
Chapter 6

"No one can beat Anxiety... they all tried, and failed."

"No!" He yelled out as he faded away into white dust.

Then the white vines faded away into dust and released Virgil. Roman caught him before he hit the ground.

Roman hugged him as he slowly woke up.

"Mph... ow," Virgil muttered. "Did I defeat him...?"

"Yes, you did, Virgil..." Roman muttered in his ear. He felt Virgil smile.

"Please tell me you guys will tell Thomas about this," Virgil whispered.

"Of course we will, kiddo." Patton smiled.

"Good..." Then Virgil slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Roman picked him up bridal style.

"We should tell Thomas about this," Roman said. Everyone nodded and they all sunk down to the real world.

They found Thomas asleep on the couch.

"Well, I guess medicine takes it out of both of them," Emile said.

Roman lied Virgil down on the couch and sat down next to the couch.


When Thomas woke up, Logan explained everything to him. Thomas then felt guilty for taking the medicine in the first place and apologized repeatedly to Virgil when he woke up.

"It's fine, Thomas. Don't worry about it." Virgil said.

"But I almost killed you, that isn't fine!" Thomas yelled. Virgil just shook his head.


Everyone was still in the real world and watching tv. Roman sat next to Virgil and got him anything he wanted from the kitchen. Then Roman whispered to Virgil.

"Y'know... now that I know you are you, I was just wondering if you..." Roman trailed off.

"If I... what?" Virgil whispered back.

"If you wanted to go on a date with me..." Roman finished. There was silence.

"Hm, sure." Virgil nodded.


"Yeah, I guess I could, now that he's not here and ruining everything," Virgil said. Roman nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, you're right," Roman said. Virgil then leaned his head on Roman's shoulder.

"Sorry... just tired," Virgil muttered.

"You just took a nap, though..."

"...Shut up."