
MCU: The Spectacular Spider-Man

A New and Improved Peter Parker takes on the Universe of the MCU as Spider-Man. With New powers. Plenty of Classic Villians and New Relationships. Can our New Peter become the Hero we all want him to be....Let’s find out, Shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts just after Iron Man 1. I'm gonna try to avoid major cliches like learning magic. I also don’t own anything other then my MC. I don’t own the MCU or any Photos used in the making of this fanfic.

The_Crimson_Writer · Movies
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Chapter 9 - Months Gone Past

Here's a double chapter, because chapter 8 in my opinion was the worse chapter so far.


It's been 5 short but excellent months since my take down of The Vulture, since the a lot has happened in my life and the life's on my friends and family.

Let's start of with the Company Ned and I started with the help of Aunt May. We call it....Epic games. We've released two games and bought another. All three games have been extremely successful.

Our first game that which I took the lead of was Candy Crush, a rather addictive game that was made the company a good few million in micro transactions for gold in game.

We then started on our second game, we came up with multiple ideas but settled on Clash of Clans as we wanted a more difficult game to make. It took us 3 months to make, it has also become a massive success.

The next game is one Ned found on some amateur game making forums called Minecraft. Ned was extremely interested as he believed it has immense potential, he also thought it would be a good opportunity for us to branch out into the Pc and console gaming industry.

Ned and Notch as he calls himself. Ned offered him to buy the game rights for a rather heathy sum of money. While also hiring and funding Notch to continue as its head developer. Minecraft will be ready in a few months to be released.

Now onto Ned Leeds, My best friend and all round amazing dude. Not only is he excelling as co-founder of our company, he's also but in major work getting himself into shape and taking care of himself. He lost I believe nearly 50lb in 5 months.

He even puts in some work as my guy in the chair, helping me find crimes in progress and finding accidents. Ned has been busy these last couple months, but I can tell from the smile he has ever say he's enjoying himself.

Now onto my other and only friend MJ, it's surprising ever since she first sat with us and started to throw her opinion into our conversation at school she kinda just joined our group. A surprise but not unwelcome.

MJ is quite smart in her own right and comes off as somewhat wise as she loves to quote her favourite authors. She doesn't know I'm Spider-Man yet but if she keeps hanging out with us she might just figure it out herself.

Now onto the person I love most in this world, Aunt May. May who is technically the CEO of Epic games due to Ned and I being under age, took less shifts at the hospital to create Feast.

Which is basically a shelter for all those who need it from the homeless to the abused, as where better to be then in a place protected by Spider-Man. God that was some conversation we had when May found out, maybe I'll tell you some time.

Onto another surprise, Doctor Curtis Connors. I didn't think I'd become as close to him as I am. But I guess it couldn't be helped as he has become essentially my mentor in all things science.

His research on cross species genetics, as become focused on lizards as all other tested potential animals have failed due to them being submissive in a way. The Lizard DNA is aggressive and can fight of the antibodies our bodies produce long enough to be inducted as a part of our bodies. Well that's what our simulations say at least, we haven't done any true testing just yet.

Now onto what you've all been waiting for ME. I've been extremely busy these last five months as just Peter Parker. I've been helping Ned with Epic games helping doing the programming and graphics mostly. I've also been working on my other private projects.

The project I've been focused on solely for the last five months is Project S.A.R.A.H, which means Spideys Awesomely Realistic Artificial Helper. I know it's not very creative but I struggled to come up with a good name for my A.I with out it having to have a second meaning, so S.A.R.A.H is all I got.

Now S.A.R.A.H is a pretty advanced A.I especially compared to anything else in the world, it's still learning and therefore cannot help me during combat but in everything else it's incredibly useful.

Into my personal life as Peter it's become a lot easier now May knows I'm Spider-Man so I don't have to hide it from her which is good. But other then that nothing has changed I'm still just a single, genius, superhero.

Guess it's time to get into my Spider-Man side of my life, which has been going great lately. Since beating Vulture the people of New York have seemed to have accepted me as part of there life's and even say hi on occasion.

My relationship with the public services has increased aswell. The fire department love me as I help save life's and put less of their men in danger which is always good. The police don't mind me is all I can't really say. I don't get involved in their cases but when there's a criminal running rampant in the city they appreciate my help.

Talking about the police, I've been in contact with one of their newly promoted detectives, her name is Yuri Watanabe. The same officer I saved during the police raid. I've been helping her on occasion especially during a dangerous case.

But all this crime solving with Yuri led to my greatest singular creation. It is Magnificent, Magical and Majestic .....it is Spider-Cop.

Spider-Cop my other alter ego, a crime solver extraordinaire. Yuri of course hates him, but his basically her partner I even made him his own suit. I call it the Black Noir suit.

(Image here —>

I've also made a few upgrade to the Mk II, such as a heads up display, a utility belt that stores a few gadgets and web cartridges, nothing special but I have been designing the MK III but I haven't started to create it yet.

~End of Chapter~