
MCU: Ultimate Ghoul

Frederic was the disappointing son of an active soldier. Frederic spent his life trying to show the world he was capable despite his weakened body. Frederic tried. He tried with every fiber of his being. Yet it wasn't enough. Because at the age of 26, Frederic's weak heart gave out and he died. Afraid and alone. But it wasn't the end. No. Instead, Frederic found himself in front of a giant wheel. God's Wheel. And with instructions to spin it...who was he to say no? After all, when promised another life, any normal person would say yes. Especially someone with such deep regrets like Frederic. ...This time, he would prove to everyone he was capable. (A/N - Right, here's the thing. I want the MC to be OP...but that ruins stories. It takes away suspense and makes everything boring. So, I'm settling for a strong MC who will get stronger with time through his own training and external things like serums and whatnot. Don't expect the MC to be an edge lord either. Oh, and because of the Harem tag, you bet your ass that I'm gonna twist some characters and make them fit my story. Don't like it? Don't read the story.)

SPARTAN_B312 · Movies
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Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)

Right, so I received some pretty big backlash from making the MC a Ghoul who has to eat people. I understand the MC eating people can be a little bit of a turn-off from wanting to read a story, so I just want to you all know that I'm changing that part of the story. A little bit, anyway.

I changed his physiology to a Ghoul from 'Rosario+Vampire' which would means he'd only need to drink blood and not to eat an entire person.

I know Ghouls from that series are mindless killing machines but the MC isn't a normal guy, is he? Let's just say his Super Soldier genetics and enhanced mind allow him to have conscious control over his new Ghoul body without him going berserk. Bit of an ass pull, I know, but it had to be done. If I carried on with him being a Ghoul from 'Tokyo Ghoul' I'd no doubt push a lot of potential readers away because of things like cannibalism and whatnot.

So, go back and read the chapters again if you want but I wouldn't recommend it - there's only gonna be small changes here and there. Nothing big.

Let me repeat this again: MC is still a Ghoul, but the Vampire kind of Ghoul and not the man-eater kind of Ghoul from 'Tokyo Ghoul'. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me in the comments.