
Me Too

To me life is like a TV show because most of the things shown on TV are actually taken from our lives, so come watch my life as I deal with school, relationships, friendship and many more (And hopefully one day I'll get my own show)

larry_prince · Teen
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Chapter 1: New Life

"I hate moving".

You know that feeling you get when you're about to do something you don't want to, but you have no choice?

If you do, then you should know how I feel right now.

My name is Charlotte Anderson and I'm 18 this year, I live with my parents and were pretty much well off. Not rich but not poor as well, you could just say in between.

Well life was great for me until last week when my dad dropped a bomb on me. I'm pretty sure I'm never going to forget those words he said that changed my life.

"Sweetie, we're moving"

That's right 'moving', and it isn't the moving were you move to the next house on the block or you change streets, we were moving like actually leaving town.

I've lived in this town since I was a kid, my life is here. My friends, school, house I really couldn't believe we were moving, I thought this was just a nightmare and I was going to wake up any moment now.

But here I am with my parents in our car on our way to our new house in Los Angeles.

"Come on honey, what's up with the long face. You don't have to think much about it, your going to settle right in and make new friends. There's nothing to worry about". My mom had been trying to comfort me since we left the house, but it wasn't really working.

"Your mom's right, I know it's going to be tough for you but I'm sure you're going to love it there".

I didn't bother answering them, I was too upset so I just plugged in my headphones and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, and before I knew it I was carried away into Dreamland.


it was raining when my parents woke me up to tell me we had arrived, I stepped down from the car to take a look at my new home, which of course was going to personally ugly for me since I already made a mental not to hate it no matter how it looked.

We took our bags from the car and hurried inside, the transfer company had already sent our furnitures yesterday so it was left just to unpack.

My mom showed me to my room which had my stuff placed in boxes. I just stood by the door for sometime still trying to digest that I'll be living here from now on. The place just felt so foreign to me, and I don't think that feeling was just going to go away.

"Char baby come down for dinner" my mother's voice brought me out of my daze.

I went back downstairs and we sat down and ate dinner. Well we ate pizza, but still it was dinner.

After that I just went upstairs and fell on my bed, I was too exhausted and just wanted to sleep, and to get away from this horrible reality.


I woke up early the next morning because I knew we had a lot to do. We had to clean up the house and unpack all the boxes, which by the way took us more than half the day.

By the time we finished everything, it was already getting dark so I hurried up to my room to take a shower while my mom prepared dinner.

Thirty minutes later I come down for dinner and ate as fast as I could because I really needed to go to bed, I'm too exhausted from all the work.

But before I could run to my room my dad stopped me halfway.

"Hey char, are you prepared for school tomorrow".

Great School. You know, one of the biggest reason why I hated the idea of moving was because of the school changing problem.

In my former school we had a lot of exchange students and If I must say they didn't fit in very well. They were always lonely because the social status of the class was already placed, and no one was willing to add them to their circle.

So how am I supposed to feel when I know I transferred during the middle of the term.

"I'm probably going to become a loner" I thought finding another reason for me to hate this place.

But I kept my thoughts to myself and just faked a smile while answering

"Yeah dad, I'm all set" Then I ran upstairs before he asked me anymore questions I didn't want to answer.

I got to my room locked the door and jumped on my bed, then I picked my phone up to call my best friend Vanessa. I was supposed to call her yesterday, but I was to tired and I slept off. But I know if I don't call her today, I shouldn't be surprised to find her at my doorstep tomorrow with the police.

I dialed her number and it rang just once before it was connected. it seems as if she had been seriously waiting.

"You ungrateful friend, do you know how worried I was about you. You didn't call or even text, do I mean nothing to you. Infact I don't want to hear it, don't call me again I don't want to talk to you" She said while adding a fake cry.

" Whoa whoa whoa, are you done acting you drama queen, or should I give you More time to express yourself" I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha real funny. Your so crule, couldn't you just play along?".


'Whatever. So how's the new home doing, I'm pretty sure you're hating it".

"Aww, you know me so well. If only my dad was like you, I wouldn't be here".

"Come on char give your dad a break, he got a promotion which required him to move. He didn't have a choice".

"There's always a choice van".

"Well it's okay, just forget about it and try to fit in, and make sure you put effort into it. Don't bother okay, if worst comes to worst we can always just run away together".

"Yeah, your right we could still always go for your stupid plan B".

"My plan isn't stupid okay it's perfect and I know you love it. okay good night pumpkin, I know you have school tomorrow so sleep early".

"Yeah good night, sleep tight and let the bed bugs bite".

And I ended the call before she could reply. I kept my phone back on the table and closed my eyes and before I knew it sleep had washed over me.

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