

Right now I am one and a half years old. I can barely walk right now. So the first thing I need to do right now is to walk properly. I started walking in-home nonstop for a half-hour. after that, my legs gave up because of the child's legs. I think humans physic is stronger than humans in my previous world because no one and half year child can walk for half-hour continuously.

seeing me continuously walking my dad asked me.

Dad: lee why are you walking for half-hour and straining your legs.

Me: Dad I am training my body and increasing my stamina so that I can become the strongest Shinobi.

by listening to my words my dad became happy and patted my head.

Dad: keep it my lee but don't overdo it.

me: ok dad.

after walking I felt very tired my legs become numb.

I repeat the same thing in the evening. currently, I can do it twice a day.

I continued this exercise for the next month. Now I can walk 4 times a day for one hour each.

Next, I will add running to my exercise schedule. So I asked my dad to take me to the nearby playing ground. I explained the reason for my dad.

me: dad can you take me to the playing ground so that I will practice running. I don't know any playing grounds. from next time I will go by my self.

By my words, my dad felt happy and proud.

There is a training ground which is two blocks away from my home. There are so many children of the same age as me. He left me there and gone to work because it is the safest place because it is near to the Konoha police station managed by Uchiha.

I am lucky that my dad is not overprotective. My dad had high hopes for me. I don't know how he will react if he knows I can't perform ninjutsu and genjutsu.

I started running for 10 min nonstop. Currently, this is my limit. I took some time to regain my stamina. Then again I started running. I repeated the same exercise for some time and went back home.

I am doing the same thing for 5 months. Now I know that my strength and stamina had increased a lot.

From my dad, I got to know that my mom had died giving birth to me. I got to know this one month after my transmigration. First, I felt very bad but my dad showed me so much love that I got out that sadness. ( A.N - Sorry I forgot to mention about lee's mother in the beginning so added here and it's made up).

My dad hired an old lady to take care of me from my birth. My dad couldn't take care of me because he is shinobi and some times he needs to leave the village to perform missions.

Today is my birthday. I woke up early in the morning. I am so excited. who will not get excited in his\her birthday? If not then they have psychological issues. I am expecting some gifts from my dad and....... that's it I don't know anyone aside from my dad.

I heard footsteps reaching towards my room. of course, it's my dad. He reached me wished me.

Dad: "Happy birthday lee".

Me: "Thank you dad".

Dad: "Here take these new clothes. I took leave today. Fresh up we will go to the restaurant and visit some good places in the village".

Me: "Sure dad just give me 15 min. I will be back".

I rushed up to the bathroom got freshened up and changed to new clothes dad gave me. There are blue pants and a white shirt with blue-collar and blue-sleaves.

First, we went to a restaurant and ordered a lot of food. I eat to my heart content. Then we went to the Hokage monuments. I looked so majestic just like anime and then we went to the top of the monuments. From there the village looked so beautiful. From here I can say that Konoha village size is no less than a big capital city from my previous world. and it is surrounded by huge walls and forest.

Next, we visited various places and last we went to ichiraku ramen and ordered pork ramen. It tastes very greate.

We reached home by evening. I felt very happy.