
Memerdimension Neptunia: Checkmate Re;birth!

Alternate timelines, alternate universes, alternate- Wait! I've said this before! But how? This is my first time narrating this story! This is odd... Everything looks fine, but yet so... off. Since when were Metropolis and Gamindustri anywhere near each other? And why are there suddenly ghosts running around? Do the Goddesses know about all of this? And if there's Metropolis, is there a Gotham? So many questions, and so few answers. What's going on in this Gamindustri?

imwa2frezh4u · Video Games
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5 Chs

Unprepared Yet Unwavering

At the rooftop of Planeptune's Basilicom, an oval-shaped portal tears its way into existence. Within a few seconds, a man in purple emerges from it, Gynesis. He casually arrived first, still in the state the mysterious rock he'd touched had put him in. He grinned confidently, knowing his new ally and old friend had yet to appear at the location.

"Easy money..." He smiled, looking up at the night sky. He'd notice a neon purple streak not too far away, speeding through the air and heading right for his location. In seconds, that bright streak lands on the exorcist's left. 

At the same time, a familiar black sword with gold accessories lands inches away from his right foot, marking the beginning of Mugen's arrival. With a powerful lightning bolt, the tanned blonde's form appears next to the sword. 

The scene resulted in both entities tying for last place, making contact with the metallic footing the roof had provided everyone simultaneously.

"And that's another win for the Patron Goddess of-" Purple Heart was the first to speak out of the two, claiming victory before even looking around. Making her stop dead in her tracks once she realized the newest deity in Gamindustri was staring right at her. It didn't take long for the goddess to realize she wasn't the winner of their little game. Embaressed at her folly, she lets out a low "Oh, nevermind..." and looks away.

"Yeah, I should've said no portals..." Chirped Mugen, rubbing his head as he easily ripped his sword out from its temporary glassy sheath.

"You really should've," Gynesis smugly shook his head, folding his arms as he shot his friend a knowing look. One that said 'You asked for this'.

With the three in proper lighting, not running away from each other, and standing side by side, we can all get a good look at them. And you all can get a good description of the three.

Let's start with Mugen, shall we? He was currently in what could be best described as beach apparel for the impoverished. An open creme shirt that's seen better days drapes his shoulders. His bottoms were worn jeans, peppered with slashes and holes, no doubt from previous battles. On his feet were a pair of tattered slides from Noke, they've seen things, things that they wish they didn't. His platinum blond hair was short, just scratching past his ears and almost covering his light blue eyes. He easily stood at 6 feet tall, with maybe an extra inch or two. His hands were lazily slipped into his pockets and he had a slight slouch to his posture, alongside a goofy grin on his face.

Hey, don't look at me like I shot your dog Mugen, that's what you look like. But anywho, onto the next victi- character.

Gynesis was donning a plain purple trenchcoat, glistening in the light with a glossy finish. He had a visor on his face, gold and closer to shades than anything else. His hair was a royal purple and ran just past his shoulders, let loose in an untamed and unkempt style. He stood at maybe 5 foot 11, possibly 6 foot in the right shoes. His stance was more relaxed, yet ready for battle if one to happen but a half-serious demeanor. Clearly, he was compensating for something.

Don't "Hey!" the narration, we both know this script is right.

And purple Heart wore what closely resembled a black skintight leotard with purple segments and silver pieces along it, with black thigh-high boots that ended as if they were socks with a matching style. Her dark lilac-purple locks were tied in twin-tail braids that ran down to her knees. She stood at 5 foot 5 inches, and her stature reflected a confident and capable fighter who was only as relaxed as her environment allowed.

"Well, now that we're all here," Perked up Mil- Purple Heart, grabbing the two men's attention with her... words, "Let's get you two inside, there's much to discuss."

Neptune turned to face an open door as she spoke, no doubt what she should've used to leave earlier had she not been so eager to leave her little sister and Histoire.

"Yeah, like what's the next plan of action after asking your oracle about Gynesissy over there," Mugen chuckled, pointing at the unfazed deity as they walked, earning a snicker from Planeptune's patron goddess.

"Really?" Was all Gynesis said about the nickname, earning a grinning shrug from his friend and another snicker from Purple Heart. 

The three fell into a welcomed silence as they continued. The walk to where Nepgear and Histoire were wasn't long enough for that silence to become awkward thankfully.

The trio would walk into where Neptune had left Nepgear, sitting on a couch with a tiny woman on a floating book beside her. The two were doing what looked like paperwork, with the light-lilac-haired Nepgear looking quite focused on those documents she was reading.

"We're back!" Cheered Neptune, calling the attention of the two other women.

All of that focus Nepgear had went right out the window the second she heard Purple Heart's voice. She snaps upright and faces where her big sister's voice had come from with a gleeful gaze.

"You're finally back, big sis!" The lighter-haired of the two cheered, getting up to greet the older sibling. On the way over, she notices Gynesis and Mugen in the goddess's tow, but decides to focus on her sister for now, "Please don't just up and leave like that again!"

Nepgear rushes her sister almost tackling her into a hug, the older sibling returns said hug alongside some head pats. The two men watch as the siblings reunite, deciding to remain quiet and let the moment happen without their interference. 

"So that's what you look like?" The woman sitting on the book asks as she floats over the two males with an uneasy expression, "I'm Histoire, the Oracle of Planeptune, I'm glad you can make it here to our Basilicom, not many men or women get such an honor." 

"Gynesis Urahara, previously an exorcist, now I'm not too sure," The swordsman smiles, extending a hand for Histoire to shake. His hand shook as he stuck the limb out, mostly out of uncertainty and unease. Unease of how exactly to tackle the scene taking place properly.

Histoire was a woman of small stature, so small she could easily sit on the encyclopedia-sized book she was using as a platform to move around. Her blonde hair was tied in twin pigtails at medium-length, topped with a purple and white headdress that had a purple N at its center. She wore a sleeveless dress of matching colors, with white thigh-high socks on her feet.

The small adult firmly shakes the exorcist's hand, making the size difference apparent In the process. At 3'10", Histoire looked closer to a doll than anything else. Once the newest deity made his introduction, The oracle shoots Mugen an asking look.

"Mugen Gray," The male blond nods, tipping an invisible hat at the oracle. 

The gesture would make Histoire cringe a little, but she hides it by facing away from the two men to check on her goddesses. The book rider turned around to see her goddesses had already made their way over and she returned her gaze to the men. By now, Neptune already back in her 'human' form.

Now that they were both in base, the resemblance was impossible to ignore. Neptune was slightly shorter now, with a deeper lilac haircut that reached around her neck, and two '+' shaped hair clips. Nepgear had a small height advantage thanks to her sister no longer being in her Goddess form, with her lighter lilac hair reaching her hips with only one clip of the same shape.

Both wore white with purple accents. For Nepgear, she wore a white sailor uniform with purple stripes and accents, as well as a yellow ascot. While her elder sibling wore an oversized hoodie with an 'N' on the zipper and light lilac accents. 

Gynesis was busy looking around his new surroundings while Mugen was observing the three inhabitants of the Basilicom. The exorcist's expression was slightly more serious, while his friend's was a little more easygoing. 

"Say, I'm not the first male god or anything, right?" the exorcist asks with concern in his voice. "While I'm not too familiar with the specifics for obvious reasons, I think it's safe to assume someone with the title of 'oracle' would have this kind of knowledge, no?"

Histoire pauses for a moment. She puts a finger on her chin as she thinks deeply about the question, possibly searching her memories for the correct answer. At the same time, Purple Heart assumed a similar position, going as far as closing her eyes to focus even harder. Gynesis looks on with bated breath, hoping against hope he doesn't hear a 'yes' escape the oracle's lips.

"Please say no, please say no, please say no!" was written all over his face. And when the oracle opens her mouth the exorcist holds his breath as Mugen watches with great interest.

"No," The book lady perks up after a few seconds of deep thought, "There's been male CPUs before you, 2 if memory serves correctly."

The news given made Gyensis let out a deep sigh. He wasn't the first of his kind, and on top of that, the woman before him had somewhat of a record on what he was supposed to do. At least he thought so seeing as there's been more than one male deity before him.

"Oh thank fuck..." He sighs deeply, wiping his face as he slumps forward in relief over whatever he'd gotten himself into being slightly easier to deal with. Having some kind of direction makes things much easier, but this relief was off of an assumption. Hopefully, this assumption wasn't jumping the gun.

"At least there's that," Mugen added, patting his friend on the back in the positive difficulty tweak he'd just been given.

"You're not a CPU, Gyensis Urahara. You're an ALU, somewhat of a bodyguard. All 'male CPUs' were truly ALUs." Those words sent shock to everyone there. Especially the two female deities present.

"A-A bodyguard?! From what?!" Asks Purple Heart almost instantly, slight fear and concern in her voice, "I've dealt with many threats to Gamindustri alongside my friends before! Why would I need a bodyguard?!"

"Yeah! We've had to defeat many big baddies before, how come we've never heard of these ALUs?! And why didn't he show up when we needed extra hands like when Big Sis got captured by ASIC?!" Added Nepgear, with far more concern in her tone, showing some more fear in her body language than her big sister, but the conviction more than made up for it.

It was Histoire's turn to sigh. And sigh she did, letting out a long, drawn-out sign of exasperation almost under her breath as she began to mentally prepare for what she needed to say.

"ALUs, are rare, Nepgear. Very rare, once a Goddess rare. Which is why there's only been two before him, matching the rate of Goddesses before you, Purple Sister" Histoire began to explain, speaking slowly and deliberately, mostly for a certain older sister. "You mark the third of your kind, Gynesis. It's been so long since I last interacted with one I've almost forgotten how they function. But what I do remember is that with the birth of an ALU comes a calamity. The arrival time is unknown, but garunteed."

Metaphorically at the edge of his seat, the exorcist-turned-god listened to every word of Planeptune's Oracle. So too did Mugen, Nepgear, and Neptune. The sisters of Planeptune needed to know what was going on with their newest help. Mugen needed to know what was going on with his friend. And Gynesis needed to know what he was accidentally sucked into.

"The first Goddess had an ALU to protect her, and he did well at first. Unfortunately, calamity struck, and he had to lay down his life to ensure the continuation of Gamindustri's existence." Histoire continued, her voice somber enough to keep Neptune from making a shitty pop culture reference from 15 years ago, "The reason for his passing was a threat beyond anything you've fought prior, Neptune. That threat being the antithesis to the CPUs, beings of pure malice and evil with one goal in mind: To infect, corrupt, and destroy everything."

Planeptune's deities gasped in surprise and caution at hearing their oracle's words, with Neptune narrowing her eyes and Nepgear shuddering at the thoughts of such beings existing. Meanwhile, Gynesis and Mugen grit their teeth in anger. Their anger spawning from such goals existing in the first place. 

"It doesn't matter what their plans are!" Proclaimed Gamindustri's laziest Goddess, stepping forward, steeling her nerves and gritting her teeth with determination, "I, Neptune, and all of my friends will defeat them no matter wha-"

Her words were bringing an ease to everyone in the room, filling them with hope thanks to easily the most powerful person in the room deciding not to let the existence of evil smother her spirit. Too bad she was cut off in the middle of her speech, her words cut short by a swift strike to the gut that easily put her down and out for the count.

It happened so fast that nobody in the room managed to even catch what happened before a new voice filled the room, catching everyone there off guard.

"Why thanks for the introduction, Histoire," A feminine, sultry, and confident voice rang out from the middle of the room.

The owner was a woman with red hair sitting on the couch. Her feet were kicked up on the coffee table as she casually sat down sipping some Nepbull. Her attire was an assortment of different brands, from Goochie to Valenciaga, with her entire aura dripping with cockiness as she stared at the now four standing before her.

The first to realize the downed Goddess was her younger sister, the closest to her both physically and emotionally. Her voice filled with concern and shock, she panicked to try catching her already laid out sister, failing to catch her already sprawled body.

"Neptune!" Nepgear shouted, picking up Neptune up and putting two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. "Please be okay..."

"Uhh..... Pudding..." Knocked out but clearly still alive, Purple Heart mumbled some nonsense as she slept in her sister's arms, making said little sibling sigh slightly in relief.

Histoire was shocked to the point of petrification, unable to move a muscle or even think clearly as she stared at the culprit with pure Fear. Her body trembled instinctively, with her mind racing in an attempt to come up with something to help with the current situation. Unfortunately, she was only drawing blanks.

Mugen was already gripping both swords, readying himself to strike the unknown but clearly dangerous entity. He too, was trembling in Fear, but his foggy mind had already decided to mark the woman on the couch as an enemy, an opposition to be eliminated, a threat to dispatch.

And Gynesis had already sprung into action himself, pretty much right up on the intruder with his main weapon about to slash at her neck. He wasn't having any of what he was seeing and wasted no time in attempting to put an end to it asap.

With a dark, soft chuckle, the unfamiliar being flashed forward to attack, dashing past the attacking male deity. Her speed was so great that Mugen barely managed to cross his swords in time to guard against her assault. Unfortunately, the enemy's strike wasn't aimed at either male there, but the CPU Candidate of Planeptune, And with her busy tending to Neptune, the poor thing didn't see the fist coming. 

Like a jaguar, she pounced on her prey, rocking Nepgear with a punch so hard she was sent flying into the next room. The exorcist was hot on her heels, switching directions and chasing after her the second he missed his first swing, silently fuming as he came in hot pursuit.

"Children shouldn't be up this late!" Reprimanded the new woman, grinning as she watched Neptune's retreating figure. "It's far past your bedtime!"

The entity's unfortunate victim broke through the brick wall like it was styrofoam as she went flying, ending up laid out on her bed in much the same state as her sister, looking like she was taking a comfortable sleep more than anything else.

Then she would turn around and catch Gynesis's katana with her teeth. He was in the middle of a thrusting strike with his blade, but she caught it between her teeth. With an evil grin, she held his weapon in her mouth and eyed him up and down 

"Uh, uh, uh, boy, I'm not done setting the stage yet~" With a hint of flirtatiousness, the dangerous woman winks at Gynesis and wags her finger at him before passing said finger against her chin. "While I appreciate the gift, this isn't exactly what I wanted for my birthday~"

Watching it all happen, Gynesis remains silent, stewing in rage at being taken so lightly as he tries to yank his sword out of her mouth. With a powerful tug of his hands, he fails to retrieve his blade. In fact, his weapon refused to budge in the slightest as his enemy grinned at him. This wasn't enough to make him falter, however, but another tug of failure only makes him lose his grip. 

"I'll have to have to hold on to this as your punishment for trying to give me your sword so early~" The woman taunts as she yanks his sword from his hands using nothing but her neck and teeth, positioning the thing in her mouth that she was holding it in the middle of the blade by her teeth now.

"Grrr...!" Gynesis was racked with Fear, his body shaking like a leaf as he stood before the woman who just disarmed him with nothing but her mouth.

But he was burning with rage as well, pissed at how this random bitch decided to just show up and attack the Goddesses of his Nation. Call it stupidity for thinking he stands even a snowball's chance in hell in winning against the woman who just disarmed him Call it overconfidence from recently becoming a Deity himself. Or call it stupidity for thinking he can attack a being that just one shot two seasoned fighters known for solving world-ending threats even though he hasn't fought anything remotely close to that himself. Whatever you chose to describe the scene, Gynesis was that.

Mugen, who was still hesitating up until now, chose this very moment to get past that hesitation and start moving again. Temporarily, he'd transform into a bolt of lightning blitzing his way over to the woman and returning to his ordinary form above her, both swords ready to slam down on her head. Who wasn't looking at the angle she was being hit from. The entity was too busy grinning at the fuming exorcist.

At the same time, Gynesis rushes forward, crouching in front of her to wind up a powerful donkey kick straight to her chin with a deceptively explosive burst of speed. 

Not wanting to give up his element of surprise, he brought down his attack in as much silence as his setup allowed, eyes glowing with bravery as he sent a downward cross-slash her way. Only for her to look up at him with a crazed smile, sending a shiver down his spine and dodging Gynesis' kick simultaneously. The face she showed Mugen made it clear that the 'element of surprise' the lightning user thought he had was merely in his head this entire time as she grabbed the exorcist's leg mid-kick.

"Oh, aren't you the naughty boy? Trying to give me backshots~?" She asks in a sickeningly sweet voice as he uses Gynesis's confiscated sword to guard against Mugen's blades. In one fluid motion, she would flick her head back a bit and spin around before throwing Gynesis by his leg. 

The motion made Mugen fly back, almost hitting his head on the ceiling had he not backflipped off of the gesture and landed perfectly. But Gynesis wasn't as lucky, skidding across the ground for a few inches before catching himself and rolling onto his feet.

Standing side by side, both men refused to back down, looking death right in the eye as they stared daggers at this new entity. Their nerves were shattered and consciousnesses screamed for them to run away. And yet they refused. 

Speaking of the unknown being, this one dusts herself off before covering her mouth with a gasp of realization. She tilted her head before taking a deep bow, Gynensis's red katana still in her mouth. 

"Ara! Where are my manners?! Please, allow me to introduce myself, boys!" She shouts, switching her attitude to a more friendly and curious one, "I am the Viral Pernicious Unit: Vinaya, Lioness Sin Pride, and you two are?"

Oh my, it looks like you all are finally getting some context! Things are picking up ladies and gentlemen, and they're picking up quick.

Prepare thyselves for many musical tracks and a battle that'll shake Gamindustri! This new enemy isn't fucking around, isn't she? Rate and all that, I want to hear your thoughts on how this chapter went!

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