
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

" Talking to someone smart like you is like getting a different perspective. " Emy is giving Kiara a thumbs up. Kiara is awkward. " And there is a record in the book that he might be involve in world war one and world war two, but of course since there is no evidence, it is just a theory. " Emy continues. " But then after helping humanity, he just disappears until one of the writers who are obsess about vampires wrote about his existence. Out of the ancient vampires , only dracula's name became popular and he even have a movie. Because he expose himself to the world and did not bother to hide the existence of them, bloodthirsty vampires resulting to his death . But for Zilan , it is diffirent. The author believes that until now, Zilan is here walking with us, talking like a human and trap in high school boy appearance to lure more victims. And of course, it is reasonable because he can drink blood from the fresh teenage girls who are in highschool. " Emy said . Kiara is imagining herself being bitten by Zilan and it makes her little hair stands. She shakes her head to remove the scene in her head. Then Emy get another book from her drawer and throw gently to Kiara. ' Woman of Zilan' is the title. " The heck is this? " Kiara ask while catching the book. " I told you , I am obsess with him that I even ask my father to get it for me. It took a lot of money because he bought it from the auction. It is the only copy. " Emy is proud. " Money, You just use it to buy this useless book? " Kiara thought.

" The author of this book is unknown, this book contains two women who are very important in Zilan's life and affects how he will live. " Emy said. " You read this thick book? " Kiara ask in surprise. Emy nods. Kiara did not even open the book but listen to Emy who will spill her about it." The first woman is before the world war one happen.It means they have already fallen in love before the war happens , but the woman died because of some unknown reason. So blah,blah,blah he's super sad and is angry to the world until he doesn't remember her face anymore. Then there enter the second woman who become a heroine and save him from distress. Until world war two, she died again. But don't worry about it, reincarnation enter and tadah, second woman got reincarnated. " Emy said. " What about the first woman? " Kiara is curious. " The author did not talk about the first woman that much , but too much information of the second woman. How good and beautiful she is, inside and out. It is even written there that when she reincarnates, she is cursed to have a short life so everytime she will be reborn, she is meant to have a sickness that is incurable. " Emy said. Kiara is swallowing her saliva when she remember the girl who is with Zilan the first time she saw him in the library." But I have a question? What if the first woman reincarnates also, and she will fights for her right as Zilan's lover? What do you think?" Emy is excited to hear her answer. " I don't think such things exist. " Kiara said. " Brrrrr... You're so boring Kiara. " Emy said while playing with her cat who wants her attention.

" Cannot sleep again? " Chicken ask with irritation. "The Zilan in the book is diffirent in the Zilan in the school right? " Kiara is still thinking about it. " If you are that curious then why not ask the moment you go back in the academy? " Chicken said. " Are you insane?!! " Kiara yell. " I really cannot trust you in this things Chicken!!" Kiara said. " I am not made to be your decision maker okay? " Chicken said." You know that I hate you right?!" Kiara said.

Zilan is staring at the horizon when Sator appear. " I cannot find anything about her aside from being the only daughter of the Frances family master. " Sator reported. From the moment Kiara have step out of the academy, Zilan instructed Sator to follow her and finds any information about her. He stare at the painting where he paints it himself. It is a woman with no details of face on it. " I wonder why I cannot remember her. " Zilan ask to himself while he breaks the wine glass in his hand. " Be at ease master. We are not sure about everything , and beside, if she is her, then how come she did not come to you. It is too early to wrap up everything . " Sator said. " You're right . And besides , the lady in my memory is matured and gentle, unlike her. When Abigail reincarnates, she is like the way she is before. " Zilan said. " But the power she pocess cannot be denied that it came from me? How the heck happened? " He said. " And believe me Sator, I tried to get it from her secretly but it just don't follow me. It seems it is meant to be with her and protect her no matter what. " Zilan said. " What if master? She is a thief and she happen to suck it from someone? What if she is the real villain here? " Sator said. " That is why we cannot let our guard down with anyone. " Zilan said. Sator bow his head and disappear on the dark.

The two weeks vacation is now finished . All the students go back to the academy, Kiara can hear some of them talking about their travel in diffirent places and she remembers when she used to travel in her original world alone. Comparing the Kiara here who cannot even afford to go to the beach and buy a new swimsuit. During this vacation, she help in his father's stall to sell soup and street foods which she secretly enjoyed.She can see her parents good relationship with each other. She miss her life of being a Frances heiress though, like the whole world is under her control.

Javy put a white fur coat on her shoulder. " It is a gift. " Javy is excited to her reaction. " Made of?" Kiara ask in random. " A wolf? " Javy is joking. " It is actually a fur of my grandma ..." he continues while trying not to laugh. Kiara is imagining things like how a fur is made that he have watch in television directly from the animals. She wants to vomit. Javy is laughing. " My ancestors are the wolf one, my generation is more evolve. My family owns a clothes brand all over the world. So I bought you one, that is the latest coat that is not yet released. Feel free to boast it! " Javy said. " Javy, it is summer and you are telling me to use this?! Are you mocking me?" Kiara is not happy at all. " But they said if you give a girl an expensive gift , she will be sure to be happy." Javy is crying like a puppy🥺. Seeing this Kiara accepted his gift. Javy is like a puppy waving it's invisible tail and blinking his eyes. "What?! What do you want?!" Kiara cannot ignore his cuteness.🙄😤☺️