
Meeting April in the Fall; Futanari falls in love

Ace moves to a new town and meets his new room mate, April. They hit it off and they become fast friends. Ace learns about Aprils secret and finds her fascinating as they begin a new fruitful relationship

SlyRoads · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Building Tension (explicit)

Chapter 2

Ace and April have gotten into a pretty good routine around the house. They found out they work pretty well together taking turns with the chores around the house. Ace works from home as a programmer, working on mobile apps. April has a job as a P.E. coach at the elementary school.

It was the weekend and the two had planned a shopping date. While the mood was tense sometimes the two had restrained from doing anything inappropriate.

Ace sits waiting in the living room waiting for April to get ready for their date. She comes out wearing a lovely blouse and skirt that hangs just above her knees. Ace stares, unable to speak as she comes into the room.

"You ready Ace? do I look weird or something, you're staring." April asks slightly panicked

"You look Amazing," Ace just blurts out, not really thinking.

April Blushes, "Oh please. it's not that special.

"Well I think I will have the prettiest girl on my arm today." Ace says walking toward the door. Offering his hand. "Shall we be on our way? "Ace prompts. With a slight hesitation, he finally lifts his gaze from her legs, offering her his elbow. This gesture only intensifies the awkwardness they share - a mix of curiosity and confusion that looms heavily between them. Nevertheless, they venture forth onto the busy sidewalk, navigating the bustling streets and captivated crowds. The atmosphere seems charged with anticipation, creating an electricity palpable in the air, drawing focus towards their own developing relationship.

The gentle warmth radiating from the afternoon sun casts a golden glow on April's face, further accentuating her natural beauty. Although aware of their surroundings, both Ace and April appear lost within their thoughts, contemplating their unique bond as it continues to evolve.

Their excursion took them past quaint cafés, bookstores filled with the enticing scents of coffee and literature, and art galleries exhibiting fascinating pieces that caught their attention. 

As they explored these establishments, the pair engaged in insightful conversation riddled with subtle flirtatious undertones. It became apparent that the spark between them burned steadily stronger despite their efforts to suppress such feelings.

With each passing moment, their walls crumbled ever so slightly, exposing deeper layers of their true selves. Navigating uncharted territories proved challenging yet enriching for both parties involved – a complex dance of attraction, curiosity, and self-discovery unfolded before their eyes.

April suddenly pulled Ace towards a shop. "They have a sale going on. I would like to see if they have anything that catches my eye.

April says excitedly. She walks confidently inside, leaving Ace standing somewhat perplexed. After browsing through numerous racks and displays, she eventually approaches Ace holding several items. She looks him straight in the eye and says playfully, "Which ones do you prefer? I'm going to try these on?"

Confused, Ace hesitates briefly before answering. "Uh, sure. Let's try 'em on." He follows April into the changing area, still unsure how exactly he ended up there.

Ace stands outside of the dressing room quietly. Thinking about how April looks today and how badly he would like to see more of her. She was the most beautiful woman to him. Living with her had solidified his feelings. Seeing her walking around in pajamas and no make up did not deter him in the slightest. If anything, seeing her relaxed and casually dressed served to deepen his appreciation for her beauty even more. The sight stirred his curiosity, prompting him to take note of her body language, mannerisms, and physical features.

Watching intently as she gracefully slipped behind the fitting room doors, he began imagining himself witnessing those moments firsthand, visualizing each scene vividly—an exercise in fantasy that provided temporary solace amidst the escalating turmoil of desire.

"Hey Ace, Can you help me with this zipper?" April asked timidly.

Ace carefully approached the dressing room, entering cautiously. Once inside, he could hear the rustling sounds of clothes being removed and replaced. Unable to contain his interest any longer, Ace stealthily looked through the small opening in the door, expecting nothing more than perhaps finding April trying on some new outfits. What he saw instead stopped him dead in his tracks.

There stood April, clad in just a bra, thigh high stockings and a cute pair of lacy panties. She grabs Aces arm and pulls him fully into the dressing room.

Her expression is serious, almost somber, April takes a deep breath before speaking. "Ace, I need to tell you something important."

Ace's heart begins racing, wondering what revelations lie ahead. "What is it, April? Is everything okay?"

Looking directly into Ace's eyes, April confesses, "I want to share my biggest secret with you. Something that has defined much of my life thus far...and it involves us."

Ace feels a mixture of shock, surprise, and intrigue. "Okay, April. Please, tell me whatever you feel comfortable sharing."

Taking another deep breath, April exposes her vulnerability. "This might sound strange, but I am actually a futa.

My body isn't entirely female..." said April, tears starting to form in her eyes. Ace felt his world shift beneath him. "Please don't freak out, Ace.I know this can come as quite a shock, especially considering how close we have become recently. But I know this puts our friendship and possibly more at risk. I just felt like you should know."

She said looking Ace in the eyes, struggling to maintain eye contact due to the intense emotion flooding her system. The weight of this declaration hung heavy in the small dressing room, causing the temperature to rise significantly. Ace remained silent, processing the information April shared. His head spun with countless questions while wrestling with a multitude of conflicting emotions.

"April, I'm here. We're friends, and this doesn't change that," Ace reassured her softly. Despite his initial shock, Ace chose to remain calm, determined to support April regardless of her revelation. "Thank you, Ace. That means a lot to me."

In that vulnerable state, April allowed herself to lean against Ace for comfort. Both individuals were experiencing a profound sense of disorientation coupled with an overwhelming urge to understand better their respective roles in this situation.

"I have so many questions." Ace says coming back to reality. "But before that," Ace Lifts April's chin and looks into her eyes, she is on the verge of tears when he leans in and kisses her lips.

As their lips touch gently, a surge of longing erupts between them, igniting a fire fueled by uncertainty and fear. Neither knew where this impulse came from nor understood why they were allowing themselves to cross this boundary. But it seemed undeniably right.

"Do you want to get dressed and go discuss this over a coffee? As much as I am really enjoying seeing you half naked people might wonder what's going on here. But you should definitely buy that outfit." Ace says while looking into her eyes deeply. Giving her a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be waiting for you just outside."

Ace replied with a smile, feeling grateful for April's trust in him. He stepped away from the fitting room, giving April space to gather herself after her big confession. Leaving the store, Ace couldn't shake off the sensation of having stepped into an alternate universe.

Meanwhile, April tried to compose herself inside the dressing room. She picked up each item of clothing, taking time to appreciate the fabric and craftsmanship. Eventually, she selected a simple and elegant white button-down shirt and matching skirt for their coffee meeting. 

Clutching her chosen purchases in a plastic bag, April emerged from the fitting room, a look of determination etched across her face. Confidently striding past Ace, she handed him the shopping bag without breaking eye contact. It struck Ace how different this interaction was compared to their previous interactions. There used to be jokes, teasing, banter; now all that existed was raw intensity. Yet it felt oddly comforting, too.

Heading to a nearby cafe, April led the way. 

Stealing glances at her intermittently, Ace observed the subtle swell of her hips as she walked effortlessly beside him. Each step left a lingering impression, further fueling his curiosity.

Arriving at the cozy coffeehouse, April led Ace toward a quiet corner table nestled amongst lush green plants.

Sitting opposite her, Ace surveyed April's serene demeanor. Unwaveringly focused on her, he studied every nuance - the curve of her lips, the slight quiver of her eyebrows - seeking answers to the whirlwind of thoughts spiraling within his own mind. 

As they settled onto their seats, April took a sip of water, seemingly lost in thought.

Looking into Ace's eyes, she finally spoke up. "So, how does this affect our relationship?" Ace asked honestly, hoping for clarity in these uncertain times.

Feeling brave, April responded courageously, "We can continue being friends and maybe explore more beyond that. But only if you're comfortable with it. This part of me shouldn't define our entire relationship." Ace nodded earnestly, acknowledging her point.

Their exchange continued delving into the unknown territory of their potential romantic involvement.

"Ok April are you ok with me asking some personal questions?" Ace asks, breaking the silence.

April hesitated slightly, then gave a gentle nod. "Yes, I am fine with your questions. Ace smiled gratefully at her response.

"Ok you are going to see a side of me I have kept hidden as well April. I hope you don't think less of me." Ace says nervously.

He looks into her eyes searching for signs of disapproval or judgment. "I won't judge you, Ace. How could I when I brought something strange to the relationship in the first place." April says with a nervous laugh.

"Ok here goes, does it work?" Ace asks with real curiosity in his voice

April exhales her nerves. "Yup, a little too well sometimes. It has been hell hiding my boner from you all the time. having to remember to wear baggy clothes all the time so you wouldn't catch on." She mimes wiping sweat off her brow.

"Damn you mean you would've walked around in more revealing clothing if you weren't trying to hide your....ok I'm not going to sugar coat this anymore....your cock." Ace jokes back thinking about April's round ass in a pair of skimpy underwear.

'Oh yeah, I'd probably end up walking around with a tent most days.' April jokes.

"Here's the thing, April. This has me turned on beyond your belief. The thought of you having a dick has given me all sorts of ideas." Ace says excitedly.

April's eyebrow cocks up. Looking at Ace with shocked curiosity. "My cock is turning you on? Are you gay Ace?"

"No, I've never really looked at men like that before. But I have seen futa porn and it is a definite turn on." Ace answers. "So cards on the table I'm a big pervert, I think about sex way too much. Different scenarios, multiple partners, Etc. You said you had to hide your boners from me. While I'm sure you saw mine a few times, I was trying to hide mine from you." Ace states matter of factly.

April Laughs, thinking about the times she saw Ace's bulging shorts or sweats. "yeah and when I saw that it would give me one. What a vicious cycle we've been living in.

"Ok, more questions." Ace says. "How big is your dick?" asking April.

Without missing a beat, April replies playfully, "Well, let's just say I pack a good punch." They both laughed, breaking the tension momentarily. Ace felt himself growing hard again, despite their casual conversation.

"But seriously. I want to know how big your penis is." Ace says in a more demanding tone.

April's heart thumped loudly in her ears. "Okay… Let's take things slow. What do you need to know?" She offered, attempting to ease any anxiety that may arise.

"I guess I would like to know exactly how long and thick your cock is." Ace admits candidly.

"Well," April blushes deeply. "I guess as with most people that have a dick they have been curious about their size. I am no different in that aspect." She admits timidly. "I am seven inches long when fully hard. I didn't measure the girth but it's pretty thick. Are you bigger or smaller than me? She asks quietly. Excited and nervous about Ace's answer.

Ace exhales, relief washes over him. I didn't really know what he would do if she had been way bigger. He didn't think his ego would take it well. "Mine is seven and a half inches and pretty thick as well." Ace states proudly.

April smiles appreciatively, impressed by Ace's confidence. "That's impressive. I must admit that it turns me on even more!" April giggles, lightening the mood once again. Ace couldn't help but notice the heat burning in April's gaze whenever he mentioned intimate topics, which only served to stoke his ardor.

She continues, clearly wanting to steer the conversation in another direction, yet still eager to share. "What positions are you into?

"Well I love all the basic stuff, but I am also very dominant. I love being in control."

Ace leaned forward conspiringly. "What about you, do you enjoy submitting?" He inquired carefully, making sure April wasn't uncomfortable talking about such matters.

April took a deep breath, reflecting on the idea. "In some ways, yes, it's quite thrilling, letting someone else lead the charge. However, I prefer to switch things up often. Sometimes, I enjoy being dominant too." She explains.

"Well if you want to be dominant I will make that happen." Ace says confidently

"Have you been with both men and women? surely you're not a virgin." Ace asks.

"I have had experience with men and women. There is one thing I have yet to try ." April admitted, her voice lowering slightly in embarrassment.

Ace listened closely, understanding how complex sexual experiences can be for some individuals. "You mean you wanted a futa?" He asked kindly.

"Yeah!" April confirmed, relieved that he understood. "It's true, there aren't many futas out there for me to choose from. 

So tell me, how do you feel about performing oral on both male and female parts?" April asked curiously.

"Well I've never sucked a dick before so I don't really know how I feel about it right now. But maybe in the heat of the moment I'll know." Ace answers honestly.

April smiles to herself.

"Should we just go home?" Ace asks. I don't Know if I can keep myself off you any more." He states bluntly

"Um I don't think I can make it home." April says looking down at her crotch.

"Hmm," Ace thinks. "Well what if we gave you some relief so you could make it home?"

Ace suggests, sensually running his fingers through April's hair.

April shudders at the touch, her body already yearning for his affection. "Do you mean…?" She trails off seductively, arching an eyebrow.

"Absolutely," Ace confirms assertively, knowing he'd die if he held back any longer. "Let's head somewhere private. The cafe is mostly deserted this time of day. We could sneak into the bathroom." Ace suggests softly, brushing against April's arm suggestively. His touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. April knew what he meant, and her libido surged with desire. Nodding her agreement, she stood swiftly. Looking around to make sure no one was looking she says, "I'll go first and you follow when the coast is clear."

Once inside the dimly lit restroom, Ace shut the door behind them. Their eyes met briefly before locking together. Without preamble, Ace drew April close to him, pressing his firm chest against hers. She moaned at the contact, feeling the familiar stirring in her loins. 

With practiced hands, Ace reached down to caress April's curves, teasing her sensitive skin. April closed her eyes, savoring every stroke. As Ace moved closer, his lips grazed her neck, sending electric currents shooting throughout her system. Feeling Ace's warm breath tickle her earlobe, April couldn't resist whispering softly. "Take me, Ace. Please..." Her pleading voice carried undeniably erotic undertones. Ace pulled away, his face filled with fiery lust.

He takes April's hands and guides them toward her skirt. He is instructing her to hold it up.

Holding up her skirt to expose her panties bulging out, April bites her lip as Ace gasps in surprise. Recovering quickly, he reaches down to examine her secret better. With a mix of curiosity and fascination, he strokes the tip of her member, eliciting involuntary tremors within April. Glancing at Ace's erection, she couldn't believe they were doing this.

"I want our first time to be more memorable." Ace says in a hushed tone. "So are you ok with me just using my hands?" He asks her for approval.

Seeing the hunger in her eyes, April nodded. The intensity of emotion between them escalated rapidly, fuelled by their raw desires.

With deliberation, Ace pulled down her panties enough for her hard cock to spring free. He looked at it in awe as it bounced. The tip was wet from pre-cum. He then proceeded to guide her legs apart. Once April was positioned comfortably, he began kissing her passionately while his hand wrapped around her thick shaft. He guesses she is about the same thickness as his own. But it looks nothing like his. It's far more smooth, even being rock hard it still seems soft.

It almost defied description compared to a normal cock. Its length seemed perfect for her, Feeling the intense pressure around her member, April let out a sharp groan. Ace squeezes her cock and begins to stroke her back and forth. Smearing her pre around to lubricate her cock up.

April felt her world spin, her head swimming in ecstasy. Every movement of Ace's hand drove her madder, pushing her towards climax. Unable to contain her arousal, April began to cry out, she quickly covered her mouth with a hand. Taking note of her urgency, Ace picked up pace, circling his thumb around her aching nubbin. Overwhelmed by the forceful stimulation, April writhed under his expert ministrations. Desperate for release, she groaned into her hand, throwing her head back. 

Her movements became increasingly frantic, her muscles tensing beneath Ace's grasp. A sudden jolt ran through her frame, followed by a violent tremor that shook her entire body. And finally, the sweetest release. April cried out with a fervor, her eyes wide with shock as she surrendered to the ecstatic sensations pulsing through her veins.

What came next blew Ace's mind. He had her cock aimed at the toilet to try and reduce the mess. April exploded, her cock shot a huge rope of cum that splashed into the water. Then another one splashed the water again. 3, 4, 5, more spurts. She just kept cumming. After about a minute and what had to be over 20 spurts she finally slowed down and stopped.

"What the fuck was that April?" Ace asks shocked about what he just witnessed. All the water in the toilet turned completely white and was raised much higher than it was at the beginning.

It was an astonishing sight, leaving Ace speechless. Not believing what he saw, he tried to calm himself down as he heard April say, "Forgive me... sometimes it happens like this". Her apologetic tone did little to reassure Ace, whose confusion grew even larger. This was something new to him, something beyond anything he'd ever seen. After a few moments of silence, April regained composure. "But that was amazing", she whispered huskily.

"How are you able to cum so much? Where did that even come from? I Have so many more questions now." Ace asks and laughs to himself. "But are you a little more calm now?, able to make it home?" He asks sweetly.

April smiled and assured him that she would definitely be fine after these events. She gently pressed her forehead against his shoulder, admiring the depth of trust Ace had shown her thus far. It made her heart race, and April realized she needed to repay him somehow. She wrapped her arms around Ace tightly, embracing him.

April now held Ace much closer than before, a huge grin covered her face as they walked out of the restroom. After cleaning up her big mess. She believed she had found someone truly special.

As they left the restaurant, the air suddenly felt cooler. The wind rustled leaves overhead, casting playful shadows across their path. Hand in hand, they walked with a known urgency through the park, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. But needing to get home to more privacy. They both couldn't wait any longer. April had become more flirty and playful. Stealing kisses and grabbing at Aces crotch. Taking his hands and leading them to her breasts and ass, sometimes pushing her dick against his hands When they finally arrived home they couldn't get into the house fast enough. Once inside April sprints off towards Ace's room, turning around giving him a seductive smile she enters, seconds later her clothing gets tossed out the door. Ace smiles and walks toward the room. As he makes it to the doorway, a bra hits him in the face. As he removes the garment he sees April standing next to his bed. Naked except for her panties that were currently bulging out obscenely again.

Her near naked body was incredibly alluring to Ace. He approached her slowly, wanting to enjoy the view. Standing there in front of her, Ace cupped her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. Her eyes sparkled with passion and unspoken promises. Unable to control his impulses, Ace took her by the waist, pulling her flush against his hardened body. He captured her mouth in a searing kiss, hungrily devouring her lips.

April returned his advance, thrusting her tongue past his teeth, playing with his tongue. Breathlessly breaking the moment, Ace whispered hoarsely, "You know I love everything about your body. But right now, I can only think about those incredible assets you carry." Ace winked, referring to her throbbing member.

Blushing furiously, April giggled nervously. She couldn't help it – having Ace ogle over her sex organ excited her immensely.

Ace took a step back admiring Aprils naked body,

His eyes traced the contours of her slender yet curvaceous form. From her small pert nipples that sat on large round breasts, to her toned abs, down to her plump round ass cheeks. Finally, he let his gaze fall onto her most unique feature - her cock looked massive on her tiny frame. It lay limp, but its size alone was impressive.

Feeling empowered by Ace's reaction, April boldly said, "Come here," gesturing to him to approach her.

Ace hesitantly stepped forward, his eyes locked on her cock. He noticed the slight tension building within her. Her breath quickening, her pupils dilating. He could see the growing desire in her eyes.

April led Ace to sit beside her on the edge of the bed. 

Her strong, dexterous fingers reached for his buttons, eager to explore his masculinity further. Expertly, she released his hard member from his jeans, allowing it to sprout fully. Ace couldn't hide his excitement, blatantly showcasing his appreciation for her talented touch. His penetrative tool appeared quite similar to hers, although slightly larger and more rugged.

At 7.5 inches long, Ace knew he was slightly longer over April's 7-inch phallus, which thrilled her. April loved seeing how her boyfriend reacted when he got used to such a different appendage.

April moved her head down close to his hard dick. Stroking it and admiring it. She looked up into Ace's eyes. Her gaze was as full of lust as his. She then starts kissing the tip of his engorged cock teasingly, moving her lips along its length. As she does so,April whispers, "Your cock is absolutely magnificent! So huge… so manly!" Her words ignite a fire within Ace, causing him to moan involuntarily.

Encouraged by his response, April takes his erection into her mouth, wrapping her warm lips around the base and starting to suck. With gentle strokes of her tongue, she teases the sensitive underside of his glans. Meanwhile, Ace watches intently, feeling every nuance of pleasure course through his body.

April's skillful technique brings Ace to the brink of orgasm, his cock twitching wildly in anticipation. April pulls off and says with a wink, "this will make us even." She then takes his cock all the way in her mouth.

Sucking it deeply. Ace groans loudly and puts his hands into her long dark hair. Gripping it firmly. Using it to pull her closer. Grinding his pelvis against her face. Moaning as he continues to feel her skillful mouth work on his member. The sensation running up his spine sends wave after wave of electricity coursing through his body.

Ace's vision begins to blur as he can feel his orgasm rising. He said, " I'm gonna cum!" He says breathlessly.

April doesn't stop, maintaining her rhythm and sucking harder. Feeling Ace's imminent eruption, she swirls her tongue around the tip of his glans, eliciting a sharp gasp from him. Just as he reaches the peak of his intensity, Ace releases a torrent of semen into April's waiting mouth. She greedily accepts every drop, savoring the taste of his essence.

Withdrawing her mouth from his spent member, April looks up at Ace with a satisfied gleam in her eye. "That was incredible," she murmurs, still catching her breath.

Ace collapses back onto the bed, utterly drained but exhilarated by the experience. His thoughts whirl with wonder and curiosity, reflecting on the remarkable encounter he shared with April.

Their bodies entangled, their hearts racing together, fueled by mutual attraction and desire. The heat intensifies under the weight of their combined passion, creating a vortex of raw sexual energy.

Emboldened by the night's events, Ace confidently declares, "Now, I'm going to fuck you." Smiling broadly, he leans in to plant soft kisses down April's neck, trailing his wet lips until reaching her bare shoulders. His nimble fingers caress her smooth skin, drawing lines of anticipation on her pale flesh.

His rough palms knead her supple breasts, massaging their heavy, responsive weights. Ace's touch is gentle yet insistent, provoking moans of delight from April as her own exploratory hands ventured lower. They sought out his hard member once more, taking comfort in its familiar presence.