
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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474 Chs

14章 You Must Take Responsibility to the End_1

Translator: 549690339

Ye Jingyi was indeed about to apologize and then to thank Jiang Chen again. But when Jiang Chen suddenly came out with that sentence, she just couldn't swallow her pride.

"Who wants to thank you, huh? You think I couldn't figure it out on my own?"

Ye Jingyi took her handbag and huffed, "It's also a good thing Xu Gang and his crew are the bad guys, otherwise, I wouldn't just be leaving it to them, I'd have the police come and arrest you."

"Hey." Jiang Chen immediately widened his eyes in disbelief. Was this silly girl still refusing to admit her mistake? She really was too proud.

However, Jiang Chen had long been accustomed to Ye Jingyi's stubbornness but tender heart, so he gestured with a hand and said, "Well then, I, Jiang Chen, thank you for your mercy."

Watching Jiang Chen's actions, Ye Jingyi almost wanted to laugh, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment. She quickly opened her black designer handbag, pulled out a checkbook and pen, and got ready to write a check.

It was clear enough what she intended: she might not thank him verbally, but she was ready to express her gratitude to Jiang Chen with money for his assistance.

Jiang Chen hastily interrupted, "No, Jingyi, you don't have to give me money."

Ye Jingyi was taken aback, "What did you call me?"

Jiang Chen felt like slapping himself, having spoken without thinking. He hurriedly covered up, "I called you by your name, haha, don't ask. If you ask, it's because I heard it at the hotel earlier."

Ye Jingyi's eyebrows instantly knit together.

Earlier at the hotel, had someone called her by her name?

Even if there had been, was Jiang Chen familiar with her?

What gave him the right to address her so intimately as Jingyi?

Displeasure began to stir within Ye Jingyi once more.

Seeing Ye Jingyi frown, Jiang Chen knew trouble was brewing and swiftly changed the subject, "I'm serious, Jingyi, you really don't need to give me money. But don't forget, you hit me with your car. You have to take me to the hospital; you can't just shirk your responsibilities."

Jiang Chen's words immediately irritated Ye Jingyi, her almond-shaped eyes practically shooting flames, "Are we even close? And to keep calling me 'Jingyi'! Besides, when you were fighting just now, you looked every bit as vigorous as a tiger. Where did you look injured?"

Having said that, her eyes scanned Jiang Chen all over, unceasingly.

Jiang Chen seemed perfectly fine, no sign of injury even after the fight with the four bodyguards.

And yet, he insisted on her taking him to the hospital. What did he mean by all this?

By now, Ye Jingyi was entirely convinced that, no matter how capable Jiang Chen was, he was nothing but a con artist who had latched onto her.

It seemed that he was not interested in her money, but in her as a person, right?

Hmph, how was he any different from Xu Gang? Not a single man was worth a damn.

With this thought, Ye Jingyi's impression of Jiang Chen took another nosedive.

But no matter what, Jiang Chen had indeed saved her. With her good-natured heart, she felt compelled to follow through on helping him.

"Get in the car. I'll take you to the hospital."

Ye Jingyi gritted her teeth and finally agreed to Jiang Chen's request.

"Thanks, Jingyi." Jiang Chen smiled and climbed into the car.

"Don't call me Jingyi again, or I'll throw you out of my car," Ye Jingyi snapped, now truly annoyed.

"Alright, Jingyi."


Ye Jingyi was furious but couldn't really kick Jiang Chen out, so she could only huffily step on the gas, and with a roar, she sped off.

"Roar, roar—"

The fiery red sports car thundered down the road. Seeing Jiang Chen's ashen face in the passenger seat, Ye Jingyi felt a bit better.

Scare you, you scoundrel.

However, she soon remembered the various things that had happened at the hotel earlier and was still somewhat shaken. She thought about calling her best friend Lin Wan.

"Hey, don't make phone calls while driving," Jiang Chen quickly warned from the side.

"Mind your own business," Ye Jingyi said, disregarding his advice completely.

Jiang Chen felt somewhat helpless. In the memories he had assimilated, Ye Jingyi wasn't the kind of spoiled girl she seemed now; she used to be quite gentle. It seemed that the changes in their past destinies had altered Ye Jingyi's personality.

And now, the misfortunes from the dream memories no longer existed because of him.

In the future, life with Jingyi would undoubtedly be full of splendor.

Thinking about this, Jiang Chen was somewhat excited.

After saying a few words on the phone, Ye Jingyi hung up, and a few minutes later, they smoothly arrived at Jinhai Hospital.

Jinhai Hospital was well-known in Jinhai City, not only for the superb skills of its doctors but also because it housed some of the most advanced medical equipment in the country. Otherwise, Jiang Chen wouldn't have chosen this place for his mother's treatment.

However, because of this, the fees at Jinhai Hospital were also beyond what ordinary people could afford.

But such a trivial amount of money wasn't an issue for Ye Jingyi. Although Liying Cosmetics was currently facing financial difficulties, she could still afford Jiang Chen's medical bills.

"Are you satisfied now?" After getting out of the car, they arrived at the emergency department and completed the paperwork. Ye Jingyi glared at Jiang Chen with a hostile gaze.

"It's not about whether I'm satisfied or not. You hit me, so you should take full responsibility," Jiang Chen said with a serious face.

Too shameless! Ye Jingyi was livid. Her normally gentle and calm nature was on the edge of breaking into a violent outburst.

However, her self-restraint and decorum prevented her from attacking Jiang Chen in public. Besides, with Jiang Chen's fighting skills, even if she did resort to violence, she would likely be the one to suffer.

Ye Jingyi's teeth gnashed in frustration, and her beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Chen as if he were her archenemy.

Jiang Chen felt uncomfortable under her gaze, but he couldn't say much more.

Just then, a bracing voice rang in the ears of Jiang Chen and Ye Jingyi:

"Great, so it's you, the guy who's bullying Jingyi, isn't it!"

Jiang Chen turned his head to look and saw a young woman dressed in a fashionable and personality-filled outfit of black denim leather pants and a black denim jacket, her beautiful eyes glaring furiously at him.

Despite this, Jiang Chen was taken aback by her presence.

The woman before him had a spirited and vibrant demeanor. Although she couldn't compare to Ye Jingyi in terms of looks, she definitely wasn't lacking either. Furthermore, her delicate and attractive figure was enough to catch the attention of numerous men.

While Jiang Chen was sizing her up with curiosity, the woman wasted no time charging forward, swinging her long leg directly toward Jiang Chen's lower body.

And the direction she chose was particularly tricky and vicious—it was aimed at Jiang Chen's groin.

"Whoosh—" Jiang Chen felt a cold draft whooshing between his legs.

If she struck him, Jiang Chen's happiness for the rest of his life would likely be over in an instant.

Are you insane! Jiang Chen was immediately enraged.