
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

"Why are you even doing this to me?! " Kiara is shouting because one of her classmate pour a juice into her hair slowly. Angela smile while holding a can of juice above Kiara's head. " Because you are an eyesore." Angela simply said. Kiara close her eyes and clench her fingers to suppress her anger. " I did not even do anything to you! And yet you are tripping me?! What are you----" Kiara cannot continue what she want to say. " I am the daughter of the richest man here in this country, so could you do something about it? " Angela smile as if teasing Kiara.

Kiara is in a daze as a part of her memory is showing the part where she pour a juice into someone in her original world. " So this is how it feels to be poured by a juice infront of everyone? I don't like the feeling but , what can I do ? I cannot even fight. I cannot even defend myself bacause doing it means giving trouble to myself..." Kiara thought.

Angela is surprise when Kiara stretch her arm going up. Angela think that she will slap her and close her eyes but she is surprise when she feel that a hand is getting the can from her hand. It is the hand of Kiara, she get the can of juice and continue pouring it to herself coldly. " What are you doing?!?!" Angela is confuse. " Try not to get your hands tired for pouring the juice into my head? " Kiara is relax. Angela is annoyed because her purpose is to embarass her but now it seems the plan is not working. " Is this the pineapple juice? Oh , my favorite! " Kiara said smiling now. She even make sure to put the last drop of the juice in her head . "Oh it is finished!? " Kiara is now confuse. Angela roll her eyes and turn her back to her. She stomp her feet and go to the direction of the door.

Kiara is now in the washroom to wash her sticky hair and all the students are staring her and whispering. " Why did you not fight back? " Chicken ask. " If I do that, maybe tomorrow I will be out of here. I knew how the rich people play with their money..." Kiara explains while splashing water in her hair in the sink. " Making friends is impossible now that you are the target of the rich man's daughter? " Chicken is worried. Kiara deeply sigh and is quite worried too.

Kiara is now taking her break in a big tree at the back of her school since everybody is avoiding her. " We are even the same humans but imagine?! They are doing this to me because I am not rich like them?! " Kiara is complaining to Chicken but no one is answering back because it disappeared. Kiara put a big portion of food in her mouth and chew it while she feels like crying.

" I do not want to see a woman cry infront of me. " a voice coming from up of the tree. Someone is peacefully sleeping in the big branch of the tree and awaken by the sniffing sound of Kiara.

Kiara is mesmerize by the beauty of the man. It has a grey eyes and he is beautiful. She even blink her eyes when he jump down to her level and his face is in front of her face. " Beautiful..." Kiara commented automatically. Javy laugh at her comment that makes her wake up and shake her head. It seems she is hypnotise by his beauty. " Sorry. I don't know that someone is here." Kiara is trying to makes her voice cute. " I enjoy hearing your rant. " Javy is sincere and still smiling. Kiara feel the butterfly in her stomach , she is giggling. It is the firt time that she meet a guy that is beautiful like him but she is reminded by something. " What creature are you? " Kiara ask . " I am a wolf." Javy is being honest. " You mean the thing that makes the 'woof' sound under the moonlight? " she wants to make sure. " I think so? " Javy is confuse. " But why am I not scared? I should have a panick attack by now because he is a wolf. Maybe because he is beautiful? " Kiara thought. Then the bell coming from the school rings, it is a sign that breaktime is finished. " What is your name anyway? " Kiara is fixing her things . " Javy. My name is Javy. " He tell his true name. Kiara is now ready to go . " Ah okay. Bye. ! " Kiara said while running away. " Wait. What is your name?...." Kiara did not hear his question because she run away.

" Master , I am looking for you all over the place. " a wolf is running towards Javy. " This smell. Smell of human . Are you okay master? You hate humans. " the wolf said. " I am also surprise. I even sat beside her and look at her face to face. Her eyes is so bright that I can see myself in it. She is different , so transparent..." Javy whisper. " Master , it is your first time getting near a human. It is understanddable that you are fond of her. " the wolf said.

" I cannot answer you if someone is there I hope you understand. " Chicken is explaining. " I know. I look insane talking to myself that time. He must be thinking how vulgar I am. " Kiara is disappointed. " Javy. It suits him." she remember his beautiful appearance. Chicken roll its eyes. " Other than dreaming of him , can you focus in doing good now? " Chicken said. " How can I do good when people surrounds me with evil ??!" Kiara answer back. " Well , how is the feeling of being isolated? Imagine those people you did the same thing in your world..." Chicken unintentionally utter. " I know. I know. I don't have the right to complain..." Kiara smile. She sniff and her eyes wants to cry like a child being scold by a parent. " Okay. Okay. I'm sorry I did not meant to say that. " Chicken said and comfort her.

Abigail is staring herself infront of the mirror. Her pale face, her long shiny hair , her pink lips and the her eye bags on both eyes because of not getting enough sleep. She is brushing her hair then suddenly stop and throw it infront of the mirror. Then the door open and Zilan came in. " Early in the morning and you are being violent again." He is worried. She look at him with a fierce eyes. " This face! I hate this face! " Abigail is getting hysterical and try to scratch her own cheeks but Zilan hug her to prevent it from happening. " It is me.... It is me.... shshshshs...relax..." he whisper. Then she seems to relax after a minute " Zilan? Is it really you? " she said reassuring. " Don't leave me okay? I am scared you will leave me if I became old. I feel like everday my face is changing and I am getting old.... " she is explaining. " No.no.no.no... You are definitely still the most beautiful girl around here... in the past and now." Zilan reassured her. Abigail hug him tightly.