte, after all.

The moment they arrived at the Eleventh Division's barrack; they were greeted by the noise of people fighting. Living up to its reputation, the Eleventh Division was ever-rowdy. With Ichigo in the lead, they entered the barrack and then headed to the training hall. They encountered some Shinigami on their way who stepped aside the moment they saw Ichigo. His association with Retsu made the Eleventh Division instinctively fear him.


"What was that flimsy attack!? Hit harder!"

"Gah! My hands have given up!"

"Surpass your limit, bastard!"

Upon entering the training hall, Ichigo and Rukia were greeted by the scene of Ikkaku beating a Shinigami with his shinai. The poor Shinigami had long given up, but Ikkaku turned a blind eye to his helplessness. He would have died long ago if Ikkaku had used a real katana.

"Oh, Ichigo. You have finally come." Ikkaku stopped his beating when he registered Ichigo's presence. A wide grin immediately appeared on his face as he kicked the downed Shinigami to the side. "Let's have a rematch. I want to know how strong you have gotten."

Already expecting it to happen, Ichigo shrugged before entrusting Zangetsu to Rukia who found a hard time lifting either of them. She cursed under her breath about his being a musclehead for easily wielding them, making him chuckle in amusement.

Catching the shinai that Ikkaku threw at him as he walked to the center of the hall, he adjusted himself with its barely noticeable weight. They agreed to stop the match only until one of them was unconscious before distancing themselves and assuming their stance. Using Shunpō, they clashed in the middle in a flash. The air blast swept the entire hall, making the audience wonder if they were going to destroy it.

They started equal at first. However, once Ichigo got used to using wielding the shinai, Ikkaku was quickly overwhelmed. They exchanged blows a few times more before Ichigo hit Ikkaku in the nape, knocking him unconscious. Ichigo was barely winded. Even as the watching Shinigami stared at him in awe, he was not impressed by his feat.


"You finally came, Ichigo! Ha-Ha-Ha! Let's fight!"

"Hi, Ichi-chan! Has Retsu-chan finally let you go?"

Ichigo was waiting for this moment. Staring at the grinning Kenpachi, a Cheshire grin slowly crept up his face. As Kenpachi drew his chipped Zanpakutō, Zangetsu flew into his hands. Much to everyone's dread, their Zanpakutō met. The air exploded, knocking them off their feet. The wall shook and the floor was obliterated. They wondered if their barrack would be able to withstand the two Shinigami's clash.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Adan Smith

Venerable Immortal Daoist Mufasa

Venerable Immortal Haider Alkefaji

Venerable Immortal B0mbaCl0ckBob

Venerable Immortal Jack Wright

Venerable Immortal SilverWolf