
Mechanic Lords (rewrite)

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard, especially if you are inserted to the main character. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe where your reality is a playground for Traversers is harder. Trying to survive from Killer robots, taking over sexy robots as maids, kicking out Traversers, dealing with demons and gods. Can't he just enjoy his snu-snu time with his girls in peace? Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. For those who want to read the advanced chapter or want to support me, you could visit my Pat...eon page /Lkur0S

Kur0s · Movies
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34 Chs

Chapter 21 Negotiation (Rewrite)

"He captured the T-X" said Zhao Jun. He was in his animal form, watching the battle.

"WHAAAT?" shout Kosen.

"Another thing. Kate Brewster and another unknown girl are likely Shinobi from one of the Naruto Reality series. I see they use Ninjutsu with water and Lightning release"

"This is not in the plan. If John Connor is a reincarnator or they are a Traverser, our mission could become more complicated"

"Not really. But if the Underworld Team find out, they would change their plan"

"So what's the idea?"

"We also see another woman on the premise, she ride a helicopter with Zeira mark on it"

"That is likely Catherine Weaver, a T-1001"

"John Connor is gathering its allies. It means this Terminator Reality is messed up with Sarah Connor Chronicles. And the timeline doesn't match, this is just 1994"

Kosen groaned. The Fox Yokai was not happy. Many things need to be revised. But if John Connor is a reincarnator or a dimension traveler, it changes a lot of things. To get his cooperation, they would need to pay more cost. If they don't act fast and John Connor finish the mission before they interfere, the point Reward from this Mission would be too few. .

"Make contact. Ask for cooperation with John Connor. We need to be more proactive, if not our point reward from this mission would be low" groan Kosen.


As the T-X are still, likely rebooting and repairing its damage from Leon's and Co attack. A crow fly down to their position. The crow than shapeshift to become a man.

"Magician" said Leon snorting.

"You know huh. Well Kosen-nee has decided that she want to do a full cooperation with you" said Zhao Jun.

"You are fast huh" said Leon. While Catherine jumps down from the building.

"You gather strange allies" she said.

"It's a curse that Is hard to get rid off" said Leon.

"Don't treat us like a plague you bastard" said Tsunade as she kicked Leon from the back. Sarah Connor who walked down and just join just act confused. Leon is a wiseass, it seems one year, or ten year without her, he wasnt that different.

"So you want full cooperation with us" asks Leon.

"Yes. We want to defeat Cyberdyne and our opponent team"

"Well, let us change our meeting place. At this moment, I am starved"

"Go to this location in 3 hours. We are waiting for you" said Kosen giving Leon an electronic tablet with maps on it. Leon watch it and nod as the man changed back to be a crow and fly away again.

"Well, let us find some open restaurants. I am starving" said Leon.

Driving away from the battle scene, they find a gas station restaurant 10 km away from LA.

"Good then. T-1001, what do you offer to the table?" said Leon.

"I have the location of Cyberdyne current hidden Lab where they are building Skynet first main server"

"Why don't you destroy it on your own?"

"I can't enter. They really guarded the location well. My forces aren't good enough to attack the Cyberdyne Securities"

"Well, I do have some experienced friends that could boost your forces. Too bad their price is quite expensive"

"Price is not an issue"

"Good then," said Leon. Well he likely would call Revy and Shenhua and company for this mission. Black Lagoon companies always accept this type of jobs, if it pays well.

Catherine then leaves the premise for now. While Leon and company finally enjoy their late dinner.


After the deal with Catherine, Leon meets the Traversers group. He brings T-X and Kate to the meetings.

The place they meet is a mansion. When they arrived, the group was waiting there.

"John Connor, let me introduce myself. My name is Kosen, leader of the Azure team", said the girl with fox ears and tails.

"So you want to negotiate?" ask Leon.

"Yes. We like to help you in destroying the Skynet and preventing Judgment day" said Kosen.

"What can you offer me? Even without you I could defeat T-X" said Leon.

The girls and its team are troubled. A young Japanese teen in a kimono seems wary and afraid of Leon. Of course, it wasn't easy to defeat a T-X terminator. They did clash a few times against the other Terminators, and it was hard.

"The other team is a big issue right? We could offer our help preventing them to interfere with you. We could also stop the T-XA from helping the Skynet," offer the girl.

Leon watched the technological things on the other side.

"I want whatever you consider as high tech at your disposal," said Leon. In the back he saw a digital pad laying on the desk.

"So you agree with our deal?" ask Kosen.

"If you could destroy the Skynet before us. Go ahead, I won't mind, your mission would give you more reward points right? But if you need help, call me" said Leon with a smile. Kate just watched the room, while T-X are screening them.

"Good then. This is a deal, we would contact you if we make any progress" said Kosen. She also leaves some stuff to Leon. Some Night Vision Goggles that really resemble Misaka Sister in the Toaru series. So do some Game Consoles and smartphones. Well for Kosen these kinds of things are quite cheap. But for Leon, this kind of technology could be a good bargain to start his own faction.


Meanwhile, the Underworld team.

"This is the worst situation. John Connor is not a weak target. He has subdued the T-X" said a man in a black coat. A magical gun was on his hand.

"We should have kill him in the first place, Reaper" said a woman, a blonde woman with a red coat.

"Unlikely. He, and the two girls seem to be a Naruto Ninja Reincarnation. The puppet and the jutsu is a sign. The Naruto world Ninja are dangerous to fight. Combined with modern technology, they would kill you easily Shadow Witch"

Suddenly a call was heard.

"We are finally able to make a deal, Reaper. The T-XA agreed to cooperate with us. We also get help with Cyberdyne Mercenaries to defend their base. In one month Skynet would be launched"

"Good work. Nightwing"

"We also have reports on Cyberdyne destruction a few weeks ago. It seems there are a Copper Team helping John Connor"

"No wonder the mission scale is harder. It seems another team has finished the mission, but a complication arose. Skynet ends up being launched earlier than the original timeline" said Shadow Witch.

"Where is Vamp and Wolf?" ask Reaper.

"They are still chasing John Connor, it seems they feel insulted for failing to kill him"

"Consider them as a write off. They would die. Tell the others to try to preserve lives" said Reaper with disgust.

"Are you claiming we would lose this mission?" ask Shadow Witch.

"Very likely. The Azure team is not an easy opponent. John Connor is more dangerous than the original. In my analysis we are more likely to lose this mission. One good reason why we must reduce our loss," said Reaper. Shadow witch just nodded.


After capturing T-X, Leon is quite relaxed. He started to analyze T-X design, finding things that could be improved, strengthened. They also bring Miles Dyson to his family. Watching them hug each other after their ordeal is quite heartwarming.

While waiting for the situation to be secured as there are checkpoints that are controlled by Gang Members and Army, Leon told Miles to stay low in their LA hideout. With the three Ame orphans, the base is quite safe.

This time they left Miles Dyson and his family behind as their truck was now leaving LA to the east.

"You don't care about your family?" ask Sarah to Kate when she leave LA.

"What family? My mother is busy cheating on my father. My father is too busy with his career. Leon is more of a family than those two" said Kate. Faking her death maybe harsh, but for a former Shinobi that is an easy thing to do. 10 years in Naruto reality did reduce her attachment to the Brewster household.

Sarah just doesn't know how to react to that. But she knows how messed up some family issues could be. So she just pat the girl head as she watched the road ahead. Cameron now in the driver seat.

Their travels out of LA are quite easy. There are no checkpoints on their route. Catherine decides to join them rather than to leave with her Helicopter. Leon decides to take some sleep on the long road to Arizona, to a hidden Zeira Lab.

It barely 10 minutes when Storm barks again and Leon quickly snaps his eyes open.

"We have a blockade. Some people are gathering with guns!" said Cameron. Then the sound of gun firing was heard as Leon unleashed his puppets and robots to fire back. Sarah was hit.

"Damn it!" said Sarah as she try to cover her stomach.

"Tsunade, treat her. Cameron guards my mother. I would deal with those bastards! Tina, Kate, come with me." said Leon as he jumped out of the Truck. Catherine herself is already disappearing from her seat.

The gang members who are shooting at them are quite relentless. Kate shouted.

"Leon, they are undead! Those people already died a few hours ago!" she said.

Leon then watches as a Vampire jumps to bite his throat, trying to kill him. But he used Kawarimi to change position with one of his puppets. The vampire bite the puppet's neck. The puppet returns the bite with a wooden stab to the heart from a hidden weapon. It quickly turns to dust. Another one that tried to attack Storm found itself torn to pieces before it also changed to dust.

Leon swords behead two other vampires. T-X slash one Vampires, but then she was thrown back when a Werewolf bash on her.

There are no words exchanged, Leon knows these people are trying to kill him for Missions or something.

"Check for other enemies. I deal with the overgrown mutt" said Kate as she jumped out with her blade claw. Leon himself are activating some of his puppets and combat robots to check if there are other enemies supporting the werewolf.

Wolf was quite surprised when the little girl harmed and wound him. Chakra enhanced strength is not a joke. Even with his regeneration, the wound is quite lethal. A few times he coughed out blood. He then shouted "Vamp, help me out here!" as he sees John Connor robots start to shoot at him. Scratch from the girl blade claw is not healing, it seems it was poisoned.

But Vamp is scared to his wits, the T-X has just found his whereabouts and attacked him with a heavy hand. Worse is the sword in Leons hand that starts to reek of Chakra. Bats that he used on the Vampire Thrall to attack the boy were destroyed quickly. Leaving him quite weakened.

"You know, two idiots who think they are strong because they have some supernatural powers are so easy to be killed? You rarely fought Shinobi Traversers right? One thing about Shinobi. We fight to kill!" said Leon to the two of them.

T-X found where the Vamp were hiding and fired her Ion Cannon to his position. While Wolf found himself being baited next to Tsunade who punched him to smithereens. In one night, both Underworld team fighters was killed.