
Me Too

To me life is like a TV show because most of the things shown on TV are actually taken from our lives, so come watch my life as I deal with school, relationships, friendship and many more (And hopefully one day I'll get my own show)

larry_prince · Teen
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Chapter 2: First day

I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming my name downstairs to prepare for school. I dragged myself unwillingly out of bed and went to take a bath.

After that I just picked up some shorts and a t-shirt for school, I wasn't a picky dresser. Then I went downstairs for breakfast.

I made sure when I was eating, I frowned and ate as slow as possible so my parents would realized that I didn't want to go anywhere. But my work was in vain because they didn't notice, or more like they pretended not to notice.

After that I followed my dad to his car, he was going to drop me off at school. We drove silently to school until we arrived, and when I was just about to open the door to go out, my dad called out for me.

"Char wait, I know your really upset about us moving here, and I know it's unfair for us to force that on you and I'm sorry. But please you have to understand that we need this okay, please just try to fit in. I'm sure if you put aside your hate for this place your going to start loving it, so just try okay".

I blanked out for a moment.

"Try, could I really do that?" I thought.

But I just smiled at him and said " it's okay Dad I'll to try my best, but no promises"

"That's my girl, have a great day"

"You too Dad" I said as I stepped down from his car. Then he drove out while waving at me.

When he left I took in a deep breath and turned around to face my new school. Students were everywhere on campus in their various groups, chatting while going to their classes.

I felt out of place standing there by myself, so I bent my head down and headed for the main building, my dad already worked out my registration documents so I just had to head to class, wherever that was.

When I arrived at the main building I felt lost. The were so many corridors and doors that I didn't even know where to start. And going to the dean's office to ask for directions wasn't an option either since I didn't know were that was as well.

After standing there for awhile, the school bell suddenly started ringing and students started running from different directions to get to their classes. I stood there confused on where to go when all of a sudden someone crashed into me from behind.

I feel on my stomach and I felt a little bit of pain in my stomach since I ate a lot this morning.

"Ohh I'm so sorry I was searching for my keys and I wasn't looking where I was going".

I turned around to look at the criminal who did this to me and unsurprisingly, it was a girl.

She was a brown skin girl with curly black hairs. She was looking at me with an apologetic face so I smiled at her and said.

"It's okay it wasn't your fault entirely, I wasn't paying attention either".

She looked relieved that I didn't insist on it, then she offered me a hand to stand up.

"Well thanks for understanding, I've got to get to class. Later, I guess" She said before turning to leave.

"Wait" I screamed before she could leave.

She turned around and looked at me confused, so I hurriedly said before she misunderstood.

"Well you see I'm a transfer student and today is my first day here so I don't know my way around, so I was was wandering if you could direct me to my class".

"Oh your a new student, no problem I would be happy to help you. Which class are you in?".

"My timetable says I'm in class B5" I said relieved that I was finally getting help.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she screamed "OMG that's my class, your in thesame class with me".

Ok I was really surprised to hear that, I guess that quote 'The world is a small place' they always use in movies is true.

She then grabbed me hands and pulled me forward while saying.

"Common were going to be late for class, you don't want to be late on your first day".

"Okay okay, slow down, your going to rip my hands off".

She pulled me down a hallway and we passed through many classes before she stopped in front of one that had 'B5' on it.

"Ohh thank God, the teacher isn't there yet" she said while pushing the door open. We stepped inside and what came into view was the tipical teenage class room.

The class was divided into groups, which consisted of boys, girls and some with both boys and girls.

As though waiting for our arrival, the teacher walked into the room in immediately after us.

"The bench at my back is free so you can sit there if you want".


I followed her to her bench which was by the window and sat behind her.

Then she turned around and said with a smile.

"And by the way my name is Gracie"

" Charlotte" answered back with my own smile.

Then for the next 2 hours we were stuck in class studying maths then after that we had more subjects, it was a long morning for me.

When the break bell rang, Gracie turned around and said "Hey Charlotte, I'm going to meet my friends at the cafeteria for lunch, you wanna come?".

I was stunned for a while by her offer, I mean she helped me get to class which I appreciated but I didn't expect her to ask me to join her and her friends for lunch. Isn't that like asking me to join their social circle.

You can't really blame me for being surprised, like I said in my former school new students were loners so I pretty much expected thesame thing here even though I was a pretty girl.

"Yeah sure, I would love to join you" I answered after recovering from my shock.

"Great, come on let's go" she said while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

Ohh poor hand!