
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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469 Chs

Chapter 15 He's Just a Big Liar_1

Translator: 549690339


Enraged, Jiang Chen reacted swiftly, leaping to dodge the other party's kick aimed at his groin.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the woman's long leg, pulling her into his arms, and swiftly subdued her.

"Are you sick or something? Can't we talk things out? Why resort to violence? You think you're tough, huh?" Jiang Chen said, his face full of anger.

"You, where are you touching? Let go of me right now!" The woman struggled, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Jiang Chen was taken aback, glancing at where his hand was on the woman's body.

Damn, he had grabbed quite a spot?

Suddenly, his heart raced with distracting thoughts.

"What are you looking at! Keep staring and I'll gouge out your eyes!" the woman raged, her anger boiling over. Not only was Jiang Chen not letting go, but he was also looking at her unabashedly. At that moment, she felt like murdering him.

"Jiang Chen, let go of her immediately, she's my best friend Lin Wan," Ye Jingyi hurried forward with quick steps, glaring fiercely at Jiang Chen.

"Oh, isn't this just spectacular," Jiang Chen chuckled, letting go but without a trace of an apology on his face, "but it's not my fault. Had she not started with the violence, would I have done anything? I was forced to defend myself."

Ye Jingyi turned to Lin Wan: "Lin Wan, you too, why did you start with the violence?"

Although her best friend often acted recklessly, she was certainly a woman of sense.

Lin Wan clenched her fists again: "Jing Yi, the guy on the phone who hurt you, it was him, wasn't it? I'm sure it is, this guy is nothing but a thug! Don't stop me, let me avenge you!"

Ye Jingyi couldn't help but laugh and cry: "It's not him, you've got it wrong."

"Really?" Lin Wan frowned, "Then why is this guy with you, and at Jinhai Hospital of all places?"

Ye Jingyi hurriedly explained, touching on the important point about the sports car speeding and hitting Jiang Chen.

"Jing Yi, you're being too kindhearted."

After hearing Ye Jingyi's account, anger instantly flooded Lin Wan's face, and she glared menacingly at Jiang Chen:

"This guy is clearly a fraud, a scam artist. Look at how lively he is, doesn't seem to have a scratch on him. You can't be soft on people like him, you can't indulge such behavior, you should have him taken to the police station."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh: "What are you, here to make trouble?"

"What did you say!" Lin Wan showed her tomboyish side, rolling up her sleeves, "Come on, let's have another round."

Ye Jingyi wore a look of mixed laughter and helplessness: "You guys..."

But before she could finish, a commotion erupted from the emergency ward nearby:

"This patient's condition, it's really tough! I've been practicing medicine for decades and I've never seen such a puzzling disease!"

"Tough! So tough! This illness is so peculiar, it's impossible to know where to start!"

"Wow, a sickness that the hospital can't cure, that's rare."

"Yeah, I think that patient's a goner, nearly dead."


The voices of the doctors mingled with those of the onlooking crowd, ceaselessly reaching the ears of Jiang Chen and the others.

Involuntarily, they looked over, and a look of surprise emerged in Jiang Chen's eyes.

He saw the daughter of the elderly woman he had revived yesterday with the Resurrection Needle. At this moment, she was looking at the doctors in discussion with an air of desperation, her expression haggard, as if she had lost over a dozen pounds overnight.

However, her tragic appearance didn't diminish her stunning beauty in the slightest; her sorrowful expression only added a touch of tragic beauty.

So it was her mother after all.

Jiang Chen nodded, aware that he had only revived her but had not eradicated the disease within her body.

And now, the patient was once again in critical condition, which was far from optimistic.

"Ms. Gong, rest assured. Your mother may be in a critical state, but we have already requested the assistance of Divine Doctor Ye Yang. With him involved, your mother's condition will definitely improve!" As the main doctor of the elderly woman, Director Li stepped forward at this time, expressing his concern.

He spoke with great confidence.

After all, Ye Yang was known as a miraculous Divine Doctor. With him, any ailment could be perfectly resolved.

His words ignited a fervent look in the eyes of the surrounding crowd.

They were well-acquainted with the name of the Divine Doctor Ye Yang.

Ye Yang began studying medicine from a young age, practiced for fifty years, traveled all over, saved countless lives, sincerely solving health issues for ordinary people, and he charged very low fees.

Even for those who couldn't afford medical expenses, he offered treatment for free.

As such, over the course of fifty years in medicine, he earned the title of Divine Doctor.

Moreover, he never disappointed that title. Not only in Jinhai, but even if one were to look across the entire country, his medical skills were definitely among the best, truly top-notch.

"Is the Divine Doctor someone Jinhai Hospital can call upon?" However, many in the crowd began to voice their doubts.

"The Divine Doctor has a very good relationship with the head of our hospital. In a sense, our hospital director is the disciple of the Divine Doctor," replied Director Li, standing tall and proud as he spoke, clearly glorified and triumphant, as if he himself were the disciple of the Divine Doctor.

The crowd around him suddenly understood.

But not far away, Jiang Chen's brow was deeply furrowed. Even if that Divine Doctor truly had great medical skills, the patient was already in imminent danger. Waiting for someone to come could mean the patient's condition would be beyond hope.

They couldn't wait any longer.

"Director Li, when exactly can this Divine Doctor arrive? Can my mother wait that long?" As she watched her mother sinking into unconsciousness, her complexion growing increasingly pale, Gong Lin, with a delicate face untouched by makeup, showed nothing but anxiety and panic.

While she spoke, two streams of tears fell from her bright, watery eyes, sorrowful and touching.

Such a sight set the hearts of many men in the crowd racing, with several men unable to help swallowing repeatedly.

"Soon, very soon," Director Li said, his gaze greedily fixed on Gong Lin, though his expression still pretended to be that of a dignified gentleman.

But his perfunctory response made Gong Lin even more anxious, and her tears fell faster.

Unable to help herself, she turned her gaze towards the surrounding crowd.