
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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481 Chs

Chapter 17 Can you cure it? He can_1

Translator: 549690339

The Divine Doctor Ye Yang arrived.

Ye Yang looked ordinary, around sixty or seventy years old, with dazzlingly white hair being his most striking feature. But he was full of energy, appearing to be in excellent physical condition.

"Divine Doctor Ye, you finally made it, we've all been waiting for you," said the doctors, welcoming him enthusiastically as soon as he arrived.

Even Gong Lin followed suit because, after all, Ye Yang truly was a Divine Doctor.

Only Director Li stayed behind, keeping his gaze fixed on Jiang Chen.

"Where is the patient?" Ye Yang didn't waste any time on pleasantries and hurried to the bedside, where Gong Lin's mother lay.

Immediately, Ye Yang's brows furrowed.

"Divine Doctor Ye, how is my mother doing?" Gong Lin asked anxiously.

"The situation is grim. I'll do my best," he sighed.

With a sigh, Ye Yang took out his Silver Needles and began to apply them to Gong Lin's mother.

Everyone around fell silent, hoping Ye Yang could bring about a miracle.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not occur.

After several needles had been inserted, Ye Yang felt Gong Lin's mother's pulse and examined her eyelids, eventually emitting a long sigh.

"Ah… I arrived too late."

At that sigh, everyone's faces filled with pity.

It was clear that there was no hope left.

Gong Lin covered her mouth, her silent tears flowing.

Jiang Chen, standing on the periphery, panicked. Gong Lin's mother still had a chance, but they were running out of minutes. Soon, not even the gods would be able to save her.

But his path was blocked by Director Li, who stood firm. Jiang Chen's anger flared up spontaneously.

"Get out of the way!"

With a single kick, Director Li was sent flying by Jiang Chen, who then rushed into the ward without looking back.

"Ouch!" The kick, full of force, landed on Director Li's stomach, making him roll and crawl on the ground in pain as he bellowed.

The people around were stunned by Jiang Chen's violence and single-minded determination, and none dared to stop him for a moment.

After all, if the Divine Doctor had already deemed the case to be hopeless, and if Jiang Chen was acting so recklessly, any issue that arose with the patient would be entirely his responsibility.

By this time, Jiang Chen had reached the bedside and casually removed the Silver Needles that Ye Yang had only just inserted.

"As I thought, using just the Resurrection Needle won't do. The Welcoming Spring Needle Technique must also be employed to truly eliminate the disease's focal point..."

While removing the needles, Jiang Chen also took Gong Lin's mother's pulse with one hand, gaining a deeper understanding of her condition.

Next, he prepared to use those same Silver Needles and insert them once again.

"What are you doing? Get away from here," Ye Yang, now unable to contain his fury, saw a young man daring to touch his patient so casually?

Even though he had concluded that the patient was beyond saving and could be allowed to pass away peacefully, what was this young man trying to do? Torture the patient further?

Ye Yang roared in anger and attempted to push Jiang Chen aside.

But Jiang Chen was just about to insert the needles and would not allow any interruption, without caring who it was, he pushed back, and Ye Yang was actually pushed away.

Ye Yang almost fell but was caught by Director Li, who had rushed over to help.

"Divine Doctor Ye, this guy is practically a murderer! He's not a doctor but insists on treating patients. I tried to stop him and ended up being brutally attacked by him..." Director Li exaggerated the incident as he reported it to Ye Yang.

At the same time, he stared sharply at Jiang Chen, his eyes flashing with a vicious gleam: "You think you're quite something, don't you? Well, you better be ready to spend a decade or two in prison."

"This is nonsense! Complete madness!" Ye Yang was beside himself with rage, pushing past Director Li, determined to intervene and stop Jiang Chen.

However, as an infuriated Ye Yang approached Jiang Chen from behind, he suddenly paused, uttering a surprised "Huh?" and stopped in his tracks.

First, he saw Jiang Chen deftly performing acupuncture.

And that technique...

At the same time, some other doctors were also coming up to stop Jiang Chen.

"What are you doing!" Gong Lin didn't wait for Jiang Chen's instructions and stepped forward to block those doctors.

"Ms. Gong, you can't let someone torment the patient like this, it's your mother," the doctors implored.

"Can you cure my mother then?"

Gong Lin's words left all the doctors speechless.

"You don't believe in him, but I do. He can," Gong Lin clenched her teeth fiercely, refusing to budge an inch.

Yet her determination only made the people around her shake their heads in unison.

The patient that neither the Divine Doctor nor the hospital's doctors could treat, could this young man possibly have a solution?


This would only increase the patient's suffering.

And this daughter is foolish as well!

In the midst of everyone's skepticism, Jiang Chen's silver needles had already pierced Gong Lin's mother's body, primarily targeting the Ren meridian, with points such as Chengjiang, Tiantu, and Danzhong.

Gradually, these silver needles formed a clear pathway.

Finally, once the needle pathway was established, Jiang Chen flicked the last silver needle at Qu Bone.


After a buzzing sound, the entire set of needles began to move as if a spring breeze was rustling through weeping willows.

"Wow, this is, like, so magical."

The previously contemptuous onlookers couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

Laymen enjoy the show; experts appreciate the technique.

Ye Yang had already sensed the patient's energy strengthening clearly, and moreover, the patient's complexion began to improve.

Astonishment filled Ye Yang's eyes, and the rage in his heart dissipated rapidly.

Instead, he stared intently at the trembling needle pathway.

"Is this, could this be the long-lost ancient medical art, the Welcoming Spring Needle Technique?"

My God, if it's true, then this young man is no ordinary person!

Ye Yang was dumbfounded, too shocked to utter a word.

"Divine Doctor Ye, look at this wet-behind-the-ears brat, still posturing as if he's performing a trick. Does he think needlework is some kind of magic act? It's utterly ludicrous..." Director Li was still making sneering comments on the side.

However, Ye Yang no longer had the time to bother with Director Li. He wanted to witness Jiang Chen's entire process of applying the needle technique.

If it were truly the Welcoming Spring Needle Technique, then the reappearance of such an ancient medical art would be a momentous event for the traditional medical community of the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing that Ye Yang was ignoring him, Director Li wasn't disheartened, assuming that Ye Yang must be on the verge of rage.

Once Ye Yang's anger fully erupted, with his temperament, Jiang Chen would definitely not meet a good end.

"Kid, stop immediately, you are committing murder!" Director Li bellowed at Jiang Chen at the top of his lungs.

"What are you yelling for, shut up!" Ye Yang turned his head and yelled back at Director Li.

Ye Yang was reluctant to pay attention to Director Li, but since Director Li was getting too carried away, if he didn't intervene, it might disrupt the rare sight of the Welcome Spring Needle happening before his eyes.

Shut up.

These two words struck Director Li like two thunderbolts to the head, completely dumbfounding him.