
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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474 Chs

Chapter 16 I'm not a doctor_1

Translator: 549690339

Gong Lin looked pleadingly toward the crowd around her, wanting to see if there was any master who could step forward to save her mother.

Wasn't there a young man who wasn't from the hospital yesterday, who brought her mother back to life?

However, at this moment, no one paid any attention to her.

Although Gong Lin was very beautiful, everyone there who had come to see what was happening clearly understood their own limits.

Save someone? They simply couldn't do it.

If someone were to show off now, pretending to be a hero, they might end up facing manslaughter charges.

Jiang Chen was witnessing scene after scene unfolding before his eyes.

He sighed softly to himself, "Well, I'll lend a hand and save someone again. Meeting someone is fate, after all.

Moreover, he had the ability to save the patient and could not just stand by indifferently, letting someone die.

With this thought, Jiang Chen was about to go over.

But at this time, Ye Jingyi, who seemed to have guessed what Jiang Chen intended to do, quickly grabbed him.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do? You're not going to save someone, are you?" She sized up Jiang Chen with her almond-shaped eyes. His behavior always surprised her; it wouldn't be out of character for him to do something foolish like this.

As Ye Jingyi's best friend, Lin Wan looked stunned, feeling that it wouldn't be possible.

You, a swindler, still want to save a patient who's obviously got one foot in the coffin?

That would be too far-fetched.

Yet Jiang Chen nodded and openly admitted it.

"Are you a doctor?" Lin Wan asked, somewhat bewildered. She thought Jiang Chen must be crazy, even if he really were a doctor, how much medical skill could he have at such a young age.

"I am not a doctor," Jiang Chen shook his head.

The two beautiful women were stunned, staring at Jiang Chen with wide eyes.

"Jiang Chen, have you lost your mind? Administering treatment recklessly can kill someone, and you would be criminally liable for that, not to mention that you're not even a doctor," Ye Jingyi said, touching her smooth, fair forehead, feeling a headache coming on. She really didn't know what to make of the person she had met today.

This guy was not only swindling and fighting, shamelessly attaching himself to her, and now he was actually pretending to be a doctor managing patients.

A madman! Definitely a madman!

"Don't worry, although I'm not a doctor, my medical skills are very advanced, not just half-baked," Jiang Chen said with a smirk, quite confident in the ancient medical techniques from his dream memories.

This guy is too narcissistic! Ye Jingyi and Lin Wan had the same thought in their minds.

Right then, Gong Lin also happened to spot Jiang Chen from the crowd and excitedly rushed over to him.

"Benefactor, benefactor, I have finally found you." Gong Lin was crying with joy, looking at Jiang Chen with tearful eyes, and her knees began to buckle as she was about to kneel in front of him. She felt so fortunate to have encountered Jiang Chen once again.

Jiang Chen quickly grabbed Gong Lin's wrist, "Don't, don't do this, I was just passing by yesterday."

Gong Lin's wrist was soft and smooth, causing Jiang Chen to be momentarily shaken.

Ye Jingyi and Lin Wan, watching this scene, were somewhat stunned.

What's going on? Why would the patient's family member want to kneel to Jiang Chen? And calling him benefactor?

Could it be that Jiang Chen's medical skills were really remarkable?

Meanwhile, Gong Lin continued to plead, "Young man, you saved my mother yesterday, you must be the Divine Doctor. I beg you to save my mother today as well, please?"

At this point, she was desperate, and Jiang Chen was like a lifeline for her.

"Are you mistaken? Jiang Chen is not a doctor, okay? If you say he saved your mother, that must have been just luck, a fluke."

Lin Wan, who couldn't stand to see Jiang Chen, the fraud, make a move, quickly intervened, pulling apart Jiang Chen and Gong Lin, giving Jiang Chen a glare, thinking, "You rogue, once you grab a beauty, you don't want to let go, huh?"

Gong Lin was taken aback and looked toward Jiang Chen.

"She's right, I'm really not a doctor," Jiang Chen didn't lie, "Yesterday, saving your mom was my first attempt."

Lin Wan was pleased to slap her hands together: "Ha, I told you."

Gong Lin was stunned, tears falling once again, her expression already one of despair.

She and her mother had an extremely close relationship, her mother indulged her in everything, and for her happiness, personally took her to flee their family. But if she was the cause of her mother dying in a strange land, then she wouldn't want to live either.

"However, though I'm not a doctor and don't have much experience, I have taught myself medical skills, and I believe I have some ability." Then Jiang Chen smiled faintly, the tone of his voice changing: "If you believe in me, I can try to save your mom."

"Believe, of course, I believe!"

Gong Lin wiped her tears and said hastily. The scene of her mother being saved yesterday had already given her absolute confidence in Jiang Chen.

"Trouble you, please come with me."

Gong Lin pulled Jiang Chen toward the sickroom.

"Jiang Chen, have you gone mad? If you mess up, it could kill someone," Ye Jingyi, who had been silent until now, panicked. She had picked up a fair amount of information from the conversation between the two. It seemed Jiang Chen really did save the patient yesterday, which implied he might indeed have some medical knowledge.

But that doesn't mean he could save someone now.

Didn't she see all those doctors standing there, helpless?

If something goes wrong and the patient dies, someone will have to take responsibility.

Yet Jiang Chen just smiled slightly, "Don't worry, as long as I am here, not even the King of Hell can take her mom's life."

Ye Jingyi was so furious she stamped her feet: "You really are sick, you can't go."

Does he really think he's somebody, capable of anything?

"Ah, are you being resentful towards me? Do you think I didn't apologize just now?"

Ye Jingyi seemed to remember something, thinking Jiang Chen's stubborn behavior was because she hadn't apologized: "Yes, I wronged you in the hotel earlier, I shouldn't have disbelieved you, I was wrong to do that, I apologize. There, is that good enough now?"

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed: "Ah, you still don't believe me, do you? Just watch."

Ye Jingyi was so angry she gritted her teeth: "You are truly mad!"

Lin Wan scoffed even more coldly: "Jing Yi, let's not bother with him anymore, let him seek his own death."

Jiang Chen didn't bother explaining further, pulling Gong Lin into the sickroom.

"Stop right there, you're at it again!" At that moment, Director Li blocked Jiang Chen's way.

Once Director Li recognized it was Jiang Chen, his anger flared up. Yesterday, Jiang Chen's intervention was a slap in the face for him, the chief doctor, and quite a swollen one at that.

For this, he harbored a grudge.

"Miss Gong, I know him. He's definitely not a doctor, what right does this layman have to treat patients? Letting him treat your mother is basically leading her to her death," Director Li raised his voice with his nasal twang.

As soon as the surrounding crowd heard this, they exploded.

"What, he's not even a doctor? And this beautiful woman wants him to save someone?"

"If something really happens to the patient, can this guy take responsibility?"


The other doctors also chimed in with Director Li, there was no way they would let Jiang Chen attempt a rescue.

If Jiang Chen ended up killing someone, they as doctors would also be held accountable.

If Jiang Chen managed to save someone successfully, that was even less acceptable, as it would be a slap in the face for them, the actual doctors.

So, the moment Jiang Chen made a move, they would be damned if they did and damned if they didn't.

And just then, someone suddenly shouted:

"Make way, make way, Divine Doctor Ye has arrived."