
Meeting April in the Fall; Futanari falls in love

Ace moves to a new town and meets his new room mate, April. They hit it off and they become fast friends. Ace learns about Aprils secret and finds her fascinating as they begin a new fruitful relationship

SlyRoads · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Meeting April in the Fall; Futanari falls in love.

Chapter 1

Ace stood at the threshold of his new home, feeling both apprehensive and excited about moving into this serene neighborhood. The moment he stepped foot onto the front porch, the warmth of the afternoon sun radiated against his skin, casting a calming influence amidst the quaint surroundings. As he took in his immediate environment – the pruned lawns, blooming flowers, neatly lined sidewalks – he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging here. This was exactly what he needed after years of moving from one temporary abode to another.

With his belongings safely inside, Ace turned around to face the entrance once more - only to find himself staring directly into a pair of arresting hazel eyes set upon a striking countenance. "Hello," said a deep yet inviting voice coming from behind these entrancing features. Startled by this unexpected encounter, Ace could barely muster up words before introducing himself; "Hi... I'm Ace." April, it seemed, had been observing him for some time now, taking note of his confident demeanor and alluring charm. 

As she extended her hand towards him in greeting, Ace felt an unexplainable attraction building up between them."


"Well, welcome to our little corner of paradise!" April exclaimed with enthusiasm. Her smile revealed dazzling white teeth, and Ace found himself getting lost in those bewitching eyes again. Glancing downwards, he noticed how perfectly complementary their physical appearances were — her athletic and curvy frame contrasting elegantly with his burly and broad features. 

When Ace had purchased the house the previous owner had mentioned a family friend was renting a room helping keep the house in order. He asked Ace if it would be ok if she stayed for a little longer until she could find a place of her own. Ace agreed thinking it would be nice that there would be someone around that is familiar with the area. He had not met this person until this very moment.

April had indeed been described to him in great depth during the tenancy arrangements, though seeing her in person surpassed even the most enchanting imaginative description. They started talking, sharing bits of themselves like old acquaintances already. Their conversation flowed smoothly, with topics ranging from shared interests such as sports, games, and anime to their individual personal experiences. Ace discovered that despite their apparent differences in appearance and background, they possessed many common grounds which brought them closer together.

As evening approached, they decided to go out for dinner together. 

Walking through the peaceful streets, they talked animatedly about everything under the sun.

"Plus, there's not much interesting to say anyway." April states 

"Oh I doubt that. I'm sure you're super special." Ace retorts sarcastically.

April Laughs and says, "Alright, alright. I guess I can give you a few details. For starters, I'm pretty sporty. Love playing basketball and soccer with the guys.

"Well that's fun and you can keep up with them you must be pretty tough."

"I try my best! And yeah, I think they appreciate having someone on their team who can hold their own. Besides sports, I also love hanging out at the beach. Nothing better than soaking up some sun and catching waves."

"Oh I'll bet you rock a swimsuit!"

"You think so? Well, maybe I'll show you sometime. But enough about me, tell me more about you, Ace! What kind of stuff do you enjoy doing?"

"Well I really like watching anime and playing video games. I am also doing home repairs and planning on starting a business. so a lot lol"

"Anime and video games, huh? Sounds like we could have some fun together then! And home repairs? That's pretty cool. Always good to have handy people around. What kind of business are you thinking about starting?"

"A food truck actually. Which is why I moved to this city, the food scene is really good here."

"Oh so are you a good cook? Well I can't wait to try your cooking. But we are here and I'm starving." April says as they arrive at the restaurant.

Ace opens the door for her and they enter.

"So, where should we sit?" Ace asks politely.

April smiles gratefully at Ace and leads the way to a table near the window, affording them excellent views of the surrounding scenery while enjoying their meal.

They ordered delicious looking dishes, bantering lightly throughout the entire process. Conversation continued seamlessly, touching various subjects including music, books, movies, and traveling. Each exchange left them growing increasingly comfortable with one another, gradually lowering their defenses to expose vulnerabilities without fear of judgment.

Throughout their discussions, a tangible chemistry developed between them, adding an electrifying dynamic to their exchanges. Both Ace and April couldn't deny the mutual attraction simmering beneath the surface. 

However, neither acted impulsively nor made any romantic overtures, content simply basking in the excitement generated by each other's company. Their shared passion for life and zest for discovery rendered every interaction thrilling, leaving them eager to see what lay ahead on this journey called friendship.

Dinner concluded effortlessly, But they were not ready to end the night just yet and decided to go and find a quiet spot to have a drink.

Finding a cozy bar nearby, they entered and settled comfortably into their seats, savoring each sip of their respective drinks, occasionally engaging in thoughtful discussion. As the time passed they continued to laugh and carry on. As it turned out their senses of humor aligned very well.

"Feeling a little lightheaded? Maybe it's time to call it a night. ready to go home?, if you like. Just let me know when you're ready to go." Ace asks April.

"I do think I had one too many. Do you mind if I lean on you a little bit on our way back home?" April asks in a bashful tone.

"Of course what kind of gentlemen would I be if I just left you on your own to get home. Here" Ace Offers her his arm and leads her back home. They walk in mostly silence. Sharing glances now and then blushing.

Ace holds April close as they slowly make their way back to her place. As they turn the final corner leading toward their house, April gently pulls away from Ace, murmuring soft apologies. However, Ace brushes off her concerns kindly, reassuring her that it's fine and they will reach soon. Finally, they arrived at home.

Once Inside April pulls away from Ace and speeds off. "Sorry Ace, I really have to go pee." she shouts as she heads towards the bathroom.

Ace waits patiently outside, giving her space to relieve herself. Minutes later, April emerges from the restroom, seemingly composed once more.

"Well it's been a long day with the move and all that and I'm pretty beat." Ace says as exhaustion sets in. "I would love to stay up and talk to you more but I suppose we will have a lot more time for that since we live under the same roof."

"Awe, I'm sorry Ace you must be tired. I am also feeling the alcohol right now. so I am ready for bed as well. I had a lovely night Ace thank you and I will see you in the morning. Don't think too badly if I'm not as pretty in the morning." She says jokingly. "Have a good night Ace."

"Sleep tight April."

They both turned and went into their separate rooms. Each thinking about the day they had and the time they spent together.