
Mechanic Lords (rewrite)

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard, especially if you are inserted to the main character. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe where your reality is a playground for Traversers is harder. Trying to survive from Killer robots, taking over sexy robots as maids, kicking out Traversers, dealing with demons and gods. Can't he just enjoy his snu-snu time with his girls in peace? Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. For those who want to read the advanced chapter or want to support me, you could visit my Pat...eon page /Lkur0S

Kur0s · Movies
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Chapter 22 Tech Upgrade (Rewrite)

The road out of LA to Arizona deserts was quite empty. There were no drivers trying to enter or leave the city when the chaos erupted.

After killing the two Traversers, Leon continued their way eastward. With the demise of the two, the Underworld team are keeping a distance from him. While the Azure are wary of dealing with him.

They could finally rest for a few days.

"What do I need to start a technology company?" ask Leon to Catherine when they meet at dinner.

"You would need to invest in building decent R&D. A decent investment too for marketing and building the hype for your product" said Catherine

"Well I have an idea of creating that kind of company. How much are you interested in investing?"

"So you think you have the ability to run that kind of company?"

"If it was only me, it would be impossible. But I have friends that would also like to invest," said Leon.

"If you are just an ordinary kid, I would likely trash your ideas. But I know you already have some plans"

"If it was just money, I already own it. But I still need Zeira network to compete against Skynet agents"

"What's in it for me?"

"You protect the daughter of Catherine Weaver right?" ask Leon.

Catherine stopped and give a dangerous glare "What are you implying?"

"I have no reason. Just trying to understand why a Terminator try to replace her mother role"

Catherine just stay silent.

"You are learning something. It was quite a human response, sometimes we have no reason to do something. I think the logic at first is to keep your cover, but in the end it was because you ended up caring for her right?" said Leon nonchalantly.

"Why are you interested in her?" ask Catherine.

"Insurance. Skynet or its offshoot are already a certainty. Since the day the Terminator was sent to kill my mother, the Timeline is already set on Skynet creation. I would try to leave as many seed as I could in the event of my demise"

"I don't get it"

"What if I offer you to teach Savannah Weaver my abilities," said Leon.

Catherine stopped.

"Skynet would always be a threat till we could deal with it. They would be able to send Terminators to kill people that they deemed as a threat. No matter how you try to protect her, she would still need the ability to protect herself" said Leon as he slowly eat her luxurious meal.

"Those people, the Traversers, would also be a threat. Ascended beings that have access to other realities and could move people through it as they please. What I see with the two newest team of Traversers, they are treating our reality like a game. Without ability to defend yourself, you are nothing"

"I see. So your goal is to gather people to prepare for Judgment day?"

"Our short term goal is to push back Judgment day as far into the future as we could. Our next goal is to cut the root of the Problem, Skynet time machine. For that we need people, loyal people. Trained soldier, armaments, secure factories and powerplants unable to be touched by nuclear destruction, man and machine that couldn't be subverted by Skynets programming"

Catherine Weaver was silent at this moment. There is a good reason why the future John Connor became a leader of the Resistance. Not only his ability to hijack and tamper the Terminators. John Connor could plan and strategize his way to victory. He has goals, he has ideas.

And this version of him, Leon Connor, is more thorough. This is not a kid, this is an adult inside the body of a kid.

"If you could give Zeira a proper product to be sold that could corner the computer market, we would agree to invest in your company," said Catherine Weaver.

"Good decision!" said Leon.


Sarah doesn't know how to handle her son anymore. If in the past she could order him around with parental authority, the current John is already an adult in mentality. And he have a dinner with a Terminator?

If it was her, she would be in panic and stress.

Meanwhile Kate is just enjoying her cartoon time while Tsunade is now reading books about Medical Research.

"Take a little break Mrs Connor. Leon is used to deal with this situation" said Kate.

"Dealing with what?"

"Business leaders, warlords, Mafia leaders, gang members" said Kate as she counted.

"Mafia? My son dealing with mobs?" shout Sarah.

"Hey, you deserve some of the blame for going stupid trying to blow up the Cyberdyne" said Tsunade non chalantly.

"I am trying to prevent Judgment day!" snark Sarah.

"You lack planning, your information is outdated. You don't consider the security. You don't consider being backstabbed by your informants" said Kate with a deadpan face.

Sarah just sputtered and shut her mouth.

"Seeesh, no wonder Leon always worried about you. You have no talent for planning. If it was about shooting or combat, he said you are good. But he always worried you could be trapped or being scammed"

Sarah becomes gloomy. His daughter in law is nagging her, and she was right. She hated to accept it, but she was right.


The deal with the Azure team is they have a first dibs to attack the Cyberdyne secret base. The deadline is one week, because they claim their mission will fail in 10 days. Having enough time for Leon to send its combat team to assault the base.

At this moment, Leon's combat robot numbers are already reaching dozens. 3 Combat puppets in his hand are already upgraded to be able to use laser weapons and guns. Ammunition was kept in storage seals.

Not to mention their range of movement are increased while the chakra thread needed to control them are reduced.

Kosen, the fox girl finally called. Their attempt to destroy Skynet has failed, the Underworld has allied with T-XA and holed up inside Cyberdyne base. The base are now heavily fortified with soldiers.

"Well, are you interested in fighting now?" ask Leon to Balalaika.

The scary women are sneering. While Sarah's face was hardened. This is the Russian Mafia, ex-Spetnaz.

"That woman did cause some problems in our business in the USA. And did you promise to get us US citizenship?" ask Balalaika to Leon.

"It was possible. My contact would give you guys proper citizenship in exchange" said Catherine.

"And to write off my record," said Revy.

"Deal. At least after you clean up the Cyberdyne, their influence and power would be reduced a lot. The FBI Director has agreed with your deal. We don't want a rogue company to create a problem with our Nuclear Weapons" said James Ellison.

"Well, you can't depend on smuggling stuff forever you know. Beside I offer a Management seat in my new company to Rock and Dutch, and an offer as a Cyber Security Officer to Benny"

"A company hostile takeover? You are buying the Lagoon Company?" ask Dutch with a raised eyebrow.

"Roanapur won't stay like that forever. The Thailand government would clean it up sooner or later. And would the Mafia, Triad, and Russian mobs be interested in fighting the Thailand government? Like hell they would"

"What's the point if theres no profit" said Balalaika.

"Fine. You already give us enough for retirement, so suit yourself" said Dutch with a smile while Revy acted like she was betrayed, Rock just scratched his head, while Benny are smiling.

"Don't worry Revy, you could be a bodyguard for your boytoy" said Leon nonchalantly, making the girl angry and aim her gun to Leon. Which was soon disappeared replaced with a silly faced doll.


There are few advancements Leon put in his Combat puppet and robot. Three combat robot of the are given a Mortar, Three other combat robots are given an RPG. Leon even put two artillery shells and one Artillery gun inside a combat puppet.

Programming the aiming systems is quite easy as he analyzed some code lines from Terminator programming.

The next day after gathering their forces, Leon was watching the Cyberdyne base. The base is heavily fortified.

"Seesh, you guys sucks" said Revy to the Azure team. While Kosen eyes are twitching watching the people that Leon gathered. She realized few people there are not something that should have existed in a regular Terminator reality.

"You brought Hotel Moscow," she said with troubled smile.

"Well, If I had enough influence I would have brought the US military. Too bad, at best I could only bring a platoon" he said.

Now their showdown with the remaining underworld, T-XA and Cyberdyne would started.