
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

Ingrid takes the initiative to get away from Remus who don't know what to do. She turn her back on him. " If you will choose that way, the next time we meet, one of us should die. " Remus said . He didn't mean it but he tried to threaten her so maybe she will choose to come with him. "You are a fool. Try to kill me next time , maybe that's better. It is harder to live than to die. " Ingrid smile. Then she slowly walk to the river where the villagers are resting. " Why are you so cold hearted and cruel? " Remus whisper. Then the wind pass through him. " Because you are also cruel. An eye for an eye, Tooth for a tooth. " Ingrid heard what he said through the wind and this is her answer.

The leader of the south witches is greeting them. Ingrid did not expect that the south leader will be in a ten years old body of a girl with white hair symbolizing her wisdom for how many years. " You are indeed diffirent seeing you in person. " Selena , the leader of the south witches. Ingrid and Selena are watching the south and north witches helping each other from afar. " Thank you for answering my call. Your place , this place. I only saw it in my dreams since I was a child. " Ingrid have a sadness in her eyes . Selena take a deep breath when she see her sad eyes. Give me your palm , Ingrid is confuse but she comply. Selena reads her palm by touching the lines in it. " Do you think you can do it? To lead them? " Selena ask. " I don't have such interest, I will leave them here under your care. I will go my way to find Veronica. " Ingrid said. " Grow up to know what you want is a good thing too. But sometimes it can lead us astray. " Selena said. " They treat me with cruelty because they thought I am not their chief's child. But still.... I am also one of them, can they just treat me fair as the others? Veronica and me suffered the moment I was born. Seeing them now suffering , I am not happy but I am not sad either. I did what I promised to my mother. I guide them to be safe. We might as well forget that we knew each other from here. " Ingrid with a cold expression said. " You are blinded by your anger my child. " Selena is touching her cheeks. " Growing up with cruelty, did you not gain anything good?" Selena ask. Ingrid is taken a back by that question because she remember Remus. Ingrid do not dare to look in her eyes. Selena smile .

Veronica and the first wife is now in a big prison where they cannot use their ability to escape,they are separated from the others .

"Are they that really powerful to give them special treatments? " Ramil, father of Remus ask. " Living with them for how many years will make you more aware of their abilities. Trust me, you don't want to see them kill us all. " Salma said. " Anyway, this is my son Remus. " Ramil forcefully pull him from behind. " He is now big aren't he? He is still inside his mother's belly , the last time we saw each other. " Salma is smiling. Then she see something that catch her eyes in Remus neck. She get near him to touch the protective crystal but a blood comes out of her finger , it was cut by the crystal. " Interesting... " Salma said . She hides her finger that is now bleeding a little bit. " Anyway, Valeria is now at the age of marriage right? Do you think they can do a good match? " Ramil ask. " Valeria will marry your son? Huh! What a dream ! Valeria will be a bride to a powerful witch and she will bear a witch to continue our bloodline! " Salma thought. " They are still babies in our eyes . Why bother to force things that can come naturally? " Salma in a friendly tone. Ramil scratch the back of his neck . " You're right. You're right! You are really the best Salma. " he said smiling. Salma turn her back from them and she is going to the door's direction.

" Remus , why are you not in your usual self? " Ramil ask being worried because he did not hear him complain these past days. " Father why did we catch them anyway? They are having their quiet life peacefully in their village and not killing anyone? Why do we need to catch them? " Remus ask. "If not now, trust me , they will do it in the future. It is already proven. " Ramil answer with confident. " Son this is your chance to prove yourself. If we know where the other witches went, I am sure you will be promoted in no time. " Ramil said.

Ingrid decided to find her mother and said goodbye to Selena. " Once I find Veronica, we will come back and start over again. It is her dream, to see the villagers happy and live in peaceful days again. " Ingrid said. Selena shakes her head. " I am afraid that, that days cannot happen. The coming days for us witch cannot be guaranteed ..." she said. Ingrid take a deep breath realizing that Selena is right.

Valeria is in training ground when she see Salma coming near her. Other trainees are amaze because the legend witch hunter who is known for being undercover has now return and visit her daughter. " Go and talk to your mother, you did not see her for how many years. I am sure she missed you so much. " her trainor said.

Salma hugs her daughter infront of the public and pull her gently to a side for them to have a talk. Salma touch her cheeks and stare at her. " I told you not to join this useless organization , why are you so stubborn?" Salma is still smiling. " You cannot tell what will I do , mother! " Valeria answer in disgust. " You have one quarter of a witch blood and I expect nothing from you but can you just atleast be useful for once? Your appearance is already same as your father, how can your attitude and mindset be the same as his. Once I find a proper man who is powerful witch , be ready for marriage. " Salma said. " Mother , I am not a child anymore that you can control all you want." Valeria said. Salma close her eyes and sniff her. " I see. Is it because of this Remus guy? " she said. " Mother no! Please don't hurt him. " Valeria is begging. " You already move on from the other guy whom I just killed a month ago? " Salma scoff. " Remus is diffirent. " Valeria tries to explain. " How he is different? He is just a normal human that can delete our bloodline the moment he will be with you. Valeria, you are young and beautiful, still fresh and can bear a powerful bloodline of witch like your great grandma. If only I am not forcefully vilolated by your father repeatedly , I will choose not to give birth to a one quarter of witch like you. You are lucky my mother instinct kick in and did not kill you when you are in my belly. " Salma said coldly.