
Meant for me

Mia Edwin's life was planned all through her years of existence. Everything she did was according to how her parents wanted it or planned it. she was the perfect daughter in the face of all who cared to look. Everything seem to be in order when it comes to her. She never experienced what life really was all about and she was turning 19. Lorenzo Mendez, one of the richest man in the city, if not the richest. He gets what he wants no matter what it takes. They call him "Lord Of the underworld". He was like the daredevil, the devil himself. What he wants, he takes. what will happen when Lorenzo Mendez's eye fall on a certain red hair girl that screams of perfection? What he wants, he always gets. but what will happen to this red girl he wants but can't seem to get? Will the daredevil for the first time in history, break his deal just so he can have her? What was it about this girl that drive him insane? ********************************************** "Boss....." one of his loyal men called out to him, drawing him away from his day dream about a certain red hair girl. "what?" he snapped with his firm cold voice sending shivers to the body of the man that dared disturb his day dream about his soon to be Queen. "Sir, we've got info about her" the man said while lowering his gaze as a sign of submission and respect. "so....? why isn't she here!?" he asked impatiently. he could not take it anymore. He has not been able to get her off his mind. He needs her and he needs her now!!. "Sir, she's...... She's Edwin's Daughter.........' Every other thing his men were saying no longer made sense to him. His mind focused on who's daughter his Queen is. Is this some kind of joke or something? His anger rose to a very dangerous level as he looked at his loyal men in their eye and said "I need her and I need her now!" with that said he stood up and left his office to an unknown destination no one knew about. WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.

Queen_Nessa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Can I have this dance?

Mia came back to the ballroom with Ava, looking much more better and alive. She looked beauty as always. Instead of her shinny earlier make up, Ava made her look like the devil's Bride. She changed her amazing white dress to a black well fitted dress that has a cut from her upper right tight down her leg. The upper part of the dress was made of a deep v-neck cut that had half of her boobs and chest out in the open. The hands of her dress were long and floppy. And the material of her dress were skilly. Her shinny makeup were replaced with a smokey eye and dark lips stick make over. She did look like the devil's Bride.

She walked graciously, stealing the attention of everyone present in the room. Her and Ava indeed looked breathtaking.

"Can I steal my daughter for a bit?" Mr chris sweet gentle voice cut them off their conversation.

"That's if you won't be long." Mia replied him while giving him one of her playful smiles.

'of course. I don't want to leave the birthday girl all to her self on her special day. I'll inform Leo of your whereabout. He was searching for you. The man replied her with a soft smile.

"Very well then". She said as Ava and her dad left to the dance floor hand in hand. Mia have always liked and admired Ava's dad. He was everything her parents couldn't be to her. The way he cares, love and protected his daughter was everything she ever wanted and wished. She could remember the occasions that she visited Ava's house, how he showered the both of them with affection, care and tenderness. Oh how she wished she was as lucky as Ava. She was lost in her thoughts when a deep, husky familiar voice drew her back to the presence.

"You look magnificently" The familiar voice said while staring at her, as if he was studying every inches of her face n body.

"I see..." Was the only response she gave and she picked up her drink to leave.

"Don't take another step, miss Mia Edwin". The familiar voice warmed while keeping his face and voice void of any emotions.

"And why?" She asked seeming somewhat annoyed with the authority of this man.

"You asked incessantly question" he said as he stood few steps closer to her. He lifted his hands and streached it forward in an attempt to touch her bare skin but she moved back as quickly as possible.

"Don't you dare!" She said with an annoyed tone. What the fuck is wrong with this pervert? She couldn't help but wonder.

"You don't want to drag attention now do you?" He asked while giving her a disgusting smile that made her tummy want to burst from all directions. "You know, your daddy did propose a deal with me. And I gave them a condition. Although your dad has not agreed to it yet, but your mum gave me the go ahead order. Do you know what the condition is?" He asked her while eyeing her like she's a piece of snack he wanted to eat, right there, right then.

Mia couldn't say anything. She was shocked and a bit scared. She was trying so much to hide how scared she was. She was already sweating due to the amount of fear that took over her whole body. When he figured out that she was not going to say anything, he decided to tell her regardless.

"You". His rough voice said with a creepy smile appearing on his face. "So you better behave, understood?" He asked her while still giving her his creepy smile that made her want to vomit. She just couldn't understand it. Her parents already engaged her to Leo, so why still handing her over to Leo's dad!!? She felt sick and disgusted. Her legs felt weak and she might faint if she spent more moment with this creepy Man. Her mind were running in different thoughts directions. She couldn't fix or focus in one thought.

"Oh darling, no need to overthink it. Come with me". His rough voice order her as he stretched out his hands, in a attempt to touch her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Mr Mario" A different voice said. This voice sounded firm, strong, but sweet. She immediately snapped her eyes towards the direction of the voice. And few feets away from her and Mr Mario, stood a handsome Demi God. He couldn't possibly be human, could he? His skin that were out in the open looked so smooth and flawless. He wore a well fitted tuxedo that hung his body like it's life depends on his body. He stood all tall and mighty with no atom of emotion in his face but still, he looked breathtaking. His full Pink lips, pressed together couldn't go unnoticed. His black hair that was marvelously styled backwards giving you a chance to see his full face and just how breathtaking this man really is. This man was indeed breathtaking.

"Mr lorenzo, I and my daughter in law were just having a pleasant conversation, Weren't we? Mr Mario asked giving Mia a look that says "better play along,or else....".

"I.....". Mia's words were stock in her throat. She could see that Mr Mario respected this unknown man but the shock of what Mr Mario said to her was still messing with her head. Couple with the fact that a demi God is standing few feets away from her.

"Don't mind her mindless shutter of words. The party must have tired her out." Mr Mario shakily said.

Lorenzo's eye moved from the shaking Mr Mario to the pale looking Mia. His gaze lasted on Mia's face for a while before he spoke again. "Very well than. Excuse us." He said directing his talk to Mr. Mario.

"Of course". Mr Mario said as he took his drink and left to find another prey to mess with. Mia's stared at enzo while trying to remember where she heard that voice from before. The voice sounded so...... familiar. She was still trying to figure it out before his voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked her looking at her hopefully with a beautiful smile playing on his face. How can she reject such a fine creature? She Wonder.

"Sure" was her only reply as they both linked their hands together as they stepped towards the dance floor while swinging graciously to the sound of the music.

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